Status: I know I've been so delayed about writing this story, and I lost all of my followers because of that but I really enjoy writing this story so I'm gonna keep going. I hope you guys like it :)

Since When Do Things Not Go My Way?

Chapter 6

I sat down on the bench outside the cafeteria, unsure of what to do next. I was trying to decide what would be worse: going into the cafeteria and hearing whispers follow me everywhere I went, or not going in at all and probably having a ton of rumors spread about why I wasn't at lunch today.

"Abbie? Um...Ian's coming over here," Marissa said nervously. I looked up and my anger bubbled over. I had reached my breaking point.

"How could you? You're my boyfriend! I'm supposed to be able to trust you not to tell anybody anything! How could you do this to me?"

"I'm sorry, Abbie. I can ex-"

I cut him off. I really just didn't want to hear so stupid excuse. "What could you possible say that would justify this right now?"

"Abbie, Steph told me that you said it was okay to tell her. I really thought that you were fine with it."

"Why would you believe her like that? I've told you a million times how much she wants to destroy me. Sure, she's never been good at it, but still!"

"Abbie, I really am sorry. I don't know what happened. I just wasn't thinking."

I was about to yell again, but then I really looked at his face. I couldn't be mad at him. He made a mistake, but he cared about me. I knew he really didn't want that to happen.

I smiled. "Okay. It's okay. I know you didn't mean to. I just feel like everything is falling apart," I said, and then walked over and gave him a hug.

"Come with me," he said, "I need to talk to you for a minute."

I looked over a Marissa, not really wanting to leave her alone.

"I'll be fine. Go," she said, smiling.

Ian guided me into the gym. No one was inside so it was completely private, but it was a little dark. The only light was coming from the windows. Ian and I sat down on one of the bleachers.

"So, what's up," I asked, now curious about what was going on. Maybe he was going to throw my party for me since I couldn't do it myself.

"Okay. Well, listen Abbie. Just I'm gonna talk and your gonna listen for a bit, okay?"

I nodded, my excitement building.

"Okay. We're like the power couple right? We have been for about the past year. We've always had everyone envy us, and we were always really popular and stuff. But now that's gone. And it's kind of my fault, and I'm sorry for that. But, Abbie, I have a rep to keep up. I'm the star of the football team. And your not good for my rep anymore. I think we need to take a break."

I couldn't have heard him right. This couldn't be happening. "What?"

"I'm sorry Abbie. But I have to keep my status up, and your just going to bring it down."

The excitement completely disappeared, almost like when you you pop a ballon with a needle. Tears began to well up in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, Abbie," Ian said before he ran out of the gym.

I never cried in anyplace public, it showed too much weakness. But this time, I just couldn't hold it back. I completely broke down. I slid of the bleacher and onto the floor, and just cried. It wasn't really because Ian left me, though that was bad enough. It was just everything else on top of that. I felt like I was losing everything. My house, my money, my so called friends. Everything seemed like it was just falling to pieces.

I was crying so loudly that I didn't even hear someone's footsteps echoing off the gym walls until it was too late.

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I'm really sorry, It's been forever. But I really am trying trying to update more. What did you think? Subscribe and comment? :)