Status: Updating slowly.

She's Dancing Alone.

Ally Wilson believed that celebrity crushes weren't possible. That screaming from the crowd at a band/singers concert "Marry me ________!" wouldn't do anything. Or asking the band if they would date a fan as an interview question was stupid. There was no way any attractive young man would go for one of his fans. Especially the ones with signs to get the message across that they loved the guy, or the ones that screamed it from the crowd.

Sure the guy loved these girls, it meant more fans, and more money when they bought anything with their logo or face on it. But what was the point? Nothing would ever happened, no matter how much you showed your love for them.

But all that changed when she met Zack Merrick.

Disclaimer: I do not own Zack Merrick, All Time Low, or any of the bands, or songs used in this story. Only the story line and original characters.
  1. one .
    She held up four All Time Low VIP passes in her hand.
  2. two .
    "Baltimore maybe a big city, but you'll cross paths sooner or later"
  3. three .
    "So, anyways. I was wondering if you wanted to go to dinner tomorrow night, at 8 if you're not busy. So it's not awkward when the whole group hangs out"
  4. four .
    "There's really nothing too it. Zack's a great guy, a gentlemen and I really wanna hang out with him again" I smiled dreamily.
  5. five .
    "Hey Josh. What are you doing here?" I blushed and hid my face in my books.
  6. six .
    "It's only a matter of time until I have her wrapped around my finger" I laughed.
  7. seven .
    "I'm going to his house tonight, and that's it"
  8. eight .
    "Let me go, Josh! Stay the *** away from me!"
  9. nine.
    "Hey, don't sweat. You know you can always talk to me about anything, any time, any place"
  10. ten .
    "Okay, I admit. I may have flirted with her a bit, but nothing more than that. It was just a friendly hangout"
  11. eleven .
    Every time he kissed me on the forehead, or cheek, I got butterflies in my stomach.
  12. twelve .
    "Please, Ally. I'll do whatever it takes to make us friends again."