Status: Active as much as possible

How to surrive a zombie apocalypse AND falling in love.

I could really go for a slurpie right now

My stomach let out a loud rumbled, I hadn’t eaten in almost two days and I was starting to get just a tad aggravated which would of course suck for any zombie who would try to cross paths with my today. I decided that today would be the day to go hunting for food. I know what you must be thinking; hunting as in the Big Buck Hunting shit right? Well hell no my kind of hunting was done in places like: Market Basket, Shop and Stop, Hannaford, Shaw's, and all might Super Wal-mart. You see when this first start I had a huge selection of foods to choose from but as time has gone on my choice has come down to mostly canned food and I hate food that comes in can form oh unless its baked beans I love baked beans. Sometimes I hit the jackpot. Let’s hope today is one of those days.

I stuck a few knife, daggers, ect. into my converse boots and two shot guns into the holders on my belt and slung a bag onto my back. If there was one thing I learned about weapons while fighting zombies it pack as many as you can on your body and whatever is lying on the ground that too can be used as a weapon. My personal favorite weapon to use against a zombie you might ask? Well the answer to that would be an ax.

After making sure the area was clear I jumped from my tree top home and made a mad dash for the closest hiding spot. For some reason it seemed too quiet I had an odd feeling in my stomach that something wasn’t right. Maybe I should go back and wait till later to go looking for food? But then it would be dark and a lot harder to pick out the zombies. Who was I kidding? I’m a zombie hunter! I can kill any zombie I want even though I am still scared of them. I mean who wouldn’t? They are the undead. The eat humans for all their meals and what am I? A human!

I decided to take my chances and make a run for the closest store I could find as long as it had something editable I would be OK I just had to get something in my stomach before I went crazy.
I took out one of my guns and held it tightly upright in front of my face. No zombie was going to eat my brains or any part of my body I wouldn’t allow it.

After walking and hiding for what seemed like an hour I came upon the closest store that carried any kind of food; a 7-11. Never before in my short life had I been so happy to be at a 7-11 let me tell you that. I did a quick run through of the whole place and grab the first thing I knew would be good, a family sized bag of sour cream and onion chips. I tore the bag open shoving the chips into my mouth. Once I felt content with the contents of my stomach I filled my bag with as much food and bottled water I could. Good thing water really never goes bad. I stopped and stared at the slurpie machine. “Damn I could really go for one of those right now.” I muttered to myself.

You know that’s another thing that tends to happen when you’ve been on your own for a large amount of time. You talk to yourself. I wonder when that started to happen to me. Sometimes I wonder if I’m going crazy or if I’m trying to convince myself that this is all just a nightmare but I know deep down inside that I’m not going to make it in the end, that one day I’m going to be too careless and get bitten or eaten but at least I know I did something great even though no one is going to know about it.I heard a slight moaning noise coming from outside the 7-11 and I knew what was coming next; a huge epic zombie fight.

I held the small shot gun tightly in my hands and slowly made my way out the entrance and pointed my gun at the first thing I saw more in the corner of my eye. “No! Please don’t shoot! I’m a human! Look! See! No green flesh peelie skin or white eyes and I don’t moan! Well I mean I do….” I lowered my gun and eyed him. “Drop whatever weapon you have and put your hands up. “ I said pointing my gun right back up to his face.” OK! OK!” He threw a large ax onto the ground and put his arms straight up.” My name is Garrett Nickelsen. I have no idea where I am and I lost my friends please don’t shot me I can help you survive just please don’t shot.”

I think I might have just found my very own human shield.

Today’s lesson in zombie hunting- You can find weapons anywhere
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So sorry this took so long. I've been super busy working and taking care of my family. My mom had surgery almost 2 months ago for her cancer and she is doing much much better.


So yeah I hope you enjoy this story as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Holly's zombie ass kicking outfit