

This place is a fucking nightmare. It’s nothing but hallways, hallways, and more hallways. I used to think I knew this place like the back of my hand, but now I know I only scratched the surface. For a second I almost feel a pang of pity for the guards who have to look for me when I escape. Hah. Yeah right.

The only reason I find this stupid control room in the first place is because it is obnoxiously labeled CONTROL ROOM on a plaque on the door. I roll my eyes. At first the stupidity was funny. Now it’s just annoying. But helpful.

I stop and lean against the wall, taking a breath. I’m so out of shape. Somewhere in the back of my mind I miss my exercise periods. I stand quickly as I hear the sound of heavy footfalls coming toward me. I shove the key into the locked door and slip inside soundlessly, locking it behind me. Not that I’m worried about any escaped prisoner, I laugh at the thought, more like I don’t want any particularly intrusive officers busting in on my fun.

I immediately head to the cabinet and take out a radio and at least three guns, stuffing one in my belt and the others in my boots, safeties on of course.

I then plunk myself down in the chair, wondering what buttons to push first. Hmm hm hmmm hm, I hum to myself. I still haven’t quite thought of what evil-genius thing I’m going to do this time but what the hell, it’s more fun to make stuff up as I go anyway.

My eyes flit over the screens of the cameras, noticing an unusual number of guards. They seemed to have beefed up security. I wonder why? I say out loud, laughing to myself.

I’m still chuckling when I see it. One of the monitors covers the gates at the entrance, where some idiot guard sits munching a sandwich, seemingly oblivious to the chaos inside. Also oblivious to the glint of explosive wire wrapped around the metal bars. A confused smile spreads across my face, whoever is doing this certainly knows what they’re doing.

I stare at the screen with an almost animalistic fascination as I count to ten in my head. I’m about to give up on this fellow psycho when I see the bars, and guard, blown to smithereens. The echoing blast reverberates about two seconds later. Damn, I think.

Then, emerging from the smoke, stands a curvaceous figure that I would know anywhere. I shriek with laughter as she gives a knowing look to the security camera, as if she can tell I’m in here, watching her. Taking her cue I get up from the chair, open the door and smash the glass of the conveniently placed “In Case of Fire” axe that’s across the hall. This, in turn, sets off the fire alarm but I assume no one’s paying attention to that anyway. Besides there is a fire. It’s just not inside.

I run back into the control room and swing the axe again and again into the table of controls. One by one each of the twenty-five screens goes fuzzy, then black. I’m still laughing uncontrollably.

My radio beeps as Eugene yells into it. Lieutenant! What the hell is going on?! I ignore him and walk over to the cabinet; grabbing more ammo and two more guns for good measure.

It seems that the cavalry has arrived.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yay double updates!!!!! Yay exciting cliff-hangers!!!!

Anyway, since I love you guys enough to give you TWO action filled chapters in one day, why don't you guys show ME some love? ^^^^^^

It only takes a moment of your time and it means so so so much to me! Plus then you'll get your crazy fix FASTER.

Anyway let me know how I'm doing. I do love you guys. A Lot. So....DON'T BE A SILENT READER.

Love <3 ..mockingbird..