Status: Active as much as possible

How to surrive a zombie apocalypse AND falling in love.

Start of a good what!?

I had gained “trust” in Garret enough to bring him back to my tree home. “Wow this is amazing.” He said taking in the small one roomed building. “Did you build this yourself?” I smiled to myself in accomplishment. “Sort of, it was already built up in this tree but I added a few personal touches. It’s like my own personal safe haven from all the craziness that has been going on speaking of craziness, how did you end up in a place like this? You don’t seem like you’re from here.”

Garrett let out a small sigh as he sat down on the dirty mattresses that lined the floor. “About that you see my friends and I were on tour; we have a band well had a band and one night while we were playing a gig some freaky girl came running through the venue biting people and all that gross shit. It didn’t take me long to figure out what was going on but my band mates didn’t and we ended up getting separated and I’ve been looking for them ever since that day.”

“Aw shit I’m sorry that really does suck. “ I rested a hand on his shoulder. ”Do you have any idea on where you think they may have gone?”He shook his head. “I was thinking maybe they had gone back home to Arizona but I am starting to even doubt they are alive anymore. “
I knew how he felt. I knew what it was like to feel like there was no one left for you to be with anymore. The few people I cared about were gone, never coming back and I knew that and he didn’t. Maybe I could cut this kid some slack let him stay with me for a bit, just until he can figure something else out.

“Um Garrett.” I stuttered playing with my hands.” I was wondering you know if you wanted to you could maybe stay with me until you figure something out?”

“Do you mean it?!” He yelled in surprise.

“Of course only if you don’t get me my way of course and don’t expect me to save your ass form being eaten it’s every person for themselves.”

“Thank you so much….” He trailed off “I don’t even know your name.”

“Oh. It’s Holly. “ I held my hand out for him to take as he took it he gave me a bright smile.” Well Holly I have a feeling this is the start to an amazing friendship.”

“Whatever you say Garrett.”
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Sorry for the lack of updates no excuses!