Status: Thinking about starting again.. :DD

Define 'Beautiful'

Chapter One

I kept my eyes clenched tightly shut against the light, listening peevishly to my sister as she yapped a sappy goodbye to her boyfriend on the phone. I rolled over, an annoyed look on my face as I peered out of my right eye at Paige who was sitting daintily on top an overflowing pink suitcase that was perched on her zebra print comforter.
“Yeah,” she said into the phone. “I know Sweetie, bye,” she finished, hanging up. I scowled at her for ruining my Saturday morning and started untwisting myself from my blue plaid covers that I had gotten from my cousin, Earl, then I sat up, my hair a big knot ball on the nape of my neck and dad’s old t-shirt sliding down my left shoulder.
Paige snorted haughtily. “And what’re you supposed to be?” she asked snootily.
“Shut up,” I snapped back, pulling at my gray sweats. I turned to my bedside table and picked up my Star Wars clock, holding it up to Paige’s face. “Eight O’clock a.m., Paige!” I chided, slamming down the clock, “And on a Saturday too.”
“Yeah, well Miss Grump, in case you forgot I’m going to England today?” she fumed, hopping off the suit case, “Now, how about you get up and use that big ass of yours to get this suitcase to close?”
I rolled my eyes and pulled my auburn hair into an untidy ponytail, then clamored off the bed then started towards the door, “Oh gosh!” I wailed, slipping on one of my paperback Harry Potter books.
Paige burst into an uncontrollable guffaw as I rubbed my neck and climbed off the wood floor. “Dork,” she laughed as stormed into the bathroom and brushed my teeth then changed into my Rolling Stones t-shirt and a pair of Bermuda shorts that I found on the floor.
I came out to find Paige standing in front of our double-full-length mirror; I came and stood beside her. Her hair was flat ironed and she was wearing a powder pink blouse, and very short shorts. She had on pink Stilettos and a lot of makeup, while I had on no makeup at all and navy blue Converse.
Her side of our room was already practically empty as our dad came in and told us we need to get a move on. I followed Paige to our red Nissan Altima, my dad at the wheel. I stared at the passenger seat almost expectantly for my mom, who had died a year ago in a car accident, but looked away quickly as Paige occupied the seat instead and left me squished up in the back with her luggage.
“You don’t know how much we’re gonna miss you, Paige,” my dad said as we stopped for breakfast at McDonalds. “Isn’t that right, Evie?”
Evie was a nickname Paige had given me when we were younger when she couldn’t pronounce my real name Evangeline. “Yeah, sure,” I muttered, a sarcastic note to my tone.
“I’ll miss you too, Daddy,” Paige cooed, ignoring me. Paige and I were twins; she was older by five minutes and thought those few measly minutes made her superior and better than me.
We arrived at the airport a bit later and my dad hugged Paige bye and kissed forehead before making us hug reluctantly.
“Bye Sweetie!” My dad called to her as she turned down the terminal and gave us one more wave over her shoulder. And little did I know I'd soon be in stepping into Paige's shoes. Literally.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, Chapter One. :) Oh, and just so everyone of my former readers of this story know, I have changed the plot a bit and started over. (Most of it is the same, the big plot is mostly the indifferent.) Enjoy!!