Status: Complete 12/14/11

Scream Me a Dream

Part 93: Troublemaker

Evening of Tuesday October 26, 2010

“You guys work really well together.” Emmy said later that night as she and Soya stood over the sink washing dishes.

Soya looked over at her. “Who? Ville and I?”

Emmy laughed and nodded. “Yeah, you and Ville, who else would I be talking about?”

“What makes us work well, Emmy?” Soya asked with a laugh.

Emmy shrugged. “Just the way you guys handle each other, and even how you handle your little sister. I mean, my little sister is a huge fuss after dinner, bouncing off walls, and in general avoiding bed time like the plague. Come midnight, we’re still trying to get her to finish her homework and go to bed. Aida’s…” Emmy gestured towards the living room. “Well, look at her!”

Soya looked over at the living room, where Ville, Regan and Aida were watching TV. Aida was already in her pajamas sitting next to Ville, though her head kept drooping, obviously ready for bed. Soya looked back at Emmy with a shrug, as she passed her a dish to dry. “Aida’s always been like that though.” Soya said with a shrug. “But Ville’s amazing with her.”

Emmy nodded. “I can tell.”

Soya grabbed the towel sitting on the counter and dried her hands. “I think we’ve danced around the subject long enough.”

Emmy sighed, accepting the towel from Soya and drying her own hands. “Yeah.”

“Come on, I’m going to put Aida to bed, then we’ll talk.” Soya said, letting her out of the kitchen only to frown when she didn’t see Aida or Ville in the living room.

“He took Aida up.” Regan told her.

Soya nodded as she sat on the couch, Emmy taking her place next to Regan. “There has to be more than you hating Texas for you both to fly across the world to come here.”

“Would it make you feel better if I told you I called my mom, and she’s furious?” Emmy asked.

“It makes me feel better that your mom knows, but I don’t like that she’s angry. Come on, tell me why you guys left, especially now, during school.”

Emmy bit her lip. “Well, I was actually never really…I didn’t go to school.”

Soya blinked at the redhead. “What?”

“After my summer classes, I dropped out. My mom does know about that.”

“Why’d you drop out of school?” Soya asked.

“Remember when I told you that Emmy was getting worked harder than the other students?” Regan asked.

Soya nodded. “Is that why you dropped out?”

Emmy shrugged. “Part of it, the teachers really did expect a lot more out of a couple of us, then the other students. When I talked to some of the others, I found out that they either came from previous dance schools, or got recommendations like me.”

“Why didn’t you tell me about it?” Soya asked.

Emmy shrugged. “I guess it’s one thing telling my mom and hearing the whole ‘I’m disappointed but I understand’ speech.”

“Whole other ballgame when it’s coming from you.” Regan said with a small smirk.

Soya sighed. “All right, I understand dropping out, but why come here?”

Emmy shrugged. “We thought…I thought I could maybe work for you.”

Soya blinked. “Work for me?”

Emmy nodded. “Like Brooke does in your other studio, I mean I could do other things, but…”

Soya shook her head in amazement. “You flew all the way to Helsinki because you want to work for me?”

“Well, I mean, if this doesn’t work out, then we have to go back to New York.” Regan pointed out.

Soya looked between them, before giving a sigh. “If your mom is fine with you staying in Finland Emmy, fine, I can find something for you to do at the studio.”

“Really?!” Emmy asked wide eyed.

Soya nodded. “For now, you can stay in my flat in Aida’s bedroom, Ville and I are going out of town this weekend and Aida will be with his parents. My only condition is that Regan find a job.”

A clearing of a throat caused them to turn and look at Ville. “Couldn’t help but overhear.”

“Of course.” Soya said with a roll of her eyes.

“Regan, if you don’t mind working in a sex shop, I think my father was looking for someone to help him with inventory. I can give him a call if you want?”

“I can find my own job.” Regan said with a frown.

“I didn’t say you couldn’t.” Ville said with a shake of his head, having remembered Soya telling him that Regan found it hard to accept handouts. “But if you want a job around here, you’re going to need to know a bit of Finnish, I figure, you can work in the back of the store while you learn. My dad wouldn’t mind teaching you a bit either.”

Regan nodded slowly. “All right, sure.”

“I’ll give him a call tomorrow to see if he still needs the help.”

“Thanks.” Regan nodded.

“Sure.” Ville smiled before looking at Soya. “Your sister’s asleep; I’ll be up in the other room if you need me.”

Soya nodded. “All right.” She said, watching as he climbed back up the steps, before she turned to look at the teens. “This is a trial.” She warned, looking at Regan. “As much as I know you don’t want to, I want you to go back to school Regan.”

“I know.” Regan sighed.

Soya ran a hand through her hair, before looking at Emmy. “What did your mother say?”

“That if you gave me a job I could stay, but I had until January, when you go back to New York, to decide what I want to do school-wise.”

“Then the same will go for you.” Soya said looking at her ward. “You have until January to figure things out; you’ll come back with me when I go back to New York.”

“Deal.” Regan nodded.

“All right, let’s get you back to my flat then.” Soya said standing and getting her phone off the counter, dialing the cab company and telling them the address.

“So where are you and Ville going?” Regan asked once Soya hung up the phone.

“My friend Rosalind and her boyfriend Jyrki invited us to Berlin for Halloween.”


Soya sighed, looking at Regan. “Yes, that Jyrki.” She laughed. “Then we’re spending the rest of the time in Spain with Rosalind before coming back; her daughter has a soccer game she invited us to so we’re going to that next weekend.”

“Must be fun to just jet off to Europe.” Emmy teased.

Soya laughed. “Ville really wants to get out of town for a bit, and I wouldn’t mind it either, especially now that the construction on the studio’s done. I have some things I need to get done in the morning, Emmy, if you want to meet me at the studio, you can help.”

“I’d love to.” Emmy smiled.

“Come on, the cab’s probably here by now.” Soya said, ushering them towards the living room for them to get their coats before slipping on her shoes and following them outside where the cab was indeed waiting. She ducked down giving the driver her address and the fee she knew it would be before turning to Emmy. “I’ll call you in the morning, around nine?”

“Perfect, I’ll be ready.” Emmy smiled, giving Soya a hug before ducking into the cab.

“So, are you mad?” Regan asked.

Soya laughed. “No, not mad, still shocked to actually have you here though.” She hugged the boy. “Go on, get out of here.”

Regan grinned before getting into the cab himself and closing the door, allowing the cab to take off into the night. Taking a breath, Soya turned and walked back to the tower, kicking her shoes off before locking the door and making her way upstairs, leaning against the door jamb of Ville’s studio watching as he sat on the couch strumming his guitar, a low and slow melody filling the room.

“Pretty. New song?”

Ville looked up and grinned at her before shaking his head. “Just fucking around. Regan and Emmy?”

“Headed back to the flat; Emmy’s going to help me around the studio tomorrow.”

“Come here.” Ville said motioning her into the room as he set his guitar on the stand next to him. Soya smiled lightly, making her way towards him, straddling his hips instead of sitting next to him. “How would you feel if I took you out to dinner tomorrow night?”

Soya smiled, leaning down to kiss him softly. “Just me or are we finding some type of kid friendly restaurant for Aida as well.”

“Just you.” Ville whispered, accepting her kiss, his hand settling on the small of her back while the other tangled itself in her hair which she’d let loose after dinner.

“You’re up to something.” She murmured against his lips.

“Yes, I am.” Ville teased, pulling away slightly. “So, dinner tomorrow?”

“What of Aida?”

“I’ll take care of it, you just worry about which of your pretty short dresses you’re going to wear.”

Soya nodded, nipping his bottom lip lightly before climbing off of him. “Are you coming to bed or…”

Ville shook his head amused. “I’m going to screw around here a bit, I’ll go to bed in a few.”

Soya nodded, “All right.”

“Soya.” Ville called before she left the room entirely.

“Hmm?” she asked turning around to look back at him.

“I’ll pick Aida from school tomorrow, I promised to take her to get more candy.”

Soya laughed watching as he picked the guitar back up, settling it on his chest as he lay back on the couch, his head resting on the arm rest. “Have fun with that sugar rush, Ville.”

Ville chuckled, “I will.”

Soya shook her head before heading into the bedroom, quietly changing into her pajamas and crawling into bed. She was half-asleep, but woke up fully when she felt arms wrap around her waist.

“Didn’t mean to wake you.” Ville murmured crawling under the covers.

Soya turned kissing his chest, “It’s fine. What time is it?”

“Three. Go back to sleep.” Ville whispered, kissing the top of her head.

Shaking her head, she kissed his chest once more before sliding into sleep much easier having him in bed with her.


Morning of Wednesday October 27, 2010

“Are you sure you have everything?” Soya asked Aida quietly as she pulled on her converse, nearly tripping over her own foot as she hopped in place.

“You can just sit on the bed and pull them on, you know.” Ville muttered.

Soya turned, dropping her foot as she stared at her boyfriend. “How long have you been up?”

“Just long enough to see you nearly take a head dive into the wall because you wouldn’t sit on the bed to pull your shoes on.”

“I didn’t want to wake you.” Soya defended.

“Yet, wake me you did.” Ville teased. “So Aida, do you have everything?”

“I do.” Aida nodded, looking up at Soya. “Is breakfast ready?”

“Yes Soya, is breakfast ready?”

“You go back to sleep.” Soya said looking over at her boyfriend, before looking back at Aida. “And you, go downstairs; your toast is ready.”

Ville frowned. “She never told me what she took for show and tell.”

Soya shrugged. “I’ll make sure she has something before we leave. Sleep, Ville, you went to bed late last night.”

Ville shook his head, sitting up in bed and running a hand through his hair. “No, I need to get up anyway. I have things I need to get done.”

“At seven in the morning?” Soya asked with a laugh as she sat on the bed to put her other shoe on.

“Yes, at seven in the morning.” Ville answered leaning forward to kiss her softly. “Are you going to be in the dance studio all day?”

Soya nodded, raising her hand to cup his cheek as she kissed him back. “Until about five maybe, if you’re picking up Aida.” She whispered against his lips.

“Perfect,” Ville said pulling away. “I’ll pick you up from your flat at seven for dinner.”

“I’ll be ready. Coffee’s ready downstairs.”

“Thank you.” Ville smiled as she got up from the bed and left the room.

Ville ran a hand through his hair with a yawn, looking at the time with a groan; he’d sleep for another hour before he got started with his day.


“Is Ville coming down?” Aida asked as she bit into her toast.

“He probably fell back asleep.” Soya laughed, “Go get your backpack,”

“All right.” Aida said hopping off the counter and grabbing the pink backpack that sat in the living room. Soya grabbed her keys and purse, noticing with a frown the way Aida’s backpack bulged.

“I’m guessing you found your show and tell item.” Soya said, motioning her out of the door and locking it behind her.

“I did.” Aida grinned.

“You didn’t tell Ville what you took.” Soya told her as she started the car.

Aida shrugged. “It’s just a sweater.”

“Of Ville’s?” Soya asked with a frown, turning to Aida who gave a nod, before focusing back on the road. “All right then. Ville’s picking you up today from school today.”

“I know, Ville’s telling me a secret today.”

“A secret?” Soya asked, making the turn towards Aida’s school.

“I don’t know what it is yet, but he said he was going to tell me today.”

“Well, I know he promised you a trip to the candy store too, but I’m not sure what the secret is.” Soya told her, wondering if the secret had anything to do with Ville’s sudden want to take her to dinner.

“I would tell you, but then it wouldn’t be a secret anymore.” Aida told her as she parked the car.

“Very true.” Soya laughed. “Have a good day at school.”

“I will. Bye, Soya.”

“Bye.” Soya said with a wave as she watched her little sister climb the steps to the school. Shaking her head, she knew that whatever Ville was hiding would be plaguing her all day.


Ville leaned against the cab stuffing his hands in his pockets as he waited for Aida outside her school. He’d woken up around noon, frustrated with himself that he’d slept in so late. So, after taking care of the dinner situation for that evening, he’d gotten ready for running the errands he’d had to before heading toward the private school that held Aida.

He looked around and found the surrounding area very void of children, which was rare seeing as when he picked up Aida, she was usually one of the first batch of kids out. He looked at his phone, making sure he wasn’t late, only to look back up when he heard a clearing throat.

“Mr. Valo?”

Ville blinked at the older woman, her graying hair in a tight bun at the top of her head while her cat eye glasses hung from her neck resting on a white blouse, which was tucked into a black twill skirt that fell past her knees. “Um…yes.”

“I’m Mrs. Rahkamo, Aida’s teacher, do you mind following me?”

“Sure.” Ville nodded, leaning down and paying the cab driver and letting it leave before following the older woman up the steps. “Is Aida all-right?”

“She’s fine.” Mrs. Rahkamo said as she opened the school doors and led him through the halls towards what he assumed was her classroom. He was proven right when he saw Aida sitting outside the room glaring at the ground.

“Mr. Valo?”

Ville looked away from the glaring girl, towards the classroom and walked in, Mrs. Rahkamo closing the door behind him.

“You help Aida with her homework don’t you?”

Ville blinked. “Uh, some nights, yes, I do.”

“Then you were aware that today was Show and Tell?”

“Uh…yeah, it was mentioned last night, Aida was looking around my home for something to bring.”

“Are you aware as to what she brought?”

“No,” Ville said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “She never told me what she brought, but I think Soya was going to make sure she had something.”

“Aida decided it was appropriate to bring this in for show and tell today.” Mrs. Rahkamo said, opening her desk drawer, the minute he saw the striped hood with the fur lining he winced, knowing exactly what was being pulled out. Sure enough when she turned the sweater, he saw his own face staring back at him and cursed Rosalind for buying the damn thing.

“I had no idea Aida had grabbed that from my closet, I took it away from a friend of mine and I stuffed it back there not really thinking twice about it.” Ville shook his head. “I don’t know why she grabbed it for her show and tell.”

“Do you by chance know the theme we had today?”

Ville shook his head. “She really didn’t tell us too much about her show and tell, just that she needed to find something.”

“It’s people we admire.”

“Ah…” Ville tried to find a response to the statement but found himself at a loss for words as he stared at the teacher. “I…”

“She brought it a picture of herself and her sister and talked about Soya for a minute before pulling this out of her backpack and talking about you.”

The conversation he’d had the night before with Aida came rushing back. “She talked about the band, didn’t she?”

“A bit.” Mrs. Rahkamo said, setting the sweatshirt down on her desk. “She talked mostly about how you help her with her homework, and pick her up from school, take her to get candy, and sleep with her sister.”

“Ah, I don’t…” Ville ran a hand through his hair. “We sleep in the same bed.”

“When I asked Aida privately how she knew this, she said she sleeps in the room with you and Soya.”

“Only when she’s at my house.” Ville said, crossing his arms over his chest. “I…uh…I really don’t feel comfortable talking about Aida without Soya present, I’m really not in charge of her, I just pick her up.”

“And care for her, making you at least a bit responsible for her.”

“Sure, but…”

“This isn’t the first time she’s acted out in class.”

Ville winced. “No disrespect, but bringing a sweater into class isn’t really acting out, and if it’s a behavior issue, then it’s Soya you should be talking to, not me.”

“And why not you?” Mrs. Rahkamo asked.

“I’m just her sister’s boyfriend.” Ville said with a sigh. “I don’t have say when it comes to Aida. I can tell Soya what you’ve said, but I’m not really in charge of her discipline”

“And Soya is?”

Ville shrugged. “Really, Aida hasn’t done anything discipline worthy, but if she did, yes, Soya is.”

“Do you know where her mother is?”

“Again, I don’t…” Ville sighed. “Really, I just came to pick her up because I needed her help with some stuff today and Soya had some meetings to go to. I can tell Soya what you’ve told me, and have her call you, but other than that, I really can’t do much when it comes to Aida.”

“She respects you.” Mrs. Rahkamo pointed out.

“And I respect the hell out of her.” Ville shrugged.

Mrs. Rahkamo rolled her eyes. “I mean, you have much more say in her welfare than you think you do. If she admires you, Mr. Valo,” Mrs. Rahkamo started as she handed Ville the sweater. “It means she’ll listen to you. Please tell Soya to be expecting a call from me.”

Ville nodded, starting for the door, only to turn. “When you say she’s acting out…what does that mean?”

“What do you think it means, Mr. Valo?”

Ville shrugged. “I got into fights when I was younger, for all I know Aida could be hitting other children.”

“She’s been talking out of turn, talking during class, being disruptive in general.”

Ville shrugged. “She’s a child, isn’t that normal?”

“Not for Aida; in general she’s much more quiet and reserved. This changed when she came back after her week off, after her father’s death.”

Ville sighed. “I’ll talk to Soya and tell her to expect your call.”

“Thank you.” The older woman said nodding her head and turning to her white board, effectively dismissing him.

Ville ran a hand through his hair as he left the room, standing still in the hallway as he started at the eight year old. “Thirty three years old and I’m still getting in trouble at school.” He muttered with a shake of his head, before crouching down in front of Aida. “Come on.” He said, unzipping her backpack and stuffing the bright pink sweater inside.

“I’m not getting candy, am I?” Aida asked as she accepted her backpack from Ville, pulling it over her back.

“I don’t think so.” Ville chuckled, taking her hand as he walked her out of the school. “Why didn’t you tell us you took that sweater?”

Aida frowned. “I told Soya I took it.”

Ville smirked. “Did you tell Soya you took [i[that sweater to school for Show and Tell or a sweater to school?”

“What’s the difference?”

Ville stopped, and turned to the eight year old before crouching in front of her in the middle of the sidewalk. “The difference is that had you told Soya you took that exact sweater to school, she would have taken it away.” He watched her as she looked away causing him to chuckle lightly. “And you knew that.”

Aida shrugged. “I don’t see the big deal.”

“Aida, I’m honored, so very honored that you admire me.” He watched as a blush started in on her cheeks, making her seem that much more like Soya. “But you had to have known that taking that sweater with a picture of me half dressed wasn’t the best way to tell the class that.”

“I know.” She muttered.

“Why didn’t you tell me last night that this is was what you were doing? I could have printed out that picture that I showed you, or that Soya showed you.” Aida shrugged, causing Ville to sigh. “Aida.”

“I just liked the sweater better. Are you mad?”

“I’m not mad.” Ville laughed. “I’m not.” He assured. “I’m just trying to figure out why you took the sweater without telling us first, that’s all.”

“You’re going to tell Soya aren’t you?”

“I sort of have to, sweetheart.” Ville told her. “If I don’t, then your teacher will, so either way Soya would know. Don’t you think it’d be better coming from me than from your teacher?”

“Yes.” She muttered. “Does this mean you’re not going to tell me the secret anymore?”

“No, I still need your help with some things. Come on, I won’t get you candy but I can’t let you starve either; let’s go get some lunch and we’ll talk.”

“Talk about what?”

Ville shrugged. “Just…things.” He said, standing again and taking her hand, leading her to a small coffee shop near her school.

Settling her in one of the tables inside the café, he went to the counter and ordered Aida a hot chocolate and a muffin, knowing it was usually what she asked for, and a coffee for himself.

Once they were ready he took them back to the table, setting Aida’s hot chocolate and muffin in front of her as he sat across from her, watching her carefully as she picked at the muffin top.

“So, what’s the secret?” she asked, grinning up at him.

“Well…” Ville sighed, wondering how he could tell her before deciding to just ask. “I wanted to actually ask you how you would feel if I asked your sister to marry me.”

Aida blinked at him before frowning at him. “If you marry Soya, what would you be?”

“What do you mean?” Ville asked confused.

“To me? What would you be to me?” Aida explained.

“Oh, I would be…” Ville paused before shrugging. “I’d be your brother-in-law.”

Aida nodded slowly. “Are you moving to New York with Soya?”

Ville blinked. Was the eight year old interrogating him? “Soya and I really haven’t talked about that yet; we both travel for our work, so I’m not really sure how that would work just yet, but once we figure it out, we’ll let you know.”

“I think I’d like a brother.” Aida said slowly, picking up her paper cup and taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

“So is that a ‘yes’ in me asking Soya to marry me?” Ville laughed.

Aida grinned giving him a nod. “Can I be in the wedding?”

Ville chuckled. “That you have to take up with Soya.”

“Is that what you needed help with?” Aida asked with a frown, picking a piece of her muffin top off and putting it in her mouth.

“No, I actually needed help picking out her ring.”

“Really?!” Aida grinned staring up at him with excited eyes.

“And a few other things.” Ville laughed. “I have a few rings in mind that I think your sister would like, but I wanted your help in picking one.”

“When are you going to ask her?” Aida asked taking another drink.

Ville chuckled. “I actually wanted to do it tonight, but…” he looked at Aida. “How would you feel about staying with my parents tonight so I can take Soya out?”


Ville laughed. “I had a feeling you’d be okay with it. Come on then, let’s go ring shopping.”

Aida grinned, picking up her backpack and following Ville out of the café holding her small hot chocolate cup between her hands. “I think she’ll say yes.”

Ville looked down at the girl before grinning. “Do you?”

Aida nodded, meeting his grin with one of her own. “I do.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you guys so much for your comments!!! XD I'm glad you all enjoyed the chapter and i hope you all enjoyed this one as well!!!!

Next chapter will be up as soon as my beta gets it back to me, but I assure you that I have up to chapter 96 written, and currently writing 97.

Can't wait to see what you guys thought of the chapter!!! And as always the preview has been picked!! So leave your comments and I'll be sure to send it out!!
