Status: Just started, so not sure.

Don't Remember You


Green Day blasted through my headphones as I nimbly wove my way through the foot traffic on the city’s most commercial street. I was passing all the shops, all the restaurants, everything this city had to offer.

People jeered at me as I passed by them, yelling at me and calling me names. Fuck you guys, I thought, slowing down as I approached an intersection that was full of speeding cars. There was no way in hell I was gonna try to cross that.

I stared absentmindedly at the window of the gym I had stopped next to. I recognized the name as the place where Scotty went to train. I thought about going in and looking into a membership – I could use a bit more muscle – when a girl’s flushed face inside caught my eye.

It was the auburn haired girl from this morning, and now I knew who she was.

Her hair was thrown up into a messy ponytail, her baggy t-shirt wrinkled and hanging over her barely-there workout shorts. Her face was red and she was laughing, waving goodbye to the receptionist as she walked out the door. “Hey,” I called as she turned to face my direction.

“Oh, hey, you’re the kid from this morning.” She smiled. “Sorry about my appearance. I was at the gym.”

“Oh, no problem.” I paused for a moment, letting a natural silence form. “I think I recognize you now.”

“Oh, really? Care to refresh my memory?” She shook her head to get her bangs out of her eyes.

“Were you at Jack Mitrani’s party last night?”

She paled and put a hand up to her mouth. I could only assume she was remembering the events. “You’re…”

“I’m Jack’s younger brother, Luke. I think I woke up next to you this morning,” I whispered to her.

“Oh God.” Her voice was tiny and not confident now. “You gotta understand that… that’s not me. That’s not normal for me. I never have one-night stands.”

“Neither do I.” I chuckled. “I never have sex, if we’re being honest here.”

“Was that…” She motioned with her hands to emphasize her unstated point.

“Yeah, it was. And I can’t even remember it.” I sighed.

“Man, I’m so sorry. If I could remember anything, I’d tell you. I feel like shit about that, Luke.”

“No worries…” I looked at her. “What’s your name?”


“No worries, Teagen.”

The crowd of people around us began to dissipate as the light went red and we were allowed to cross.

“Hey,” I said, taking a deep breath. “Wanna at least give me your number? I mean, I think you’d be cool to know.”

“Of course.”

I handed her a pen from my pocket and she scribbled her number on my arm after we had made it across the street safely.

“Call me or text me when you get a chance, ‘kay?”


“Bye, Luke!” Teagen waved and I smiled, waving back as she took the corner into the first class housing district.

I hopped back on my skateboard, changing the song on my iPod to something happier.

Damn, I was in a good mood.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the serious delay, guys. Finals + writer's block + tough situation at home = no updates. Luke was being a brat and not telling me his story.
I started a contest! It's an action sports athlete one, and it's really simple. Do enter if you have the time. If not, whore it around to people who'd be interested in it.
Thanks for sticking with this, guys. I can guarantee way more updates because I can listen to Jack Johnson and sit on my sunny deck to write now. :D I love summer.
Comments and all that jazz?