Status: Complete 12/14/11

Scream Me a Dream

Chapter 37: The Award

Soya looked around the backstage with a frown as she looked for the familiar redhead, only to come up empty.

“Emmy! Has anyone seen Emmy?!”

“She’s right behind you.” Grace, a blonde advanced dancer, laughed, pointing behind Soya’s shoulder. Soya turned and saw Emmy talking excitedly with Regan, causing a sigh of relief to escape from Soya’s lips. She felt like she had lost at least half of her dancers throughout the night, only to find them a few feet away.


Emmy turned and smiled, before grabbing Regan’s hand, pulling him towards Soya. “What’s up?” Emmy asked.

“I’ve been looking for you. You guys are almost up; I need you all in your places.”

Emmy nodded. “Hey, we’re almost done, and guess what?”

Soya gave a wry grin, “What?”

“Everything went perfect.” Emmy laughed, pulling a grinning Regan towards their spots as Soya watched the intermediate class finished up, taking their bows, before Josef walked out to the stage to introduce the advanced class.

“We so kicked their butts.” Jenna muttered, to one of the other girls, causing Soya to laugh. There had always been a small rivalry between the Intermediate classes that Josef mostly taught and Soya’s advanced classes. Mostly because Josef held his class at a higher standard, so they learned advanced techniques that Soya taught her class as well. All in all, they were at the same level, just because of ages, they were placed in different classes.

Soya bit her lip, as she watched her advanced class take their places on stage and couldn’t help but feel nervous. She’d never followed up with Josef on how the choreography had worked out and if he had changed it, also the fact that Soya had had no part in creating the piece had her nervous.

“You okay?” Josef asked as he stood next to her just as the slow music of the classical piece started.

“Did you change the transitions?” Soya asked her eyes still on her class.

“I did, but Anya changed them back after you left rehearsals today.”

Soya rubbed a tired hand over her face, “This makes me nervous.”

“They’ll be fine.” Josef assured.

Soya crossed her arms over her chest tightly, wincing when she watched Regan struggle to make the transition from his pirouette, to stretching out to catch Emmy, reaching out just in time to grab her from her jump.

Soya shook her head in frustration. “I don’t know why Anya doesn’t listen.”

“Anya has had a more clinical training Soya.” Josef pointed out, wincing when one of the girls, missed her landing.

Soya sighed. “I know, but even with clinical training, she should know that these transitions are horrible Josef.” Soya groaned, frustration rising in her. “I despise confrontation, but I need to talk to her about it.”

“I’ve uh…” Josef hesitated, causing Soya to look up at him.

“You’ve what?”

“I heard from Megan,” Josef started, talking about one of the dancers from their company that also helped at the studio regularly. “That Anya’s thinking of moving back to Russia.”

Soya stared at him. “When?”

“I don’t know.” Josef shrugged, keeping his eyes averted. “It’s just a rumor; you know what a little gossip Megan is.”

Soya did know; the one time Megan had seen Soya kiss Josef on the lips, the whole studio had known within five minutes. Not only had the company known, but the simple kiss between friends had turned into a full blown make out session and even some inappropriate groping involved as well.

“I’m still talking to her.” Soya said looking back on the stage, as the dance started to wind down. “I’ll let things cool down, and if Anya doesn’t approach me by the start of the month, I’m talking to her. This is unacceptable.” Soya said, shaking her head as she saw the lights go down, but was able to catch the look of frustration on her students faces as they stepped towards the stage.

She couldn’t help the sigh of frustration that escaped when she heard her students grumbling to themselves and noticed how tense they all were.

“Hey.” Soya said, knowing the parents could wait for her to go back out, she gathered her class and smiled at them. “You guys did wonderful.”

“Are you serious?” Jasmine asked with a raised eyebrow. “Anya fucked everything up.”

Miss. Anya” Soya said with a raised eyebrow of her own. “Just because you’re frustrated doesn’t mean you shouldn’t show her the same respect you show me. Tonight was a learning experience.”

“Yeah. Not to listen to Miss. Anya.” Brad muttered, causing a few snickers to escape.

Soya couldn’t help the small smile that escaped. “Look, there were a few things that could have been avoided, we all know that, but all in all you were all wonderful and I don’t want you putting yourselves down. We all have our bad nights, even me, and even Josef.” Soya laughed, looking over her shoulder while he raised an eyebrow.

“I’ve never had a bad night in my life.” Josef said haughtily, causing Soya to snort.

“Right, never.” She said with a roll of her eyes, before turning back to her class. “This isn’t meant to bring you down; it’s just a learning experience, all right?” She saw them nod but still saw they were upset and were ready to put themselves down. “If you don’t cheer up, I’m not buying any of you Mickey Mouse ears from Disneyland.” She warned, before turning and going back onstage, though she smiled when she heard her class start laughing behind her.

The spotlight followed her when she stepped out on stage, she was about to grab the microphone when she felt a hand grab hers. She looked up and saw Josef grinning at her, before stealing the microphone away.

“Ah, at this time,” Josef started, causing Soya to watch him in confusion. “We end the showcase with all the classes coming out and giving a group bow but tonight it’s a bit different.”

“It is?” Soya whispered.

“Oh yes, miláček,” Josef smirked. “It’s very different. Have a seat right over here.” He said, leading Soya to the center of the stage where a stool was now sitting. “I have a story to tell.”

Soya took a seat, knowing it was better not to argue with Josef. He stood next to her as he began to talk, smiling at her.

“A few months ago, I have to say around February or so, I received a call from our dear little Emmy from our advanced class, saying that the class had gotten together and wanted to do something for Soya.”

Soya’s eyes widened as she looked over towards the side of the stage and saw Emmy shifting nervously next to Regan.

“She called me for ideas as to what would be the perfect act of appreciation.” Josef shrugged. “Whenever I want to thank Soya I just buy her something I know she wants, I’ve never had to really think about it. So I had no idea what I could do to help, apparently they didn’t need much of my help at all.” Josef smirked at Soya. “You have no idea how much these kids love you Soya.”

Josef held out the microphone, and Emmy walked out on stage taking it from him with a grin. He walked off stage leaving Emmy to talk.

“I…Uh….don’t know how many of you guys know this, obviously our parents do.” Emmy said to the crowd. “But Miss. Soya’s advanced class is actually the original ten she started with when she first opened her studio. We were all coming from different studios or just starting out and Miss Soya took us under her wing and whipped us into shape, until we became the dancers we are today.”

Emmy looked over at Soya. “Because of you, five of us are going to performing art schools, not just because of the letters of recommendations you sent out, but on our own merits.” She looked back over at the crowd. “Because this is our last year at the Miss. Soya’s, the ten of us wanted to give her a large thank you gift. Originally it was a slide show of pictures throughout the years, set to Green Day’s “Time of Your Life”. Unfortunately the one and only copy ended up shattered, due to my boyfriend’s vehemence that it wasn’t good enough. So another phone call was made to Josef.”

Emmy looked back over at Soya. “We decided we wanted to take everything we’ve learned from you,” Emmy said pointedly. “And show you that your hard work hasn’t and will never go to waste. So we called Josef and asked him what your favorite song was and he swore that ever since this song came out, you listen to it before you go on stage to perform. So if you’d like to follow Mr. Valo.” Emmy grinned.

Soya looked over Emmy’s shoulder at Ville who was waiting at the steps. Soya stood and allowed Emmy to lead her over to Ville, who in turn lead her down the steps, to two empty seats in the front row.

“We hope this makes you proud Miss. Soya.” Emmy said, as Soya took her seat. The microphone was turned off and moved just as the lights dimmed.

“Do you know what’s going on?” Soya asked, looking at Ville, her hand gripping his nervously.

“A bit.” Ville admitted quietly. “They really do love you Soya.”

Soya was about to respond, only to turn in surprise when the beginning chords of The Kiss of Dawn flowed through the speaker systems, watching in even more surprise when her class danced out with choreography that she had no part in teaching them.

“Oh!” she squeaked, covering her mouth with her hands as she watched Regan and Emmy lead the class.

I’m reaching for your shadow drowning in
The kiss of dawn
Touching the pain that you left me with
At the kiss of dawn

She watched as the five boys in her class reached for the girls, their fingertips brushing before pulling away and dancing away from each other, each of her students light on their feet and dancing with an ease that their previous performance lacked. She remembered what Emmy had said before the performance started. ‘We wanted to take everything we’ve learned from you and show you that your hard work hasn’t and will never go to waste.

She felt the tears prick her eyes and quickly reined them in; she didn’t want any tears obstructing her view from her class. She felt Ville grip her hand in comfort, knowing that watching her class was a bit overwhelming.

She’d been with them when they first learned their basic positions, to their first recital, having calmed their nerves. She had assured her male students who had joined, because they had to for football, that ballet wasn’t just for girls and had assured her female students that not all male dancers were gay.

Watching them now, five years later, performing their own choreography, and knowing that five of those students, three girls and two boys were heading to some of the best performing arts schools in the states. The idea that she had had a part in that was…she shook her head. She had just wanted to teach dance, she never thought she had had that big of an impact on her students. Obviously, she had, she thought as she watched Jasmine’s flawless jump into Brady’s arms into a fish dive dip they had learned just a month ago.

The music ended, with the couples on their tiptoes, reaching for each other, their fingertips barely brushing, before the lights went out. She absently heard the clapping surround her, and as she stood to join, she felt Ville grab her hand and lead her back towards the stage.

“Wait.” She said wanting to cheer her students.

“Not over yet.” He whispered in her ear as he led her up the steps, the lights coming back up when he reached the microphone. “Hello,” he said, keeping Soya near him, when she tried to move away. Probably to go find her class, he thought amused.

“I’m Ville,” he said, giving a slight wave when he heard a few fans in the audience scream. “I’m an old friend of Soya’s and Emmy approached me about an hour ago, asking me if I would be willing to do this and really I thought I would say what Emmy told me to say, but in the last hour I found my own voice, so forgive me Emmy for going off script.”

“It’s okay!” Emmy shouted from back stage, causing him to grin.

“I’m sure, from Soya’s reaction, to what I believe was an amazing performance just now, that Soya had no idea the impact she’s had on her own students. I can honestly say Soya, that your students love you, if not admire you.” He said looking over at her, noticing the blush on her cheeks, before looking back at the crowd.

“From what I’ve seen and heard from Soya and Emmy herself, Soya isn’t just a dance teacher to her students, she’s a teacher, a friend,” he thought of Regan and her obvious affection for him. “A guardian.”

He looked back at Soya. “All of your students got together, chipped in and decided that the advanced class’ performance just wasn’t enough. So it is my pleasure to present Soya with the first and only ‘Best Dance Teacher of the Whole World of Dance’ award.”

Soya turned when she felt someone behind her, only to find herself covering her mouth in shock when she saw all her students start filing out, Emmy and Regan leading the pack while Emmy held a plaque in her hands.

“Three guesses as to who came up with the award name.” Emmy whispered, motioning to the toddler class, causing Soya to give a watery laugh and hug Emmy to her.

“You have no idea how much this means.” Soya whispered in Emmy’s ear.

“This was all Regan’s idea.” Emmy whispered back. “You have no idea how much you mean to him.”

“I think I do now.” Soya answered, before grabbing Regan and hugging him. “You are an amazing young man, you know that?”

“It was nothing.” Regan shrugged.

“It’s everything.” Soya said as she pulled away, wiping her eyes when she felt a few tears make their way down. “Maybe it’s enough to extend your curfew.”

Regan laughed. “Just a maybe, huh?”

“I love you Regan.” Soya said giving him another hug and kissing the top of his head. “From the minute I saw you, I knew you were going to be something amazing, I just never knew how amazing you’d end up being.”

“Thanks Soya.” Regan said pulling away and handing her the plaque Emmy had handed him. “We all pitched in.”

Soya accepted the plaque from Regan and couldn’t help but grin. On the wooden frame was a pair of golden ballet shoes on tip toes, while her name and the award’s name were engraved on a golden plaque.

“I can honestly say, this is the best award I’ve ever received, and it’s going to hang right behind Brooke’s desk so everyone can see.”

“Good.” Regan was about to walk away towards his friends, when he reached Soya’s arm. “Was it good enough for Emmy to sleep over?”

Soya laughed, and gave a nod. “But one of you on the couch.”

“Great!” Regan smiled as he went over to his group. Soya turned and saw that the parents had already started to scatter, grabbing their children from off the stage. She noticed Ville who had been joined by Bam and Missy at the side of the stage talking to a few of the students, who had produced paper and pens for them to sign.

Biting her lip she tucked her award under her arm, as she made sure all the younger children were finding their way to their parents safely. Accepting the ‘Congratulations’ and ‘You deserved it’ from the adults who started talking to her.

A half hour later, she was waving goodbye to the last of the parents, hugging her last student, before closing the lobby door, locking it, and going back to the theater where Ville, Bam, Missy were sitting on the stage, their legs hanging off the end, while Emmy and Regan stood talking to them.

“Where’s Josef?” Soya called as she made her way down the aisle.

They all turned to her, before Regan answered. “He paid Jeremy, with money.” Regan amended at Soya’s raised eyebrow. “And said to tell you he was having dinner with Russell, but he’d be home later tonight so not to turn on the alarm.”

“Perfect.” Soya nodded. “You guys ready for dinner?”

“Actually.” Bam started with a smirk. “Missy and I are meeting up with some friends, going to do a bar crawl.”

“We also decided on getting a room tonight since Ville leaves tomorrow,” Missy put in with her own grin.

Ville rolled his eyes. “All lies, they came up with this five minutes ago,” he looked at Soya. “They want me to go sleep at your house.”

Soya laughed. “That’s fine.”

Regan gave a sigh of relief. “Maybe now you’ll sleep.”

Soya hit his arm. “You quiet, or I’ll take back what I said about your curfew.”

“You haven’t been sleeping either?” Bam asked.

“I’ve been sleeping!” Soya said crossing her arms over her chest.

“From what Dunn’s told me, Ville hasn’t been sleeping either.” Bam smirked.

“I’ve been sleeping.” Ville muttered.

“Bullshit!” Bam laughed. “Dunn says that around three every morning, he hears you start playing the guitar and not stop until like four thirty or five, ever since Soya left.”

Ville shrugged. “Just haven’t been able to.”

“Soya’s been stressed.” Regan grinned. “Though Josef swears it’s because…”

“I’m hungry.” Soya announced, cutting Regan off. “Who else is hungry?”

“I am.” Ville said quickly. “I’ll go grab my stuff from Bam’s car.” He grabbed the keys from Bam’s outstretched hand, ignoring Bam’s grin.

“Great.” Soya smiled as she got up onto the stage. “I leave in ten minutes Regan, so you and Emmy grab your stuff and meet me outside.”

“Got it.” Regan nodded, both couples watching Ville and Soya leave.

“I really wonder how they’re going to sleep once Ville leaves.” Missy said absently.

“I see a lot of long distance charges on Soya’s future cell phone bills.” Emmy answered, causing Missy to grin at her.

“Trust me; I think the same goes for Ville.” Bam said, amazing at how a week had brought Ville and Soya so close together it was impossible for them to sleep away from each other.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hope you all enjoyed the chapter and well as Soya’s surprise :) Thank you all for the comments on the last chapter.

As I’ve been doing with the last few chapters, all your comments deserve something in return, so the preview for the next chapter has been picked, leave your comments if you want it! lol

Can’t wait to see what you guys have to say! Next chapter up Wednesday!
