Status: Complete 12/14/11

Scream Me a Dream

Chapter 50: The Mad House

“Now, we’ve set you up in Josef’s old room, I hope you don’t mind sharing the room with him, Soya.” Ivana said as she motioned for Johan and Július to take her belongings up the stairs.

“Of course not, and I could have taken my things up Ivana.” Soya said, watching the two men head up the stairs.

“Oh, nonsense, you’re a guest in this house.” Ivana said with a wave of her hand.

“As am I and I still have to take my things up.” Josef muttered.

“Josef, chlapeček (baby boy), I love you, but don’t complain.” Ivana warned. “You’re never too old to be bent over a knee.”

“I’m going, I’m going.” Josef muttered as he dragged his suitcase up the stairs and turned the corner, only for Soya and Ivana to both turn when they heard a scream and a loud thump before Július and Johan’s laughter rung through the house.

“Good to have your boys home?” Soya asked as she followed Ivana through the foyer and into the sitting room.

“Oh, it’s always good to have the house full again.” Ivana grinned as she settled down on the loveseat, Soya sitting down on the chair next to her. “How have you been Soya?” Ivana asked with a kind smile, leaning over to pat Soya’s knee. “We talk to Josef nearly every week, but I only hear from you once a month, I feel like I’ve lost a daughter.”

Soya blushed. “Oh Ivana, I never meant for you to feel that way.”

“Of course you didn’t miláček!” There was another loud thump, causing them to look up at the ceiling before Johana’s voice rang out loud and clear.

“Let him go Johan! The man is twenty nine now!”

“Oh let me have my fun Johana!” Johan dismissed. “I haven’t seen my little brother in two years.”

“Július, tell him to leave Josef alone!” Johana ordered.

“Drop him Johan.”

“No! Don’t drop me!” Josef yelled, before another thump was heard.

Ivana rolled her eyes and patted Soya’s knee, “Catching up will have to wait, why don’t you go make sure they don’t kill Josef in their excitement to have their little brother back.”

Soya nodded, “All right.” She laughed, before heading upstairs. She turned the corner and walked down the long ornate hallway, coming to an open door where Johana was leaning against the door jamb.

“What’s going on up here?” Soya asked, standing next to Johana.

“Just brotherly bonding.” Július assured with a grin.

“Brotherly abuse is more like it.” Josef muttered as he flipped open his suitcase, glaring at Johan who was laughing at him.

Soya grinned. While Josef was the most picked on in his family, they all cared deeply for each other; his brothers were just as protective about each other as they were towards their sisters. Josef had told her once, that while they tended to be rough with him, it had been nothing compared to what they had done to the children in his primary and secondary school when Július and Johan had found out Josef was being picked on by other students.

Apparently, the only people allowed to pick on Josef were his family, everyone else was off limits; while they tended to overdo it at times just to get on Josef’s nerves, Soya had always been able to see the brotherly affection between the three.

“Just don’t kill him.” Soya said as she crossed the room, sitting on the bed next to Josef. “I still need my dancing partner.”

“Tell us Soya, what’s new with you?” Johan said lying on the bed, pushing Josef’s suitcase off when his back was turned, to make more room.

“Souložit Johan! Dost!” (Fuck Johan! Enough!) Josef cursed, glaring at his brother.

“Omlouváme.”(sorry) Johan muttered with a roll of his eyes.

“So, Soya, what is new with you?” Johana said, throwing herself on top of her twin, who groaned in protest.

“You’re heavy Johana, get off.”

“So are you fat ass, stop bitching, isn’t that what you told Josef earlier?” Johana grinned.

“That was Július!” Johan argued.

“Aren’t you more interested in what’s new with your brother?” Soya asked, looking over at Johana, use to the siblings’ bickering between conversations.

“Of course not,” Július snorted. “We talk to him every week, you on the other hand…”

“Oh!” Soya felt her cheeks heat as Josef gave her a teasing grin, before he turned to hang another shirt in the closet. “You’re worse than your mother Július! She made me feel guilty too!”

“You’ve been avoiding us!” Johan said dramatically “Do you not love us anymore?!”

“And you’re worse than Josef with your drama!” Soya laughed.

“Hey! I take great offense to that!” Josef said turning towards her to glare. “And she has a boyfriend.”

Soya glared at Josef, while Johana leaped off the bed and closed the door, making sure the lock was in place. The only people in Josef’s family that didn’t know he was gay were his parents. He had told his siblings a month before he had left for New York and they had accepted it wholeheartedly.

“You have a boyfriend!” Johana squealed, covering her hands with her mouth.

“I don’t like us talking about this without Mila here.” Johan admitted as he sat up to lean against the headboard of the large bed. “But, fuck, I’m curious, who’s the man?”

“He’s a rockstar.” Josef said, egging on the conversation.

“Is he good to you, little sister?” Július asked with a teasing smirk.

“He’s not my boyfriend!” Soya argued, before sending her own glare at Josef. “Do you see what you’ve started?”

Josef shrugged. “I see nothing wrong with sharing your personal information.”

“Who is he?” Johana asked, sitting back on the bed, this time next to Johan instead of on him.

“I’m not-“

“Ville Valo.” Josef answered for her, causing Johana to squeal and launch herself at Soya, toppling them both off the bed.

Soya groaned as she lifted her head to see the three bothers laughing. “Johana get off!” Soya told her pushing on the older woman’s ribs.

“I can’t believe you’re dating Ville Valo! He’s so…” Johana gave a dreamy sigh.

“You have a husband!” Soya reminded.

“One I love very much!” Johana agreed. “But I can’t believe…Oh!”

“He’s not my boyfriend!” Soya groaned.

“Please don’t tell me its causal, I’ll go to Finland myself and kill the bastard.” Johan warned as he looked at her from the lip of the mattress.

“It’s not!” Soya glared at Josef. “Josef has a boyfriend too!”

Johana turned and launched herself at Josef. “Oh! My baby brother’s found someone!”

“Damnmit Soya!” Josef groaned, trying to push his sister off him.

Július smirked at Soya. “Don’t think we’ve forgotten about you little sister, you may have distracted Johana, but not me.”

“I never would have thought that for a minute Július.” Soya said, leaning back against his legs. “And yes, he’s good to me.”

“But you’re not dating?” he asked, as the twins attacked Josef with questions about his boyfriend.

Soya bit her lip. “Not officially.” She hedged. “We’re allowing everything to settle down before we talk about it. What about you Mr. Married man?”

Július laughed. “Distracting me with my wonderful life is not going to work. Tell me about him.”

Soya laughed, resting her chin on his knee. “Jealous?”

Július gave a booming laugh, causing the others in the room to turn towards them. “Oh, innocent Soya, I loved you once, I’ll admit that.”

Soya grinned. “But no more?”

“What man in this lifetime doesn’t succumb to falling in love with you Soya?” Johan teased.

Soya stuck her tongue out at him, causing Johana to laugh. “Oh! Soya really is one of us; all that’s missing is the blonde hair and blue eyes.” Johana’s eyes widened. “Can I dye it?”

“No!” Soya laughed as she pulled her braided hair, over her shoulder as if protecting it. All the Kolar children ultimately had the same personality: loud, easy going and protective; but even with the overlaying personality, they all had their unique quirks.

Július was the oldest at 35, he tended to be the leader in everything the siblings did and what he said went no arguments. Július tended to be the mediator in all the fights, mostly because of that authoritative persona he had, but Július was rarely serious, most of the time Soya had seen him, he would have a smile on his face and a laugh waiting to be shared.

Július had started a tourist agency with his younger brother Johan, where tourists came and were able to take different day tours around Prague, visiting the sites. The small company had transformed into one of the best agencies in Prague, not only showing the tourist the day sites, but also organizing week trips around all the different sites The Czech Republic had to offer. Július was the most recent to get married, nearly two years prior to an American woman who had apparently walked into the agency wanting a personal tour, Július had volunteered and the rest was history.

Johana, who was 33 being the second oldest by two minutes, was easily distracted and tended to get over excited about the little things, thus the reason why she had tackled Soya to the ground upon hearing of her blooming relationship with Ville. She had married her high school sweetheart at nineteen and had a ten-year-old girl and a five-year-old boy. Ultimately, she was a stay at home wife, while her husband worked as a lawyer, but at times, she would help with reception at Július and Johan’s tourist agency.

Johan was a bit more focused than his twin, though he also had his moments of over excitement, he tended to let his twin do the jumping up and down, while he stood back and watched. For the most part, Johan was the prankster of the siblings and while Josef was the butt of most of Johan’s pranks and jokes, he had no qualms on victimizing his other siblings or even his parents.

However, from the stories Soya had told, he had mostly quit on his family and had started in on his wife, much to his wife’s chagrin. Johan had a three-year-old daughter with his wife of five years. He owned half the agency with Július, but not one for being in the office, he tended to give the tours, leaving the paper work to Július.

Jarmila, or Mila was 32 and was the quietest one of the Kolar’s, which was odd in the family. She tended to withdraw a bit more into herself and keep to the sidelines, allowing her brothers and sister to do the yelling, while she inserted her opinion once the excitement died down. She’d married at twenty to an English man she’d met at Oxford while both were studying Art History. She had a newborn baby boy and worked with her father doing freelance art restorations at museums.

“You’d look pretty as a blonde.” Johana sighed as she sat next to Josef’s suitcase.

“I’m not dying my hair blonde, Johana, and I’m not cutting it!” Soya laughed.

Johana snapped her fingers, “Damn, I thought this would be the year I would convince you to.”

Josef smirked. “Ville likes it long.”

“I regret telling you anything!” Soya said, glaring at her friend, only for all them to snap their heads in the direction of the door, when the knob rattled.

“Why in the world is this door locked?!” Ivana’s voice asked on the other side. “Josef, open this door now.”

Johan snorted and Josef crossed the room and unlocked the door, opening it to allow his mother in.

“Sorry,” Josef said, kissing his mother’s cheek. “The lock is tricky.”

“Of course it is. What are you all doing up here?” Ivana asked.

“Catching up with our baby brother and our litter sister, mum.” Július said with an innocent grin.

“Well, go outside and catch up” Ivana said. “Josef you can unpack later, go outside and play.”

Play?” Johana rolled her eyes. “Mum, we’re in our thirties, we don’t play anymore.”

“Johana, you and your brothers will go outside and catch up, it’s much too nice outside to be locked in a room.”

“Fine.” Johana sighed as she started out of the room.

“Soya,” Ivana said as she noticed Soya start out of the room behind Július who had his arm wrapped around Josef’s shoulders. “If you want to rest sweetheart, you’re free to stay up here until dinner.”

Soya couldn’t help but giggle and hug the older woman. “Thank you Ivana, but I think I’ll go outside with the rest of them.”

“If you’re sure.” Ivana nodded watching as a grinning Soya followed the rest of her children down the stairs.

Soya settled down on the iron wrought table that sat on the large porch in the Kolar’s backyard. Ivana and her husband Krištof had a large home tucked in the countryside of Prague. The house itself was an old style home, one a person would most likely have in the 1800’s belonging to a duke awaiting men to come claim his daughters.

Soya looked up from the table as she accepted the sunglasses Josef held out for her, when Johan gave a yell of triumph as he ran back from the edge of the property holding a soccer ball over his head.

“Oh, are we really playing outside?” Johana asked as Július grinned at her. “I was telling Mum the truth, we really are too old for this shit.”

“Speak for yourself.” Július laughed as he jumped off the porch to kick the ball around with Johan.

Johana looked over at Josef, who was looking back at her with a raised eyebrow. “I’ll play if you do.” Johana said with a teasing smirk.

Josef looked down at his shoes, before rolling his eyes. “Fine, Soya?”

Soya was about to agree, when her cell phone chirped in her pocket. Taking it out, she gave a grin, causing Josef to sigh.

“And we’ve lost Soya.”

“Why?” Johana asked looking at Soya who was looking at Josef in confusion.

“Yes why?” Soya asked.

“That stupid grin you get,” Josef teased. “You only get it when Ville calls. Answer the phone Soya, join us when you’re done.”

“Yes, Soya,” Johan teased, leaning over the railing. “Join us.” He said lowering his voice and making it sound more ominous.

“Leave her alone Johan!” Johana laughed, “Let her talk to her boyfriend.” Johana teased.

Soya looked up at Josef. “Your brothers and sister are annoying.”

“Yes, they are,” Josef laughed, “and I really wouldn’t have them any other way.”

Soya rolled her eyes waving Josef away as he slipped on his own sunglasses, before answering her phone.

“Hei, Ville.” She smiled.

“Did I wake you?” Ville asked, worry tinting his voice.

Soya frowned. “No, of course not, why?”

“Isn’t it about eight in the morning in New York?” Ville asked.

“Ah,” Soya laughed. “I believe it is, yes but I’m wide awake Ville.”

“Fixing breakfast?” he teased.

“Relaxing, actually.” She laughed, leaning back in her chair as she watched Josef and his siblings kick the ball around. “What are you up to?”

“Helping Mama with dinner.”

Soya felt a smile creep on her face when she heard a childish squeal of laughter and Linde’s voice near the speaker. “I’m guessing a bigger dinner than just close family.”

“Much,” Ville laughed. “The rest of the band dropped by with their significant others and children, then Jesse came home with his friends, so dinner for four, turned into dinner for nearly fifteen.”

“That sounds nice.” Soya said, trying not to laugh when Johana kicked the ball over to Josef, who glared at it, before kicking it lightly over to Július who was impatiently waiting for the ball to roll over to him.

“It is.” Ville agreed. “What are your plans for today?”

Soya laughed. “Nothing really.”

“Soya come play!” Johan whined coming up to the railing again. “Josef is no fun.”

“I’ll be there in a minute.” Soya laughed. “And you know Josef doesn’t like sports, the fact that he’s even out there kicking to ball is a large improvement.”

“I guess,” Johan sighed. “One minute, or I’m coming and grabbing you.”

“One minute.” Soya said with a sharp nod, causing Johan to grin, before turning back to the game.

“Soya.” Ville said slowly, “Where are you?”

“Home.” Soya said just as slowly.

“Soya.” Ville warned, though she could hear the excitement in his voice. “Really, where are you?”

Soya bit her lip, “I’m…”

“Soya! Duck!”

Soya looked up with a frown, only to duck quickly when she saw the soccer ball flying towards her, whizzing past the top of her head and crashing into one of the glass doors behind her, causing everyone to freeze.

“Soya, what’s going on?”

Soya looked up and looked behind her, her mouth open wide, as she turned to the Kolar’s who were staring at the broken glass in shock.

“I nearly got impaled by a soccer ball.” Soya said, standing up to look at the glass that was scattered all over the living room and then back to the Kolar’s. Július broke out of his frozen spell first, rushing over to her, and patting her down.

“Jesus Soya, I’m so sorry, I was kicking it to hit Josef but the idiot moved, and god, are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Soya said with a nod. “But you are in so much trouble!”

“Co se to sacra talo s vaší matky dveře ?!” (What the hell happened your mother’s door)

They all looked over at the unbroken door where an older man, with salt and pepper hair was looking at his children in disbelief. Soya watched as Július, Johana, and Johan all pointed at Josef in unison who stared at his father.

“It wasn’t me!”

“Well someone better tell me who broke your mother’s door, again.” Krištof said, looking between his children only to settle on Július who still had a protective arm on Soya.

“Július?” Krištof asked with a raised eyebrow.

“It was-”

“It’s was me.” Soya piped up, still holding the phone to her ear, knowing Ville was getting anxious with not knowing what was going on in her end.

“Well little Soya!” Krištof laughed, going over to her and hugging her, Soya hugged him back as best she could with one arm. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you in my corner of the world.”

“His corner of the world.” Ville muttered. “You’re not in New York!” He accused.

Soya ignored Ville for the time being. “It has.” Soya nodded with a grin. “I’m sorry I didn’t come with Josef when Július got married.”

Krištof waved a hand, dismissing Soya’s apology. “Please, you see one of the Kolar’s get married, you’ve seen them all. Now the door?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“All me Krištof,” Soya said. “I’m so sorry! Július passed me the ball and I was so distracted with my phone call I kicked it in the wrong direction.”

“And broke Ivana’s door? A little thing like you?” Krištof said in disbelief and then looked at the rest of his children who were now standing around the porch watching the interaction. “And you all swear it was Soya?”

They all nodded slowly, knowing that Krištof would never get angry at Soya for something she did in the house; though they still watched him struggle with the idea of not sending Soya up to her room without supper.

“Fine.” Krištof said with a nod. “But if I find out you all lied, the real person responsible won’t only feel my wrath but your mother’s as well. Ivana!” Krištof yelled as he walked away from the group going back into the house. “The kids broke your door again!”

Július looked over at Soya in relief. “I owe you! Thank you!”

Soya rolled her eyes. “Big, you owe me big.”

“Huge!” he agreed.

Soya shook her head. “Go help clean up the mess Július and let me finish my conversation.”

Johan sighed as he followed Július into the house, “Does this mean the game is over, because I was definitely winning.”

Josef snorted stepping over the glass. “Right, of course you were.”

Johana hesitated. “Are you sure you’re all right, little sister?”

Soya laughed. “I’m fine; I just have to assure Ville everything is ok.”

“All right. You know, now that daddy’s home it means Mila is on her way.”

Soya smiled. “I’ll try and be quick.”

“Take your time.” Johana teased as she walked into the house. Soya walked back over to the table and sat down.

“Sorry Ville.”

“Seriously, where are you?” Ville asked. “And what happened?”

Soya sighed. “I’m with Josef, we’re visiting his family…” she bit her lip. “In Prague.”

“You’re in…” Ville stopped. “You’re in Europe?!”

“Yes.” Soya said slowly.

“Since when?!”

Soya looked at the time on her cell phone, noticing it was nearing five in the afternoon, “Around two this afternoon, so three hours.”

“And you weren’t going to tell me?” Ville asked his voice sounding a bit hurt.

“I just didn’t want to lead you on Ville.”

“Lead me on.” He said slowly. “How so?”

“Because…” She sighed, not wanting to ruin the surprise she had Linde and Mige working so hard on. “I’m not sure if I’ll make it to Finland Ville.”

Ville sighed. “So you didn’t want me to be upset, Soya I’m a big boy.”

Soya grinned. “You can’t tell me that the news doesn’t fill you with a bit of disappointment Ville.”

“Well of course it does, but I understand that you’re just as busy as I am. I figure if you can’t come to me, I might as well come to you.”

“Oh?” Soya asked.

“I told you Soya,” Ville chuckled. “If you’re not in Finland, I’m going back to New York and dragging my parents and brother along with me. I’m done the seventh of August I don’t see why I can’t spend some time down there with you, if you’ll have me.”

Soya bit her lip, and couldn’t help the overwhelming desire to hop on a plane to go to Finland just to hug and kiss the man she was currently talking to. “Of course I would have you Ville, just don’t make any plans yet, all right?”

“Promise,” Ville laughed. “So how’s Prague?”

Soya laughed. “Beautiful.”

“Have you spent much time with Josef’s family?”

“Entirely too much.” Soya giggled. “I’m like a little sister to them; his brothers are just as protective of me as they are of their sisters.”

“How many siblings does Josef have?”

“Four.” Soya said, looking over her shoulder as she watched Johan and Josef help Július clean the glass.

“And explain to me what happened with the soccer ball?” Ville asked amused.

“Július kicked it towards Josef, Josef moved and it went flying at the glass door, nearly taking off my head. Though with how the boys act, I doubt it’s the first time Ivana and Krištof have had to replace that door.” She smiled lightly, as she heard the sound of a door close, and knew Ville had gone to find solace in an empty room.

“I miss you Soya.” Ville admitted. “Much more than I thought I would.”

Soya bit her lip, leaning her chin on her hand as she looked over the view the Kolar’s had of the city of Prague. “It definitely goes both ways Ville, it’s much more than not being able to sleep at night anymore.”

Ville chuckled in her ear. “Definitely much more than that, I think now that we have you back and know where to find you, the separation is worse.”

Soya bit her lip. “The seventh of August isn’t that far away.”

“No, it’s not.” Ville sighed.

A clearing of a throat caused Soya to turn around, her sad smile turning into a grin when she saw the blonde woman standing behind her, bouncing a six month old baby boy on her hip. “Mila!”

“Sorry to interrupt, Josef said it would be fine.” Mila said with a soft smile.

“No, it is!” Soya laughed. “Ville give me a minute?”

“No, no, go ahead Soya. I actually have to get going, I abandoned my station of peeling potatoes.”Ville laughed. “Go, spend time with Josef’s family. I’ll be here.”

“I’ll call you later? We’re only an hour apart this time around.”

Ville chuckled. “We’ll talk later.” He agreed.

“I miss you too Ville, I just thought I should say it.”

“I never tire of hearing it Soya. Bye.”

“Bye.” She said, before hanging up her phone and sticking it in her pocket.

“Josef says you were talking to your boyfriend.” Mila said lowly.

Soya laughed and shook her head amused as she accepted the baby boy from Mila. “Ville’s a close friend.”

“Josef also said you would say that.” Mila teased.

“You haven’t been here five minutes, and Josef already told you everything of my life. I’m impressed, that’s a new record for him.” Soya said amused, scrunching her nose up at the giggling baby.

“We’re all excited to have you both back here.” Mila admitted. “Július and Johan won’t admit it to his face, but they missed our baby brother.”

“Because it’s no fun to abuse their sisters as they abuse him.” Soya laughed, pulling her braid off the baby’s hand. “Now what’s your name, baby boy?” She asked, looking into the bright green eyes of the baby.

“Mika.” Mila said, running her hand over the downy black hair.

“Mika.” Soya repeated with a laugh, looking at Mila. “Will you be starting on the M’s then?”

Mila snorted. “Please, I’m not sadistic enough to do that to my children.”

“Good to know.” Soya laughed.

“Mila! Soya! Dinner’s almost ready! Go wash up!”

Mila rolled her eyes as she heard her mother calling them. “I swear, it won’t matter how old we are, she is always going to treat us like five year olds.”

Soya sent Mila a teasing grin as they walked into the house. “It really doesn’t help that you all act it.”

Mila glared at Soya playfully. “I resent that.”


Ville leaned up against his door as he pocketed his cell phone and gave a long sigh. Soya was in Europe. She was in Europe, she had not told him and the idea of her coming home to Finland was still up in the air. He wasn’t sure what hurt him more, the fact that she thought he couldn’t handle the news of her traveling to Europe to visit her best friends’ family, or the fact that she may not make it home to Finland.

“Ville? Are you in there?”

Ville blinked and opened the door, to find his mother on the other side of the door, looking at him with worry in her eyes. “Sorry, I was coming back out.”

“Is everything okay?” Anita asked.

“Fine, just wanted a bit of privacy to talk to Soya.” Ville said, leaving the room and closing the door behind him, before following his mother down the stairs and back to the kitchen, where he’d been helping her peel potatoes.

“How is she?” Anita asked.

“She’s fine, she’s in Prague.”

Anita raised an eyebrow. “Prague? For a show?”

“Visiting some friends.” Ville explained, settling down on the counter and picking the peeler back up. Linde stood up from his place at the table and settled down next to Ville at the counter, sipping on his beer.

“So you found out she was in Europe?”

Ville looked over at Linde in surprise. “You knew?”

“She let it slip.” Linde said carefully, then looked at Ville and saw the determination in his eyes. “Oh god.”

“What?” Ville asked.

“Look, I know we still have a couple weeks before Sonisphere,” Linde started. “And I know you know that Soya is in Prague, but please don’t tell me you’re thinking about crashing her vacation with Josef.”

“I’m not.” Ville said slowly.

“Are you sure? Because I see it in your eyes. That fixed determination that you’re going to see her one way or another.”

“I’m sure, I’m staying put.” Ville muttered.

Linde sighed. “If you are thinking about going to Prague I’d like to make a suggestion against it.”

“Wouldn’t you want to see her?” Ville asked.

“I do,” Linde agreed. “I miss her too Ville, you’re not the only one that feels the absence of her presence, but you need to stay put.”

“Why?” Ville asked. “Why are you so adamant about it?”

Linde smirked. “I just think it would be quite stalkerish if you were to go to Prague just to look for her. You don’t even know where Josef’s family lives, or even if they live in the city Ville.” Linde took a drag of his beer before shrugging. “That and Josef and Soya travel together right? Take their vacations together?”

“Yes.” Ville nodded slowly, wondering what Linde was getting at.

“I think Soya said that Josef hasn’t seen his family in nearly two years? So that means Soya hasn’t seen his family in two years if not more? And from what I saw in New York, Josef and Soya are pretty damn close, meaning she’s pretty damn close to his family.”


Linde sighed and rolled his eyes. “Ville, her family and his family think they’re dating. How would it look if you suddenly showed up at their doorstep claiming Soya?”

“You say ‘claiming’ like a dog marking a hydrant.”

Linde snorted. “You might as well piss on her Ville, we all know she’s yours.”

Ville smirked. “So you really think I should stay here?”

“I think it would be best.”

Ville eyed Linde as Linde picked at the label of his beer bottle, avoiding direct eye contact. Ville smirked, “You know something.”

Linde looked up, then away. “Know what?”

Ville shook his head. “I don’t know, but you know something else. I’m going to find out.”

Linde snorted, not bothering to hide the fact that there was more to the story than what he had let on. “Good luck with that Ville.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Kolar Home

I'm dispelling the dream now...Ville will not be traveling to Prague lol. I'm very very sorry to disappoint in that aspect. To make up for it(and because I'm just as eager to get Soya in Finland as you are.) I will be posting on Monday again :P

Thank you all for the comments on the last chapter!! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed the bit of the Kolars you saw and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the family dynamic!!

As always, the preview for the next chapter has been picked! Leave your comments and i will send it out!!

Hope you enjoyed! And can't wait to hear what you thought!!!
