Status: On hold until I get back to my own house where I have more time to write.

Texting Started It All

Fairy-Tales Suck

"Who knows what fairy-tales are?" Mrs. Mesires asked.

Everyone in class raised their hand, including me.

"Who knows a quote about love that isn't famous?" She asked with an eyebrow raised.

I was the only one with a hand raised.

She nodded towards me and I began speaking. " 'True love can only exist after tragedy, misery, and pain.' By Kaye Summers." I smiled and Mrs. Mesires asked, "Kaye said that?" I nodded and smirked. "She's a writer and poet Mrs. Mesires.....just not a good one when in between bounds." "I'll keep that in mind Is-" She was cut off.

"Sex and white lies,
Handcuffs and alibis,
She lays her halo on the pillow where she sleeps...
Her heart beats, red wine,
My toxic valentine.
Lays her halo on her pillow that used to be mine.
Oh, oh." My phone vibrated.

I grabbed it and read the text, ' I can't wait for you to suck my dick again ;)' Now I was confused. Who the fuck IS this?

Mrs. Mesires motioned to give me the phone. Kids were staring as she read it aloud. " I can't wait for you to suck my dick again. Wink." Her eyes were wide and she screamed, "PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE NOW!!!!"

I walked into the office and waited in a chair. 'I don't have a boyfriend so who the fuck who text me that? It wasn't anyone in my contacts which was everyone at school.' My eyes widened as a thought hit me. 'It couldn't be Danny, could it?'

I took my other cell phone out , the one from my real Dad, and texted my step-sister. 'You didn't give Danny my number did you 0.0'

She texted back and replied, ' No you texted him, giving him your number remember?'

'SHIT!!' My thoughts screamed as my principal called me in.

Danny wins this round.
♠ ♠ ♠
Her cell's ring tone was "Toxic Valentine" by All Time Low.

Do you guys think I should keep going?