Sequel: Take Aim At Myself

A Loaded God Complex.

Orange isn't really my color

"I like your moves, Urie." Ryan swung his legs off the edge of the picnic table. A cool breeze swept over the eating area of the pizzeria wafting the tomato, cheese, and bread scent with it.

Ryan went into a hysterical laughing fit. I continued my jig to keep the reaction going with it. Finally, I couldn't hold it in anymore and I joined him. It got to the point where I couldn't stand, so I leaned on the table next to Ryan.

"I'm practicing for the dance."

"Seriously?!" He hit my shoulder, I nodded and he shrieked a little.

"Are- are we going together?" I cleared my throat and decided to sit down on the bench for the table.

"I'd like to… but--"

"I know." Ryan nodded to himself with a frown. All my life I was sleeping in and now sleeping for the wrong team, "Lunch is almost over." I stated mechanically as I glanced down at my watched. "I think we should get back."

Again he nodded. We threw away our half eaten pizza slices and used napkins. We were a little early, so Ryan and I went to sit by Nicole and Pete. In the cafeteria we found them in the usual spot, alone, and chatting.

"What's up?" Ryan flipped the chair and leaning against the back he wrapped his legs around it.

"I was just telling Pete someone lit my lawn on fire last night." I was startled, who in town would do that? Ryan raised and eyebrow and Pete fidgeted. "Well, it wasn't all of my lawn. They burned homecoming in it and biked away."

Nicole wasn't looking Ryan in the eyes when she talked. She concentrated on me and when she did acknowledge him she gazed past his head bashfully. She bit her lip and brushed a piece of hair behind her ear, then glanced at Pete like she was making sure she didn't forget anything.

"Yeah, and this morning I found a note in my locker."

"Only Pete and I know your combo…" I pointed out, trying to help her figure out the vandal. Ryan coughed, catching my attention I inconspicuously tried to act casual about it.

"One said to meet them in front of the school the night of the dance." A small smirk grew on Pete's face as the bell rang. Nicole punctually got up and went to put her tray away.

Pete stood up and walked around the table. Bending down he whispered in Ryan's ear, "I'd be your number one with a bullet right now…Thanks man." Then upon exit he slapped the table and pointed a finger at me, "Later Brendon."

Puzzled by the thanks from him to Ryan I tried to fit together what could have happened last night. Ryan tapped my shoulder and I got up silently, he noticed this and gave wispy chuckle.

"I'll explain later." We sauntered up to his locker with much of the lunch crowd around us who hadn't made it to theirs yet.

"Good, because I am so confused."

"Meet me after school," Without ever looking down his lock clicked open and he began gathering his books, "I have a surprise for you too."

"Ryan!" I jumped at the familiar voice of our school's head cheerleader, Ke$ha. "Hey," She sounded like she was trying to tease, "Someone looks horny." She acknowledged me giggling, making my insides churn. Ryan turned a deaf ear to it, "You're helping out with the pumpkin pick tonight, right?"

"Oh, yeah!" Ryan hit his head, "I'll be there."

"See you there," She waved, with what was supposed to be seduction. After Ke$ha left he grumbled.

"I can't stand her. Ever since she found out I was head of the community help group she joined to try and get in my pants." He explained as we walked down the hall to my locker. It made me blush and my stomach feel warm when I thought about doing something like that with him.

"Am I still going to be able to see you after school?"

"Yeah, Ke$ha's the only one signed up, but she'll probably leave after ten minutes when I don't ask her to jump all over me." Stumbling to grab a book at the bottom of my locker, I laughed nervously, "I could really use the help."

"Isn't it all little kids?" Little kids and old people were the worst, they asked too many questions and were never afraid to point fingers or spit. Ryan smiled and leaned his head lightly against the door next to mine, "O…k."

It was 4:30 when sun began to set, covering everything with a warm yellow glow. Our cheeks were tinged red with chill that comes with start of nightfall. Ryan and I were done with the school rush of the pumpkin pick. We sat on a leftover trailer from the parade, now covered with hey bails waiting for more people to come. Although, we weren't too worried seeing as how all of the picks of the litter were taken. And Ryan was right, she only showed for about 15 minutes.

"Shut your eyes." He commanded with an odd sounding excitement in his voice. Shutting them I heard the crinkled of a plastic bag being set on my lap, "Open them!"

"What's this?" I saw blaze orange, much different than the soothing orange of the pumpkins, in the bag. Picking up the wad of fabric it unfolded into a vest.

"It's a hunting vest."

"I don't hunt."

"I know," Ryan leaned forward on his knees and held out his hands, "Try it on?" I fulfilled his wishes, "Aw, it fits." He gushed.

"Ok, why am I wearing this?" I felt strange, like a contradiction.

"My dad wants to go hunting with you. Well, he really didn't want to until I asked him." His voice was no longer positive, up beat, or chatty, it was a bit guilty.


"I just want you two to get to know each other. I think it'll be for the best." I shot him a look, normally I'd trust him, but this time I was having a hard time.

"Are you sure?" He mouthed a 'yep', swallowing my paranoia, I changed conversations, "So, what happened with Pete last night?"

"I went over to his house and talked to him about Nicole. I told him to ask her out."

"I'm surprised he even let you talk." I rested my elbow on my knee and bit my thumb nail subconsciously. I was also surprised that Ryan noticed that Pete liked Nicole, I was surrounded by them daily and never had a clue. Still, it must have been obvious… so I didn't mention it.

"He didn't at first." Ryan snorted.

"I still can't believe she kissed you though…" Feeling my ears grow warm, I sighed, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. You didn't know… And sometimes it doesn't help that other people don't know what they already have. Sometimes," He paused and stared off into the patch of gourds, "They just get stuck on what's new and different."

"I think it's because you make everybody feel good." I complimented, hoping it really was one. Ryan stared at his feet and shook his head.

"I shouldn't have to."

Ryan rocked from side to side as he scoffed spitefully, it made me uncomfortable because I didn't know what to say back. It was true and I couldn't console him. It wasn't long before a costumer came and he snapped out of it. For the rest of the night I wore the vest in an effort to humor him.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next chapter is the dance!!!

Oh, man I have to start finishing now! >.<
I'm hoping it can get one more star *crosses fingers*
And how does everyone feel about a sequel from Pete's P.O.V.? Opinions would be great

Thanks guys!