Sequel: One-Hundred Days

In the Month of May

Day Seventeen: White Noise

"We could be like white noise, unattainable, impossible, infinite."

My ears rang with the silence, infinite and overwhelming. The room was pitch black. My fingers searched for yours through the drowning of my lungs in so much darkness.

Your fingers found mine and established a grip, a safety net, a guide for the rest of our bodies to find the other's curves and crevices, to fit ourselves together like puzzle pieces. We searched through infinite silence, trecked through the overwhelming darkness. We searched and we found. We came together, fitting our bodies around each other.

We laid together in the darkness, the silence.
We were so afraid to break that silence, we barely breathed.

We were surrounded by white noise in a room blanketed in darkness.
The irony was lost on us.

We laid there until the morning, drowning in the white noise racing around our heads.

When the sun burst through the cracks in the walls around us, we found ourselves embedded in each other's curves, unable to let go, unable to break free.
So we stayed there, fused together by the white noise and suffocating darkness that came and went with each passing day.
We stayed there and listened to the white noise rotating around our minds.
We stayed there, intertwined and in love.