Sequel: One-Hundred Days

In the Month of May

Day Twenty-Three: Heartbeat

"You're so imperfectly perfect, flawless in a way the exposes every single flaw you possess. It makes my eyes wander and wonder, spellbound and hungry to remember every single thing about you. You get self-concious when I stare, but I only do it because I don't know what else to do. My tongue gets tied in knots, my heart goes crazy inside my chest, and my stomach just ricochets against my ribs and everything else inside of me. I just don't know what else to do around you but stare and listen. It makes me miss you less, and it makes this heart beating inside my chest just a little bit stronger."

I smile against your heartbeat. I've noticed that everything you do is in perfect timing with that rhythm inside of your chest. Each time you breathe or blink, every word you say, is in time with that little metronome resting inside of your ribs. When you pull me close, I can hear it change its tempo to match your eyes and lungs. Everything about you is musical and in perfect beautiful rhythm, from your hands on my skin to the fire that flickers and flares inside your eyes. I notice this tiny little detail, one that you barely notice yourself.
It is my favourite thing about you.

You sing into my ear, words flowing from your lips as they materialize inside your mind. You don't really have a care for the words, just the rhythm and melody, in time with the tempo beating away inside your chest, slow and smooth like the rain dripping from willow leaves. I close my eyes and smile, putting your words and voice together with the beating inside your ribcage.
It could be the most beautiful thing I have ever heard.

As you sing and scream and run on the stage in front of me, I smile. I am feet away from you, but I can see the fire inside of your eyes, burning and concentrated, and although I cannot hear your heartbeat, it is with me, beating in harmony with my own, and I can see with every movement you make it is in time with both of our hearts.

Your entire life is controlled by how fast or slow your heart beats. You have no idea that the life you have struggled to keep influenced by absolutely nothing is being influenced by the strongest and most vital thing that a person has: your heartbeat.

Your heartbeat against my ear is the most beautiful thing that I have ever heard.