Status: Updating slowly.

She's Dancing Alone.

eleven .

It'd been a week since I'd last seen Zack, we usually hung out all the time but I'd been so caught up in my work I barely had time to do anything. I had two papers due tomorrow, and a test the day after. I sat at the desk in our dorm, desperately needing to finish my last paper, it was almost midnight. I typed in a few more things and thought, then looked back at my notes.

I heard Charlie's blanket shuffling behind me as she moved, and her bed squeaked as she tried to make herself comfortable. I glanced back at her, and she was now sitting up, she rubbed her eyes.

"Als, are you almost done?" she asked me groggily. I nodded at her.

"Go back to sleep, Char" I told her. She glanced at my laptop, and then back at me and shook her head.

"Ugh. I can't, all I can hear is you typing on that stupid keyboard. Will you just go to bed already?"

"I'm almost done, I swear. This is due tomorrow" I sighed. She nodded, and lay back down, pulling the blankets over her body. I typed in a few more sentences before shutting my laptop, and getting ready for bed. I got into my bunk, and pulled my sky blue blanket over myself, and letting myself fall into a state of slumber.


I was relieved, the day was finally over, I planned to go back to my dorm, rest for a couple hours, and do some last minute studying for the test tomorrow. I heard my ringtone go off in my bag. I rummaged through it to get to my phone. I looked at the called I.D.

On the screen flashed Zack's name, with a picture of he and I hanging at the amusement park, from a week ago. In the picture, he had his mouth open wide, while I fed him cotton candy, laughing. Jack was with us at the time, and took the picture.

"Hey, Zack"

"Hey stranger! Where you been all week?" he chuckled. I giggled.

"Two words - school work" I explained. "For some reason, I've been getting piles of work. It's starting to stress me out"

"Well, let me take away your stress! Come hang with me and the guys tonight after our show?" he suggested.

"I wish I could, but I have a test tomorrow, and I still don't think I'm prepared. Are you doing anything tomorrow night?" I asked him.

"Well I was going to hang out with Rian, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind if you came too" he simply stated. "Anyways, we have to hang out as much as possible. Don't forget, I get back to tour in two weeks"

"Oh, shit! I totally forgot. Okay, so it's set, me, you and Rian, the day after tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Mhmm. I gotta go though, I have to leave for the show soon. Text you after, later gator" he told me.

"Okay, later Zack" I replied, I heard a click on the other line and hung up.

Zack was amazing. One of the sweetest and funnest guys I have ever met, and I definitely felt something for him. But I think he only thinks of me as a friend. Oh well, either way I'm glad I had him as a friend.

I never thought I'd be falling for a rockstar, let alone, hanging out with one. It completely went against every rant, and complaint I had made about all the crazy fans girls, hoping that these boys would someday have a relationship with them.

So for that, I would just like to say I'm sorry to these fan girls.

There was no doubting that I was falling for Zack Merrick, and I needed to tell him soon. There's a lot of girls out there that are in the same position as I am, and he could have any girl he wanted, when he wanted.

Every time he held my hand, even for just a second, I felt an electric shock, a good one at that. Every time he kissed me on the forehead, or cheek, I got butterflies in my stomach. I wish I could stop, but there's really nothing I can do about. I knew Zack would never think of me of more than just a friend.

There's him, Zack Merrick, professional musician, bassist of hit band All Time Low.

Then there's me, Ally Wilson, plain university student.

I went down to the university's coffee shop, and bought myself a coffee, I put in a couple of cream and sugar, and went back to my door. I saw Charlie and Ava there, talking.

"Where's Nick?" I asked them. They both shrugged.

"He told us he had some work to do, and that he'd be over in a bit" Ava replied. I nodded.

Nick and I had made up after the incident with Josh. He told me that everything okay, and that I'd always been stubborn. We both apologized to each other, and everything had gone back to normal. As for Josh, I hadn't seen him ever since that night.

I took my bag off of my shoulder, and grabbed a few books from it. I flung it onto my bunk, and put my books down on my desk, seeing as I wouldn't be able to rest, I started to study again, I would take a break after.

There was a knock on the door, thinking it was Nick, I got up and answered it. But to my surprise, there stood Joshua Burlington.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks for reading!
Sorry it took a while to update!
Hope you liked it!
Thank you to all my subbers and commenters.
I appreciate all feedback, so please tell me what you think.
Peace & Love, Kennedy. : )