It's a Girl!


"Nikki," I whispered, nudging him softly. He shifted just a little bit but kept sleeping. I shrugged and rolled out of bed. After army-crawling out the door, I got up and straightened the baggy t-shirt he had let me borrow.

I tiptoed down the hallway, careful not to wake anybody. Surely no one was up yet. I had always been that way. The longest I had ever slept was until 7:30. Once I had reached the kitchen, I slowly opened up the fridge and grabbed the first thing I saw. Double-Stuffed Oreos. Who refrigerates Oreos? Either way, I grabbed two and nibbled at them quietly.

"What are you doing up?" Someone asked. I turned around and noticed Gunner holding a cup of coffee.

"Early riser." I shrugged.

"Hm," He laughed but he didn't smile. "Even after screwing my dad last night?"

I choked on my cookie. "What do you mean?"

He slugged my shoulder playfully. "I heard you two."

"I have no clue what you're talking about." I replied, getting up to get myself some water. He followed me.

"Oh, yes you do," He taunted as I filled a plastic cup with water. "I'm just going to keep it up until you admit it."

I sipped the water, ignoring him. "I'm not admitting anything. Cause there's nothing to admit, okay?"

"If you don't, I won't give you the antidote."

I stopped and glared at him. "What antidote?"

"The antidote to the poison you just drank!"

I shook my head and giggled. "Oh, Gunner. You make me chuckle." I tugged his hair.

"You kept me awake all night. You guys were so damn loud out there."

I plugged my ears and walked away. "I'm not listening! You're a liar! Lalalalala!"

He sighed heavily. "Yeah, you're related to Tommy, alright."

I stuck my tongue out at him. "Of course I am, you fool. And you're definitely related to Nikki. So you can just stop that this instant," I retaliated weakly. "I'm going back to bed." I started up the stairs and, of course, he felt the urge to tag along.

"Why?" He questioned, skipping behind me.

"To go back to sleep, what else?"

"You know? You fucking my dad is like me fucking Tommy."

I gagged. "No it's not! What the hell?"

"I mean fucking your mom-- whoever your mom may be. That came out wrong." He realized the mistake he had made.

"Gunner? Go away." I grinned.

He put up his hands in defeat. "Okay, okay. See you later. I have to go mow lawns right now, anyway." He laughed, turning to go back into his room. I pushed Nikki's door open and crept back in. He was still fast asleep, and he probably wasn't getting up for a few more hours. I leaned over and kissed him on the forehead.

My phone vibrated and I pulled it out. "New Text Message." I flipped it open and saw it was from my mom. It said, in perfect grammar, "Hey, honey! I miss you. What are you up to?"

I replied, "I miss you, too. I'm not doing anything." Nikki buried his face in my lap. I clicked the "send" button and turned back to him. He opened his eyes for a split second then closed them again.

Mom replied in a matter of seconds. "Are you doing anything with Tommy today?"

"I don't know yet. I'm over at Nikki's."

At that moment, Nikki propped himself up on his elbow. "Good morning." He yawned. I smiled at him and waited for mom to text back. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept pretty good." I said.

"How long have you been up?"

"About twenty minutes." I shrugged, squirming under the sheets with him.

"Oh." He rubbed his eyes and kissed my cheek. "You hungry? Cause I was planning on making cinnamon rolls or something."

"You cook? Who knew?"

He smiled. "If I don't, who will?"

I wrapped my arms around him and closed my eyes. "I talked to Gunner this morning."

"Oh, you did? What did you two talk about?"

"Nothing. Just mowing lawns and stuff," I lied, massaging his chest.

He grinned. "Well, come on. Let's go get you something to eat." He pushed himself out of bed then dragged me down the hallway. "So what would you like?"

"Um, anything."

"Alright, Storm insisted on me buying Frosted Flakes, so you can have some of those." He fixed me a bowl of cereal and sat next to me, holding my hand.

Frankie charged down the stairs. "DADDY!" She screamed. "There's a spider in my room."

"Okay. Cool." Nikki nodded at her apathetically.

"Aren't you gonna come and kill it? Please? It's a black widow!"

"No it's not," Decker walked down the stairs groggily. "It's brown, smart one."

Nikki sighed. "Why don't you kill it, Decker?"

"I'm not touching a spider. Those things are gross," Decker sat next to me. "You're the parent, here. You do it."

I got up and walked up the stairs. Everyone followed me.

"Where are you going?" Frankie asked me.

"To see the spider." I replied, opening the door to her room. After looking around, I saw it. I walked over and examined it. "Aw, it's cute."

Decker and Frankie stared at it in disgust. "No, it's icky." Frankie wrinkled her nose. Nikki bent down and picked it up.

"Come on, you guys. It can be our new pet." He watched it crawl around in his hand.

"No thank you," Decker said. "Let's just do the honorable thing and let it go." Nikki shrugged and we took the spider outside to the backyard. As it skittered away, Storm came outside. She took a look at the spider, then at us, then walked back inside. I got up and followed her. She was pouring herself some Frosted Flakes.

After completing her breakfast, she looked at me. "Hi!" She waved, shoveling a spoonful in her mouth. I walked over and sat next to her as the front door opened. Dad walked in, looked around, then walked up to me. He pulled me off the chair and gave me the biggest hug ever. No matter how much it hurt, it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Ever.

"Hi, daddy." I said meekly, trying to get my breathing back to normal.

"Hey." He grinned. "Whatcha doing?"

"Nothing really."

"So you slept in Gunner's extra bed?"

Storm looked at him. "Gunner doesn't have an extra bed..."

"Um, yeah he does." I turned and gave her a look that said, "GO ALONG WITH IT."

She seemed to get the hint. "Oh, yes. Yeah, he totally has an extra bed. She was sleeping in it. I saw her."

Tommy seemed to fall for it. Nikki walked in and gave him a hug. They did the usual, "Hey, man. What's up?" deal and I went upstairs to get dressed.

As soon as I walked into Nikki's room, I began collecting my stuff, which was strewn around the room. For some reason, my shirt was on the ceiling fan and my socks were in the bathtub. One of my shoes was poking out from his closet, and my pants were under the covers, which actually did not suprise me.

After I had found all my clothes, I quickly stripped out of the shirt and the door clicked open. Nikki stood there with that devilish smile on his face.

"Hey," He moved over to me and wrapped his big, tattooed arms around me.

"Hi," I looked up at him. "Where's Tommy?"

"Downstairs talking to the kids," He replied, running his hand down my side. A little chill shot up my spine as he carried me over to the bed.

"Nikki," I breathed. "Can I get dressed first?"

"What do you mean? That would ruin everything," He kissed my neck over and over.

I sat up and slipped my clothing on. Nikki watched me intently, looking like he was thinking incredibly hard about something, or he was in his little Nikki world. What I wouldn't give to get inside his head for like, ten minutes. No, I take that back.

Dad poked his head in just as I was buttoning my pants up. Perfect timing, huh? He looked at me, then at Nikki.

"Well, let's go home." He smiled, believing that I would never do anything with his best friend and band-mate.

Nikki got up off the bed and followed us downstairs. I said goodbye to everybody and just as I was walking out the door, Nikki pinched my butt. I glanced at him.

"Well, hello Vince." I said sarcastically.

He laughed before giving me a hug. With that, I walked over to the car and climbed into the passenger seat. Tommy started the car up and we began the drive home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about all the slow updates, everybody.
You guys are fucking awesome. I love each and every one of you.
My God, I sound kind of drunk, I think.
Each comment makes you 80% less likely to meet Lady Gaga.