Status: On hold until I get back to my own house where I have more time to write.

Texting Started It All

Can't Wait


I was waiting on the far right side of the mall, waiting for my friend.

"Baby I Love You,
I never want to let you go
The more I think I about
The more I want to let you know
That everything you do
Is super duper cute
And I can't stand it" My ring for Mikayla (Who I call Mickey) rang.

'Lft sde mll near cofshop' She texted me her location. I would like to point out that she is a horrible texter.

'Be there soon. Bye bitch ;D'

I picked up my bag and closed my phone. When I looked up I ran into someone.

We both fell to the floor and my phone scattered somewhere.

I crawled fast to pick it up and another hand covered mine. I looked up at the person and I gasped. He was hot.

He quickly removed his hand and said, "Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going." "It's fine neither was I." I replied.

We stood up and he stuck out his hand, "I'm Danny." I happily took his hand and said, "Isabella but call me Izzy."

He rubbed the back of his neck and asked, "Wanna go grab a smoothie or something?"

I smiled, "Sure."

Mickey can wait. She'll forgive me because she IS always complaining I need a guy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short I know but I'm sick.

heartsb- Look at the character profiles OK? That should answer a few of your Q's. And they're juniors.

What are your guy's fav songs? I might want to put them up.

Ring tone : "Can't Stand It" By NeverShoutNever