It's a Girl!


"Shit!" I screamed. Nikki maneuvered the car around and we sped down the road, trying to get to the bar as fast as we could.

We pulled up to the parking lot and hopped out of the car, not even bothering to shut the doors behind us. Nikki asked anyone if they had seen her. No one was sober enough to remember. I glanced around frantically, hoping I would see her tugging people's shirts and asking them where Motley Crue had gone. But I didn't. Nikki ran up to me.

"Check the bathroom." We sprinted into the bathroom and called her name. There was no response for a few seconds, but then I heard a little whimper coming from the very last stall. Nikki and I broke the fucking door off and looked down. She was laying there on the ground, still clutching the empty whiskey bottle. Vomit covered the walls and the toilet seat. Nikki sat down and patted her back.

"You okay?"

She didn't answer. Nikki tapped her again.

"Roxanne? Are you alright?"

She sat up slowly, clutching her stomach. Nikki looked at me.

"Heeeey." She waved. "Can we go home?"

"Of course we can. Get up." I said. She got on her hands and knees and tried to push herself upright, but she just fell back down.

She burst out laughing. "I just fell! Isn't that hilarious?!"

"Yeah, that's very funny." I lifted her up and Nikki helped me carry her back out to the car. I set her in the back seat and Nikki sat next to her to make sure she didn't break anything.

"Hey, Nikki." She whispered.


"What was that stuff you gave me?"

"Um, whiskey."

"I like it. Got any more?"

"No, I don't. It's bad for you, and I shouldn't have let you have any."

"It's good." She shrugged, throwing her arms around him. "That was fun, you guys. Let's do it again."

"We won't be doing it again any time soon." I said quickly.

"Okay. I can wait."

"So, Roxie, how you doing? You seemed pretty fucking sick for a while there." Nikki touched her forehead.

"I was. I was puking all over the place. But once that was done, I felt pretty good. Though I thought the bathroom floor was comfortable, so I didn't get up."

"You're an odd kid, you know that?" Nikki laughed, kissing her on the cheek. She smiled.

"I guess so. Hey, Dad, can I call Mom and tell her about tonight?"

"No you may not." I replied quickly. "If she found out about this, I'd be dead, and so would you."

"I don't wanna die."

"No one does."

"I'm tired." She leaned over and rested her head on my shoulder. Nikki rubbed her back.

"Nikki," She looked back at him. "Do you have any kids?"

"Yep. Four." He responded. "Perhaps you could come and meet them."

"Awesome." She moved over and sat on his lap.

I turned on to my street. "You guys better not be doing anything back there!"

"Who do you think I am? Vince?" Nikki chuckled.

"He's a scary dude." Roxanne cut in. "He came into the bathroom a few times looking for me and I had to stand up on the toilet so he wouldn't see my legs."

Nikki laughed. "He's a fucking pervert, dude."

"I know! Remember that time when..." I started to say something about Vince and a vibrator.

"I don't even want to remember anything you're about to say." Nikki interrupted me. The car fell silent again.

"Nikki, I just want to let you know I have a rear-view mirror."


"Nothing." I sighed, turning into the driveway. We got out of the car and I unlocked the door. "Come on, Roxanne. Let's get you to bed."

"Okay." She nodded. I walked inside and left the door open for her. She didn't come in until about a minute later.

"Where were you?" I asked.

"Nikki was giving me something." That made my insides flip around. She held up a ten dollar bill. "You buy stuff with it."

"That's nice of him." I smiled at her, relieved.

"Yeah! It's very nice!" She beamed. "Well, I'm tired. Love you."

I hesitated a while before saying, "I love you, too."
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooh, how nice.
Short chapter, I know.
Comments for the poor and mentally unstable?