Status: Complete 12/14/11

Scream Me a Dream

Chapter 102: Green Looks Good on You

Monday, November 1, 2010
7:50 am

“Tired?” Soya asked quietly as Ville lay on the airport seats, resting his head on her leg and closing his eyes.

“Just resting my eyes.” Ville muttered, feeling her fingers run through his hair, her nails scraping lightly against his scalp.

Soya rummaged through her messenger bag, grabbing her iPod and earphones and settling them in her ears, picking a random playlist and pressing play before opening her book, flipping to the page she’d left off on, letting Ville rest and entertaining herself.

Ville felt himself drift off, in that stage of being half asleep and half awake. He felt Soya’s hand rub the nape of his neck, before skimming his arm, and settling, her fingers tapping out whatever rhythm played on the song she was listening too. He felt himself relax even more against her.

They had been planning on waking up early that morning to catch their flight from Berlin to Barcelona, but their plan had been reworked, when Aida had called them nearly an hour and a half before the alarm was meant to go off. Ville couldn’t find it in him to be annoyed at the young girl; she’d been too excited about getting a part in her class play that Ville felt that excitement rub off on him, hell Soya had beamed with pride at hearing the news.

But the minute they’d hung up with Aida, they’d decided they might as well get up and start getting ready. Getting ready had entailed showering together, which had lead to some naughty things, which caused Ville to smirk into Soya’s leg as he thought about it. When they’d finally retreated from the bathroom, Soya’s alarm had gone off, prompting them to hurry through changing and packing the rest of their things.

They’d found out the night before when they’d been packing their main things, that Soya had bought more then what fit in the one suitcase. He had had to go out and buy another suitcase solely for the seven pairs of shoes Soya had ended up with. Along with whatever the woman ended up buying when they reached Barcelona, which he had a feeling would be a lot.

He felt her fingers start stroking his arm lightly only for him to hear Rosalind and Jyrki come up to them.

“Is he asleep?” Rosalind asked.

“Just resting his eyes.” Soya answered for him.

“How do you know he’s not sleeping?”

Soya laughed as her fingers started running through his hair. “Because I can practically hear him thinking. What time does your flight leave Jyrki?”

“In a half an hour, Rosalind wants to stop by the bakery in here for some breakfast; did you guys want to join?”

Soya tugged on Ville’s hair, causing his eyes to open, he turned onto his back to look at her. “Did you want to go?”

“I’m fine, you go though.” He said starting to move his head so she could get up.

Soya shook her head, tugging his hair again to keep him in place. “We’re fine Jyrki, if anything I’ll get us some coffee before our plane leaves, but thank you.”

“All right, I’ll be back.” Rosalind said dropping her bag on the seat.

“We’ll see you on Saturday Jyrki.” Ville called just as they turned to leave.

“Have a good tour!” Soya called out as well, only to turn back to him, “Did you want me to get you some coffee? Or a soda?”

Ville shook his head. “I’m fine sweetheart, keep reading.”

“Want me to read aloud?” She asked, leaning forward to kiss his forehead.

“If you want.” Ville grinned, knowing Soya enjoyed reading aloud, just as much as he enjoyed listening to her. He closed his eyes again, as Soya started reading from her book, her soft lilting voice echoing in his ears, her fingers running lightly though his hair, only moving when she needed to flip the page.

“I love you.” He said, his eyes opening, causing Soya to stumble over her words on the page, only to look down at him.

“I love you too.” She said with a soft laugh, leaning down to kiss him softly. “I think we’re going to take a nap once we get to our hotel.”

“Will Rosalind allow it?” Ville teased.

“She just wants us to have dinner over at her place tonight,”

“No shopping for you?” He teased.

Soya laughed, they’d spent over an hour the night before of Soya modeling her new underwear and shoes, while Ville piled up the receipts and counted out exactly how much she had spent. “Probably not today, but you need to remind me that we need to get Aida’s chocolates before we go back home, and I need to get her some new tights for her uniform, her old ones are starting to gets runs in them.”

“She’ll need warmer stockings then her tights if she’s going to survive the winter.” Ville pointed out, only to inwardly wince at encouraging Soya’s spending.

“And new coats.” Soya said with a grin. “Does it really bother you?”

Ville blinked as he looked up at her, she was marking the page in her book and putting it back in her bag. “Does what bother me?”

“The amount of money I spend.” She elaborated.

“Does it seem like it bothers me?” Ville asked, a bit confused as to why she had asked. Sure he teased her, especially after calculating how much she spent within two hours of parting on seven pairs of shoes, four purses and about eight underwear sets, though this didn’t include a bag she refused to let him peek into, claiming it was a surprise.

“A little bit.” She teased, her fingers running down his forehead smoothing his features. “Stop frowning Ville, you’re too young for wrinkles.”

Ville laughed. “I’m not bothered by it Soya, I’m more amused by it then anything else. I just never took you for a shopping addict. I also can’t justify spending nearly 1000 Euros on ‘fuck me’ boots.”

Soya laughed. “You love those boots!”

“I do!” Ville laughed. “I just can’t understand it.”

“But spending nearly 400 Euros on a taxidermy owl, that’s okay?”

“When they’re authentic, yes” Ville nodded. “Fine we all have our guilty pleasures; obviously yours happens to be shopping.”

Soya sighed as she chewed on her bottom lip before answering. “I’ve spent nearly the last two years in leotards, tights and ballet shoes, and when I wasn’t wearing that I was in my costumes, and when I had a day off I was in a pair of flannel pajama bottoms, one of my many band tees and sleeper socks. When I’m on tour I don’t like to dress up, because I find no point in taking the time to do so. I never wear heels as they tend to be hell on my feet after dancing for twelve to fourteen hours, and I really don’t go out to shops.”

Ville grinned at her, “So wearing heels and dressing up, this is your way of saying that you’ve been repressed for the last two years and now you have a chance to let it out?”

Soya grinned back, loving how well he understood her. “Pretty much.”

“Then I’ll let you shop.”

“It’s not your money anyway.” Soya teased. “You have no say.”

Ville frowned, only for her to smooth his forehead again as she laughed. “I’m kidding Ville.”

“No, no, I just…how do you want to do that?”

“Do what?” Soya asked

“When we get married, how do you want to handle the money thing?”

Soya shrugged. “I don’t know, I figure we’re not getting married for a while, so why worry about it?”

“Did you want to make a joint account?”

Soya laughed. “Stop worrying so much about it Ville. We haven’t even announced our engagement and you’re already worried about the money aspect of it. We’ll deal with it when the time comes.”

Ville nodded slowly, before asking one more question. “Did you want to take my name?”

Soya blinked at him. “Valo?”

Ville nodded. “Did you want to?”

“Did you want me to?”

Ville shrugged. “A part of me loves the idea of you taking my name, the other part would understand if you didn’t. I mean, you and Aida are the last of the Toivonen’s. I would think you’d want that name to live on.”

“I guess. I don’t know, I’m feeling the same way you are, a part of me wants to, a part of me doesn’t. If anything I can always hyphenate.”

Ville laughed. “Soya Eeva Toivonen-Valo. That is a mouthful.”

“Or you could hyphenate” Soya said with a raised eyebrow. “We do live in a modern society.”

“Ville Hermanni Valo-Toivonen.” Ville laughed.

Soya shook her head, her nose wrinkling as she laughed. “No.”

“What’s all this laughing about?” Rosalind asked, handing Soya a takeout cup of coffee along with setting one down on the floor next to Ville.

“Thanks Rose.” Soya smiled taking a sip of the dark liquid.

“Jyrki got them for you guys, I’m just the messenger. Now what’s all this laughing about?”

“We’re talking about how Soya going to Barcelona nearly 3000 Euros lighter but our bags are nearly ten times heavier.” Ville teased

“Keep it up, and you’re going to be lying on the ground.” Soya warned. Ville laughed as he sat up, picking up his coffee from the ground and dropping an arm around Soya’s shoulders. “Say your goodbyes to Jyrki?”

“I’ll see him on Saturday.” Rosalind shrugged.

“Is everything all right with you two?” Ville asked.

Rosalind tilted her head. “Why do you ask?”

Ville shrugged. “You guys aren’t arguing as much.”

“And that prompts something to be wrong with us?” Rosalind asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Pretty much.” Ville laughed. “Jyrki’s always told me that as long as you two are arguing or having sex, then all was right with your relationship.”

Rosalind winced. “Well, I guess we’ve all grown up. Haven’t we?”

Ville shrugged. “I guess we have.”


The two in a half hour flight from Berlin to Barcelona went fast, much like their flight from Helsinki to Berlin. Soya shared her ear buds with Ville while he ‘rested his eyes’ on Soya’s shoulder as she finished her book, nearly in tears at how different the book The Hunchback of Norte Dame was from the movie she and her sister so loved.

“I’ll never be able to watch the movie again.” she had claimed, after shoving the book back into her bag, which had caused Ville to laugh as he’d kissed her shoulder.

Once they’d touched down, Rosalind parted from them; to check to see if one of her brothers had made it to pick them up, while Ville and Soya grabbed their two bags from the luggage carousel. Once they made it to the front of the airport, they found Rosalind easily, hugging her daughter tightly as she talked to one of her brothers.

From the two times Ville had met Rosalind’s brothers, he knew the one that was standing in front of her with his arms crossed, was the oldest of the three, Luis. He was only an inch taller than Rosalind, but was the most serious of the three, very rarely talking unless asked a direct question that involved an answer more in depth then a nod or shake of his head, he also preferred answering in Spanish, rather than in English.

Standing at 5’10”, his body was lean; the black long sleeve cotton shirt he wore was stretched tightly across his chest, while a pair of dark faded jeans covered his legs. His face was covered in a week’s worth of scruff where the tips of his hair reached the tops of his shoulders. Ville knew that the minute Luis shaved, he looked like the baby of the family, losing his intimidation factor, with the baby boy cheeks he had and deep brown eyes.

Ville also knew that the minute the man actually smiled he looked like the nicest man on the earth, whereas with the frown he was wearing now as he stared at his sister, showed the obvious annoyance that was his usual demeanor.

“Hello Luis.” Soya greeted with a grin, only to get the response of Luis quirking his lips up slightly and nodding at her, only to lower his lips back into a serious line and nod at Ville.

“Don’t take his demeanor too seriously, Ville, he’s a bastard to everyone.” Rosalind assured, glaring at her brother. “Can you help me with my bags?”

Luis raised an eyebrow at his sister, causing Rosalind to glare at him. “You understand what I’m saying! Just do it Luis!”

“No con esa actitud.” He said simply, holding his arms out for his niece. (Not with that attitude.)

“No!” Impi said squirming out of her mother’s arms. “Quiere decir ‘hola’ a Tia Soya y Tio Ville!”(I want to say ‘hi’ to aunt Soya and Uncle Ville.)

Rosalind let her go, letting her hug Soya, Ville rubbing the top of Impi’s head affectionately with a grin, causing her to glare up at him.

“Since Luis is being a bit more hospitable.” Rosalind said as her brother picked up her bag. “Did you want us to give you a ride?” She looked at Ville. “Or do you not want me to know where you’re staying?”

Ville laughed, wrapping his arms loosely around Impi as she went over to hug his leg. “I’d prefer it if you didn’t know Rosalind.”

“Fine, take a cab then. Vamos, Impi.” Rosalind said motioning for her daughter.

Impi looked up at Ville, “Are you coming to dinner at Tio Hugo’s?” She asked.

Ville nodded. “I think we are, your Mom invited us.”

“Ok.” Impi nodded grinning up at them, before taking her uncle’s hand and letting him lead her out of the airport.

Rosalind stuck her tongue out at her brothers back before turning back to her friends. “Soya, you still know how to get to Hugo’s?”

“I’m pretty sure I do, but text me the address and we’ll just have the cab take us there.”

“All right,” Rosalind nodded, before giving them a teasing smile, “Then you guys are free until seven tonight.”

“So gracious of you.” Ville said with a roll of his eyes as they walked out of the airport, Rosalind laughing as she walked towards her brothers silver minivan while Ville and Soya flagged down a cab.

“So” Soya hedged after they got into the cab, Ville telling the driver quietly where to go. “Are you going to tell me where we’re staying?”

Ville laughed. “We’re staying by Rosalind…well Rosalind’s neighborhood anyway.”

Soya frowned. “There are only a couple hotels by Rosalind’s neighborhood and a hostel, are we staying in a hostel?”

Ville laughed. “No, no hostels, it’s an actual hotel. A nice one.”

“You know, you don’t have to go all out just to impress me, I’m already marrying you.”

Ville chuckled, kissing the top of her head. “Then next time we come to Spain we’ll stay at a hostel, how about that?”

“Mmm sounds perfect.” She teased, leaning up to kiss the bottom of his chin, before giving a small yawn.

“A nap does sound pretty nice doesn’t it?” Ville asked, laying his chin on the top of her head feeling her slight nod. The ride from the airport didn’t take long. They zoomed past the historic Spanish buildings and nearly twenty minutes later Ville was pulling their luggage out of the back of the cab as Soya stared up at the hotel they were staying at.

“Oh Ville…Oh!” Soya squealed.

Ville looked up from his wallet as he pulled out the proper amount of Euro’s for the cab driver, only to see his fiancé at a store window, biting her lip in excitement. Handing the money to the driver he pulled the luggage off the street and towards Soya, only to laugh when he saw what she was looking at.

“As much as I love you in heels, love, I think you’ve bought enough of them in Berlin.”

Soya sighed. “But they’re cute.” She pouted.

“They are.” Ville agreed with a nod. “As are all the other pairs you bought, come on, we’ll check in and when we’re rested we’ll come drool over your shoes.”

Soya sighed, but gave a nod, helping him with the extra bag as she followed him into Le Meridien, the hotel Ville had reserved their room at. She’d never stayed at the hotel before, usually staying with Rosalind when in Barcelona, but she did know that from Rosalind’s apartment one could see the large hotel.

Ville checked them in, Soya smiling at him when she heard the words ‘junior suite’, Just like Ville had to talk her out of buying too many heels, she really had to talk Ville into getting a standard room when they went out.

“You know,” she teased as they walked towards the elevator. “If you keep setting the standards high when we travel, I’m going to expect them higher for the next time.”

“Are you saying I should have started low and worked my way up.”

Soya laughed as they entered the elevator and nodded. “Yes, I say you should have made us stay at a hostel and then by our…I don’t know, tenth anniversary, worked your way up to a suite.”

Ville laughed, leaning against the wall of the elevator. “Well if that’s the case, we should have had sex with your wearing your flats, and worked our way up to the boots.”

Soya blushed as she playful glared at him, “You were the one that told me to keep the boots on, and the heels for that matter! What is with you and my shoes?” Soya asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ville shrugged, as he wasn’t too sure himself what it was about Soya and her heels that turned him on so damn much. Ville played with the key card between his fingers, as the elevator opened onto the fifth floor. They found their room, Ville opening the door for her and letting her in, before following himself.

Instead of looking around, as was Soya’s custom when she entered a hotel room, she left the suitcase by the couch of the small living room before opening the door that led to the bedroom.

“Nap first?” She asked kicking off her converse as she climbed onto the bed.

“Please.” Ville nodded in agreement, taking off his jacket and throwing it on the couch before following Soya onto the bed. He lay next to her, pulling her closer to him as he wrapped his arm around her waist. “Did you want to set the alarm?”

Soya shook her head. “If we wake up late, Rosalind will wake us up, I’m not too worried.”

Ville nodded closing his eyes and falling to sleep easily as he felt Soya’s own breathing even out.


Soya shifted, only for Ville’s arm that was banded around her waist to tighten, keeping her in place.

“Ville, sweetheart, loosen your grip a bit.” She whispered, trying to pull away.

“Going?” He muttered, his face truing into the pillow to keep the light from waking him up.

“I have to use the restroom.” Soya laughed, feeling his arm loosen, allowing her to roll out of bed.

After using the restroom, she washed her face and pulled the hair she’d let free into a messy bun, before leaving the restroom. She closed the curtains, not wanting Ville to wake up before he needed to, and grabbed a piece of paper off the desk that sat in the living room, writing out a quick note and leaving it on the pillow for him to find. She closed the bedroom door, and rummaged through her carry-on for her wallet before grabbing the key card off the desk where Ville had left it and left the room.

Once she made her way out of the hotel, she bit her lip as she started to walk around La Rambla, She’d only been to Spain a few times, twice with the companies she’d danced with and once for a month with Josef just before Impi had been born.

But the three times she’d been, she’d always enjoyed walking down the long strip of road with its shops, restaurants and street artists. She’d always told Josef that had she not loved New York or worked there, or loved Helsinki as much as she did, Barcelona would be a close second as to where she made her home.

She didn’t want to stay out long, she knew exactly what she was looking for and grinned when she found the magazine stand, nestled between an artist selling his paintings and a flower stand.

She smiled at the man sitting on his stool, and looked through the magazines, before finding the ones she wanted. Grabbing three magazines she started to pay the man only to stop and pull a copy of Metal Hammer off the stand as well, knowing Ville would be less likely to annoy her if he had something to entertain him. She handed the four magazines to the man, only to have him smile at her.

“Felicidades.” He said putting the magazines in the bag and accepting the money she handed to him. Of the few Spanish words she knew, she knew that meant ‘congratulations’ as she’d heard it enough times in the hospital directed to Rosalind when Impi had been born.

“Oh…um…thank you.” She said with a small smile accepting the bag, and making her way back to the hotel.

By the time she made it back to the room, Ville wasn’t in bed anymore, but she heard the water from the shower running in the bathroom. Kicking off her shoes she picked up the remote and flipped through the channels as she lay at the end of the bed on her stomach, the bag of magazines on the floor in front of her as she settled on a Spanish rerun of Will and Grace, with the English subtitles.

She grabbed the magazines, setting Metal Hammer on the free space next to her, before opening hers. She was chewing on her lip, dog-earing a page, when she heard the bathroom door open and Ville walk out pulling on his shirt.

“Where’d you go?” he asked.

“Didn’t you get my note?” Soya asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

“It just said you were going for a walk real quick.” Ville pointed out.

“Got you a magazine.” Soya said, lifting up the magazine she’d gotten for him.

“Thanks.” He said slowly, eyeing her carefully, before lying in bed next to her on his stomach and opening his magazine. He looked up at the TV, only to look at Soya curiously at her choice of show.

“It was the only thing on that was on.” She commented, looking back at the magazine in front of her.

Ville nodded, about to look back at his own when Soya’s caught his attention. “Are you looking at wedding magazines?”


Ville scooted closer to her, only for Soya to groan when he placed half his weight on her so she couldn’t move anywhere. “You are!” He laughed, flipping the cover over so he could see the words ‘Modern Bride’ on the cover.

“Oh! Get off!” She groaned, trying to shove him off of her.

“No, no, I want to look at this too!” Ville laughed as he flipped through the pages that showed not only the different types of wedding dresses but ideas for table settings, and bridesmaid’s dresses.

“Ville!” Soya whined. “It’s the reason I got you Metal Hammer! So you would leave me alone while I looked at dresses!”

“Since when did you want to look at dresses, I like that one.” He said pointing to a page. “Get that one.”

“For a while now, and you have no say in my dress!” Soya said still trying to shove him off her.

“Why don’t I get a say in your dress?” Ville asked frowning at her.

“Because you don’t!” Soya laughed. “Ville get off! You’re heavy!”

“You were not complaining about the weight last night.” Ville smirked.

“Because you usually keep most of your weight off of me, Ville!” she laughed.

Ville rolled his eyes and took his weight off her settling next to her. “I still don’t see why I can’t have a say in your dress.”

“Because the men aren’t allowed to see the dress before the wedding.”

“Yeah, see it, doesn’t mean I can’t help you pick it.”

“Ville, read your magazine.” Soya laughed.

“So, I get to pick nothing for this wedding?” Ville asked, as he looked back down at his magazine.

“I didn’t say you couldn’t pick anything for the wedding.” Soya laughed. “You can help with…you know the flowers, and place settings when the time comes.”

Ville looked over at her. “So flowers, I’m in charge of flowers?”

“I said nothing about you being in charge of them, just that you know…you can help. Anyway, I’m not even choosing a dress; I’m getting ideas, which is stupid, as we haven’t even announced our engagement, let alone set a date.”

Ville stared at her, before speaking again. “So am I allowed to choose what I wear?”

“Ville!” Soya laughed, looking over at him.

“What?!” Ville laughed back, “I’m guessing if I can’t help with choosing your dress, I also have no say in what I wear, and I have a feeling you’re going to stick me in a suit.”

“I’d prefer a tux.” Soya said with a roll of her eyes. “And if I let you pick, you’d be standing at the altar in black jeans and a Black Sabbath t-shirt, that you probably stole back from me, don’t think I didn’t notice my Rolling Stones shirt in your dresser drawer.”

My Rolling Stones shirt.” Ville corrected looking back down at his magazines. “Jonna would have let me wear jeans.” He didn’t even have a chance to wince at his words, before Soya’s magazine was rolled up and hitting the back of his head. “Soya-”

“Jerk.” Soya muttered, rolling off the bed.

“Oh, come on! It was a joke.” He protested, grabbing for her hand, only for her to skirt around him as she went to the bathroom.

“Persereikä.” She cursed at him, before slamming the bathroom door shut, causing Ville to raise an eyebrow at the door. It was one thing for her to be a bit miffed at his mention of his ex-fiancé, especially in the context that he’d mentioned her in. But to call him an ‘asshole’, Ville smirked, green was great color for Soya.

Ville rolled off the bed, making sure he had his wallet before he left the hotel room, he had some making up to do, as he was pretty sure Soya wouldn’t easily forgive him for the mention of his ex.


Soya wasn’t sure why she was upset, she just knew she was. In the back of her mind, she knew Ville had been joking when he’d mentioned his ex, but it still bothered her. The anger had risen when she’d left the bathroom after her shower, only to find the hotel room empty, so she’d grabbed her clothes and went back to the bathroom cursing him. She was pretty sure she’d called him a coward at one point of her rant.

She dressed in a pair of black skinny jeans and a white t-shirt with a stylized feather print along with a black open vest, her hair up in a ponytail before leaving the bathroom, only to stop when she saw Ville flipping through one of her wedding magazines in the chair at the corner of the room.

“Where did you go?” She asked crossing her arms over her chest. She watched his lips quirk up, before they smoothed back into a line, as if he were trying to hide his laughter.

“Getting you something to get me out of trouble.” He said motioning towards the bed.

Soya frowned at him, before looking towards the bed, seeing a bundle of mixed flowers on top of a white box with a red ribbon wrapped around it.

“You did this while I was taking a shower?”

Ville nodded. “I did.”

Soya walked to the bed slowly, picking up the mixed flowers and bring them to her nose, hiding her smile, before playing with the ribbon on the box. “Are you doing this because you don’t want me to be mad at you anymore?”

Ville dropped the magazine on the floor, not bothering to hide his grin. “Yes, though I really don’t think I have anything to apologize for. Go on; open the box before you glare at me.” He laughed.

Soya looked back at the box, untying the ribbon, and lifting the lid, only to bite her lip as she saw the shoes that lay there.

“Did I do good?” he asked.

Soya ran her finger over the black lace peep toe booties, before looking back at Ville. “You did very good.”

“Come here.” He laughed, motioning over to him. Soya moved over to him, straddling his lap and wrapping her arms around his neck.

“You’re still a jerk.” She murmured, kissing him softly.

“I know.” Ville laughed, running his hands underneath her shirt and rubbing her back. “It’s all right to be jealous.”

“I am not!” Soya exclaimed pulling back wide eyed.

“You are.” He smirked. “You know I didn’t mean what I said seriously, but one mention of my ex, and you’re storming off and calling me an asshole.” He teased, leaning up to kiss her. “Green looks wonderful on you.”

“I’m not…” Soya blew out a breath before rolling her eyes at herself. “Fine I am.”

“Like I said, it looks good on you.” He murmured, moving his fingers up her back and unsnapping her bra.

“Ville!” Soya exclaimed when she felt her bra come apart, trying to bite down on the moan when his fingers trailed down her spine.

“You know what’s best about arguing?”

“We weren’t arguing.” Soya muttered, giving him a small smile through hooded eyes. “But what?”

“The making up.” He teased, moving his fingers around her back to her stomach before settling his fingers on the button of her jeans and separating the material.

Soya shook her head. “You, Mr. Valo, have a way with words.”

“So you’re not mad at me anymore?” Ville asked, lifting her hips so he could shove her jeans down.

“I don’t know, depends on how good the sex is.” She teased, unbuttoning Ville’s jeans, patting his hips motioning him to lift up.

“Oh trust me,” he laughed as she shoved his jeans down. “It’s going to be amazing.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Soya's Outfit

Okay I lied, couldn't wait until Sunday, mostly because I finished 103 today and I started on 104 and have a feeling it'll be done soon lol. That and I really missed all of your guys comments :P

Thank you guys so much for the comments on the last chapter!! Glad you all enjoyed!!! Next chapter will be up as soon as 104 is finished. Until I get caught up again, I think this is the way I'm going to post. Sorry for the lack of schedule :/

As always the preview's been picked!! So leave your thoughts and I'll be sure to send it out!!!
