Status: Complete 12/14/11

Scream Me a Dream

Chapter 55: A Brush of a Hand

“Where did you really put Jussi’s drumsticks?” Soya asked as they walked toward the stage, Impi between them looking around quietly.

“They’re on the bus.” Rosalind admitted. “He’ll get them back for Germany, for now he’ll have to make do with mine.”

“You really are a…” Soya trailed off, causing Rosalind to smirk at her.

“Go ahead Soya, say it,” Rosalind teased. “I won’t be mad. Call me a ‘bitch’.”

“I would but I wouldn’t want Impi to hear something she shouldn’t.”

“Please.” Rosalind scoffed. “The girl has heard worse.”

“I really shouldn’t.” Soya laughed as she followed Rosalind up the steps to the stage where ‘The 69 Eyes’ were about to perform, showing the pass to the security guard and meeting Jyrki who was already reprimanding Rosalind as she put the ear plugs in Impi’s ears.

“Also, Jussi would like you to know that he’s no longer speaking to you.”

“Good, don’t want to listen to the bastard anyway.” Rosalind smirked up at her boyfriend. “Assure him he’ll get them back,”

“When you’re good and ready?” Jyrki smirked.

“Yes.” Rosalind laughed. “Have a good show, we’ll be here.”

“Thanks.” Jyrki said, leaning down and kissing Impi’s cheek. “Are you going to be watching?”

Impi nodded as she picked at her ear with a wince. “I don’t like these.”

Jyrki pushed the ear plug back in. “You have to keep them on pikkuinen, it’s too loud for you.”

“But I don’t want them!” she whined, picking at her ear again.

Rosalind shook her head and leant down with Jyrki, rubbing her face tiredly. “Go, Jyrks, I’ll take care of it.”

“Are you sure?” Jyrki asked.

“She just wants to be a brat, we’re fine.” Rosalind assured.

Jyrki nodded hesitantly before looking over at Soya, who was looking over at the crowd before focusing her attention back on Jyrki.

“Just a warning, because I’m not sure if you’re humoring Rosalind at this point, but Ville said he was going to stop by before he went on at the other stage.”

Soya laughed. “I’m sure Rosalind already has a plan for me.”

“You know, if you just tell her to stop she will.” Jyrki told her, not sure if Soya was annoyed at being hidden away from her friends or enjoying her time with Rosalind and Impi.

Soya shrugged. “I’m home now Jyrki. Ville will have me to himself for the next five months and I haven’t seen Rosalind in almost three years, so if hiding me from Ville is how she wants to spend our time together, then who am I to stop her?”

“Her best friend.” Jyrki chuckled.

“Go, you have a show to do.” Soya laughed.

“Enjoy.” Jyrki grinned, before walking towards the backstage with the rest of his band, not before giving Rosalind one last kiss and ruffling Impi’s hair, causing her to hide behind Rosalind’s legs.

“Long day?” Soya laughed, leaning her head on Rosalind’s shoulder.

“So long. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it to HIM’s performance with Impi acting like this.”

“Are you going to head back to the bus?” Soya asked.

Rosalind shook her head. “I think we’re going to head back to the hotel, and I’ll lay her down for a bit.” She looked down at her daughter to see Impi picking at her ears again.

“Impi! Déjate los oídos en paz!” (Leave your ears alone!) Rosalind ordered, putting the ear plug back in place. Soya shook her head, smiling when she saw the guys get on stage, causing the crowd in front of them to start screaming. Not long after they had started playing, Soya felt her cell phone start vibrating in her back pocket. Taking her phone out, her eyes widened when she saw Ville’s name flashing.

“Rose.” Soya said over the music, Rosalind turned and looked at the phone Soya held out, causing Rosalind to laugh.

“Good to see you’re on my team!” Rosalind shouted, hanging up the call. “Text him, it’s going to be impossible to hide the sounds unless you go back to the bus! I’ve got someone coming to take you over to the other stage to watch HIM.”

Soya nodded at Rosalind’s explanation before sending Ville a text.


Ville frowned when he got Soya’s voicemail, but shrugged it off knowing she’d been spending time with Josef’s family and was probably busy. He started towards the opposite stage where he knew Rosalind and Impi were hanging out watching Jyrki and the rest of ‘The 69 Eyes’ play.

“You look distracted.” Mige commented as he walked next to Ville.

“A bit.” Ville admitted. “Soya doesn’t want me to plan a trip to New York quite yet, but I think once I find out when she’s due back I’m going to go.”

Mige shook his head. “I would hold off on it,” he shrugged. “But that’s just me.”

Ville rolled his eyes. “It’s easier for you to say when you’ve got your wife waiting at home for you.”

Mige rolled his own eyes. “Ignore me then. Fly to New York, what do I care?”

Ville shook his head as he felt his phone vibrate, taking it out, he found Soya had sent him a text.

Hey you! I’m at a museum with Josef and his family. How’s Sonisphere?

Ville smirked as he texted her back, Mige shaking his head in amusement. “For someone who hates cell phones, you sure are attached to yours.”

Ville ignored the comment and sent his message.

It would definitely be better with you here.

You’re too sweet.

“Hey Jonne!” Mige yelled, causing Ville to look up from his phone at Jonne Aaron who was coming from ‘The 69 Eyes’ stage with his arm around a woman dressed in black jeans and some sort of purple knit top; her face was turned towards his body and her hair tucked underneath her black knit beanie as Jonne talked to her. Jonne looked up when he heard his name being called, though the woman’s face stayed near his body.

“Hei!” He greeted, though he continued walking past them, Ville frowned, not only at Jonne’s lack of greeting, but the fact that he felt the soft hand of the woman Jonne was with brush his own arm. Looking over his shoulder with a frown, he saw Jonne laughing, pulling the woman’s arm.

“That was odd.” Ville muttered, stepping onto the steps that led to the stage. He looked over his shoulder to see Mige looking at him in disbelief. “What?”

Mige blinked and shook his head with a laugh. “Nothing at all, I have to talk to Jonne real quick, I’ll meet you in a minute.”

“All right.” Ville nodded. Mige rolled his eyes and ran towards where Jonne had stopped with Soya.

“Well, Ville is an oblivious idiot.” Mige laughed, hugging Soya. “And you are very sneaky.”

“That little arm brush could have gotten me killed with Rosalind.” Jonne laughed. “So I hope you enjoyed it.”

Soya grinned. “I did, thank you.”

“What are you doing with Soya?” Mige asked Jonne.

Jonne shrugged. “Rosalind called me, she knew my set was over and wanted to see if I could play body guard for a bit. I have strict instructions to keep her away from Ville.” Jonne smirked at Soya. “I have to say I’m pleased to have such a pretty woman in my company.”

Soya scrunched her nose at him. “He’s a charmer, this one.”

Mige grinned. “Is Rosalind still watching the band?”

Soya nodded. “Just for a bit more though; Impi’s being fussy, she keeps pulling the ear plugs out. Rosalind just wants to hear ‘Lost Boys’ and then she’s going to head back to the hotel. She said something about the way Jyrki moves his hips.” Soya shrugged. “I don’t know, she sort of gave this sigh and trailed off.”

Mige smirked. “Well then I’ll let you go,”

Soya stopped him, and Mige froze when he saw the smirk on her face. “How much do you love me Mikko?”

“Oh! That has strings attached to it!” Jonne laughed.

“I love you a lot Soya, you’re like my little sister.” Mige said carefully, “Why?”

“I just want to send Ville some good luck, but since he doesn’t know I’m here, I was wondering if you could send it along.” Soya said, grinning the entire time.

Mige sighed. “I have a feeling I’m not going to like this.”

Sure enough half an hour later Mige was talking to Linde, retelling the story of Soya’s arm brush and Ville obviousness, along with Soya’s favor, which had caused Linde to laugh.

“She also wants a picture.” Mige sighed.

“You act like you’ve never done it before.” Linde laughed.

“It has been a while.” Mige muttered, looking at Ville who was texting on his phone.

“Who are you texting Ville?” A male voice asked, causing them to turn towards the side of the stage, where Jonne was coming up alone.

“His girlfriend.” Burton teased, nudging Ville who grinned.

“Where’s the girl you were with Jonne?” Ville asked.

“She’s out in the pit,” Jonne smirked, “But I have my eye on her, I told her I was going to get her pulled out if it got too rough.” He said, sending a glance over to Mige and Linde, assuring them that Soya was fine. “So really, who are you texting?”

“A close friend.” Ville said.

Burton looked over Ville’s shoulder and smirked reading the text. “’Kiss for luck’. Awww!”

Ville gave Burton a playful glare, shoving the phone back in his pocket, only to straighten in surprise when he felt Mige’s hands on his cheeks turning his head, then Mige’s lips on his own, kissing him roughly.

Ville stared at Mige in shock as he pulled away, only for Linde to laugh as he continued taking pictures with his phone.

“Mige I’m flattered, seriously, but give me a little more warning next time. I feel bad that I didn’t reciprocate.” Ville said, raising an eyebrow.

“It’s the damn kiss that Soya sent.” Mige said, looking over at Linde. “Tell me you got that.”

“I’m sending them to her now.” Linde assured with a chuckle.

“Soya told you to kiss me?” Ville asked, not at all shocked that Mige had kissed him, it wasn’t the first time he and Mige had kissed and it probably wouldn’t be the last, but he was shocked that Soya would send Mige to do it.

“Looks like your little Soya is coming out of her shell.” Burton teased. “And it’s time boys.”

Ville nodded as he walked out on stage with the rest of the band. Apparently, Soya was coming out of her shell.


“Rosalind is going to kill me when she sees that bruise.” Jonne said, eyeing the bruise that was starting to form on Soya’s arm.

“Just a battle wound.” Soya laughed as they walked away from the stage where HIM had just finished playing. “I still say you overreacted.”

Jonne shrugged, looking down at Soya with her cheeks flushed because of excitement and large grin “The man in front was getting a bit too rowdy, you’re a tiny little thing I didn’t want you trampled. I told you I would get you pulled out.”

Soya rolled her eyes. “You’ve known me less than three hours and you’re already protective of me; I have to say that’s a new record.”

Jonne laughed. “Do people tend to protect you?”

Soya shrugged. “A bit. I don’t blame them though; I don’t speak for myself very often, so people feel the need to do it for me. It’s flattering really.”

“If not annoying.” Jonne added.

Soya smiled up at him. “Just a bit.”

Jonne nodded in understanding, allowing them to walk in silence. Soya was a curious woman Jonne thought, watching as she took off her beanie and shook out her hair letting it fall down her back. In the three hours he’d talked to her, she’d gotten him to laugh and had even teased him; she’d admitted she was a fan but hadn’t treated him as a famous singer, but as any regular person. He had a feeling Soya treated everyone the same, from a person she met on the street to a famous rock star.

“So, you fancy Ville?” Jonne asked with a smirk.

Soya looked up at him in surprise, before giving a small nod, arranging her beanie back on her head. “Just a bit.” She grinned.

“I can see why he likes you.” Jonne nodded. “You’re a very interesting young woman, though I really doubt you need much protecting.”

Soya shrugged. “It just means people care doesn’t it?”

“That, or they think you’re weak.” Jonne shrugged, before giving a wince wondering if he’d gone too far and crossed a line he shouldn’t have.

Soya thought about it, before giving a slow nod. “Sure,”

“Sure what?” Jonne asked carefully.

“Sure, they could think me as weak.” Soya nodded, agreeing. “I could see why certain people in my life would find that statement true. I know I do.” She looked up at Jonne. “But really don’t we all have those moments of weakness where we need someone to protect us?”

Jonne stared at her in surprise. “I guess.”

Soya shrugged. “I believe we do, we might not like it.” Soya admitted. “I know there are moments when I want nothing more than to be left alone and to think for myself, but in the long run, once I’ve moped around for a few days, I know that what my friends do for me is for my own good. And I don’t believe it’s weakness to think that.”

Jonne nodded slowly. “Do you want Ville to be the one to protect you Soya?”

Soya gave a quiet chuckle. “I had a feeling that was coming.” She bit her lip as she thought the question over before giving a slow nod. “I do. I know it’s going to be hard, I like to internalize a lot but I’d like to have Ville protect me.”

“Would you do the same for him?”

“Of course.” Soy said without hesitation, as they reached the outskirts of the fairground, where a taxi was waiting to take Soya back to the hotel. “Thank you for walking me, I could have done it by myself.”

“View it as a friend wanting to protect you.” Jonne said as he opened the door to let her in.

“Well thank you.” Soya laughed.

“By the way.” Jonne smirked. “Just know that if it doesn’t work out with Ville, he’s not the only Finnish rock star around.”

Soya laughed. “That’s very flattering Jonne, thank you, but I think Ville and I will be fine.”

“Just thought I would plant the seed. Take care of yourself Soya.”

“You too, and thank you again.”

Jonne nodded, telling the driver the name of the hotel before closing the door, watching as the car drove off. Ville Valo was one lucky son of a bitch to have ended up with that one.


Soya opened the door to Rosalind’s hotel room quietly, walking inside with a grin only to squeak, quickly covering her eyes and turning around when she caught sight of the couple on the bed.

“It’s fine Soya,” Rosalind laughed. “We’re not doing anything.”

“You sure?” Soya asked. “I saw skin.”

Jyrki chuckled. “We’re sure.”

Soya turned back around to see Jyrki leaning up against the headboard without a shirt, while Rosalind sat between his legs; Impi was on the other side of the bed sleeping.

“We like to fuck Soya, but we wouldn’t do it with Impi on the bed.” Rosalind said with a roll of her eyes.

Soya snorted as she moved across the room, putting her beanie on the dresser and pulling her hair back. “You really need to work on controlling that filter of yours Rosalind.”

Rosalind shrugged. “What for? Did Jonne treat you well?”

“You were with Jonne?” Jyrki asked.

“For a bit, he watched HIM from the side of the stage, I was in the pit.”

Rosalind grinned, moving away from Jyrki to lie horizontally on the bed, next to her daughter’s feet. “How was your first pit experience?”

“A bit rough.” Soya admitted. “But it was fun.”

“I see a bruise!” Rosalind teased.

Soya laughed as she started to pull her hair into a braid. “And Jonne was so sure you’d kill him because of the bruise.”

“Oh, I will.” Rosalind teased. “Getting my little Soya all roughed up!”

Soya rolled her eyes, just as Jyrki’s phone chimed, causing him to curse. “I have to go Lyn; I was supposed to meet Jussi.” Jyrki said, grabbing his shirt off the ground and pulling it on.

“Dinner?” Soya asked.

“No,” Rosalind laughed as she grabbed Jyrki’s jacket from the ground and fixed the sleeves. “They want to go see ‘Alice in Chains’

“You’re not going?” Soya asked, looking at Rosalind curiously.

“Uh…daughter?” Rosalind said pointing to the sleeping five year old.

She looked over at Jyrki who was putting on his boots, before looking over at Rosalind. “Go Rose.”

Rosalind looked up, as did Jyrki. “What?” She asked.

“Go, spend some time with Jyrki, You leave later tonight, don’t you?” she asked looking over at Jyrki who was staring back at her in surprise.

“Um…yes, I do.”

“Go Rose,” Soya insisted.

“But, I mean, don’t you want to go back out?” Rosalind asked.

“What for?” Soya asked. “I mean, not that I don’t enjoy the other bands, but I’ve gotten my kicks today, I’ve seen you guys,” she said pointing to Jyrki. “I got to meet Jonne and hang out with him, I got Mige to kiss Ville and I saw them play.”

Rosalind blinked. “Mige did what?”

Soya shook her head. “That’s not the point, I’m telling you to go be with your boyfriend for a while; I’ll stay here and watch Impi.”

Rosalind bit her lip, as she looked over at Jyrki who shrugged. “It’s up to you, sydämeni.”

Rosalind turned back to Soya who was rolling her eyes. “I’m sure Rose! I really don’t mind watching Impi while you go out, you didn’t get to see any of the bands except for ‘The 69 Eyes’ and you didn’t get to see the full set. Plus,” Soya shrugged. “You guys don’t know when you’ll see each other next, you should spend some time together.”

Rosalind groaned, burying her face in the comforter, causing Jyrki to grin. “Feeling guilty Lyn?”

“Fucking hell! You make it impossible!” Rosalind got off the bed and hugged Soya. “Once midnight hits you’ll see him.”

“All right.” Soya muttered, “Now go.”

“Fine, fine.” Rosalind laughed, leaning down to kiss her daughter’s forehead, before slipping on her sandals and grabbing Jyrki’s hand. “You’re positive?”

“Leave!” Soya laughed, waving them away. Once the door closed behind them, Soya went to her suitcase, grabbing the laptop she’d buried between her clothes and settled down on the table plugging in her laptop. Once it was booted, she loaded her Skype to see who was on, surprised when she saw Josef; starting the conversation, she waved as he came on the screen.

“Where’s your boy?” Josef asked.

Soya rolled her eyes. “I have yet to see him Josef.”

Josef blinked at her. “Why?”

“Rosalind’s a bit sore that no one told her we’d met, or knew each other thirteen years ago, so she’s holding me hostage.”

“Where’s the bitch now?” Josef asked with a smirk.

“At the festival, the guys wanted to see ‘Alice in Chains’ play.”

“And she left you alone? Soya, go see Ville!” Josef motioned for her to leave.

Soya laughed. “I can’t; I’m watching Impi, the reason why Rosalind is in Finland.”

“Ah! Is she there? Let me say hi!” Josef said excitedly.

Soya laughed. “She’s asleep.” Soya turned the monitor, so Josef could see Impi, sleeping on the bed.

“What in the world is that girl wearing?” Josef laughed.

Soya turned the monitor again. “Black shirt and her red and black leggings, she had a tutu on earlier.” Soya looked around on the floor, finding it within reach; she picked it up and showed the burgundy tutu to Josef. “And her high tops.”

“Ah!” Josef placed his hands over his heart. “That girl is amazing in her fashion.”

Soya laughed. “Jyrki swears she chose it herself.”

“So, has Rosalind held you captive the entire time or did you enjoy some of the concert?”

“I enjoyed a lot of it, I got to see some of ‘The 69 Eyes’ set, I met Jonne Aaron.”

“Did you?” Josef grinned. “What’s he like?”

“He’s very a sweet, a bit of a flirt, but sweet all the same.” Soya laughed. “I saw all of HIM’s set as well. Oh! And I sent Ville a good luck kiss, which Mige delivered.”

Josef blinked at her, before bursting out laughing. “Please! Please, tell me someone took pictures of that.”

“Of course they did.” Soya laughed grabbing her phone prepared to send Josef the pictures Linde had sent her minutes after the kiss.

Throughout the rest of the night, and after her conversation with Josef, in which he’d updated her on his family, Soya spent her time alternating between sketching in her notebooks while watching a bit of TV, and comforting Impi when she woke up.

Mostly Impi had slept throughout the afternoon and into the evening, waking up a bit disoriented wanting Rosalind and crying a bit when she found out that Rosalind wasn’t in the room. Soya would go sit on the bed with her, rubbing her back and allowing the girl to cry, before falling back asleep.

The fact that Impi had slept most of the day was just further proof that Impi was tired of the rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle that she’d been living the past six months and was ready to go back home and start a semi-normal routine again.

It was nearing eleven in the evening when a knock came at the door, Soya rubbed Impi’s back as the girl stirred, only to go back to sleep. Soya got out of bed and looked through the peep hole, smiling as she saw Linde standing at the other side. Opening the door, she smiled and let him in.

“What are you doing here? Rosalind just texted me saying they went out to some bars.”

“She, Jussi, Jyrki, Burton and a few others did.” Linde nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “Guess who didn’t join in?”

Soya raised an eyebrow. “You?” She asked.

Linde rolled his eyes. “Yes, me, obviously,” he took his hand out of his pocket, holding a key card between his fingers. “But neither did Ville.”

Soya stared at the card, before shifting her gaze at Linde. “I can’t, as much as I want to, I can’t.”

“Why the hell not?” Linde asked.

Soya motioned to Impi. “I told Rose I’d watch Impi.”

“Why do you think I’m here Soya?” Linde laughed. “You go see Ville.” Linde said, putting the key card in her hand and pushing her out of the room. “I’ll watch Impi.”

“But, I’m in my pajamas, at least let me change! Linde!” Soya watched as Linde smirked at her, pushing her out of the room causing her to stumble, before the door closed, Linde’s voice shouting out the room number Ville was in.

Soya glared, looking down at the key card in her hand, before biting her lip as she glanced at the door at the end of the hall where Ville was. Looking back at the key, she bit back the smile before taking a step towards Ville’s room. Slipping the key card through the slot, she pushed the door open, walking into the room.

“How the hell did you guys get the-” Ville trailed off as he walked out the bathroom, freezing when he saw who was standing at the door. “Soya.”
♠ ♠ ♠ kill me....I can't post at least save the mob until I post on Saturday :P but YAY...they see each other!!!

So glad you all enjoyed the last chapter, even with Rosalind being frustrating lol And i hope you all enjoyed this one...even with it's cliffhanger ending :P As always you're comments make my days so leave one and I'll be sure to send you a little something :P

Can't wait to see what you all thought! Next chapter will be up Saturday!
