
Meet Mr. Smith

He walks in the dark, hateful and dangerous. Thirsty… he wants blood.

“We rock!” Tre shouted out when the band got off stage. The Green Day guys was just done with a small show in Los Angeles, and the fans loved them, as always.
”Totally agree” Billie answered while they got into their tour bus.
“Let’s go celebrate!” Then they went to the closest bar with just some football fans watching a football game in it. Mike went to the barman and got beers for everyone, even the football fans, who cheered back.
”Thanks dude, we ran out money, but you saved the night!” One of them said before paying attention to the game again. Mike just grinned back and went to the guys with their beers.
They sat there in a corner and just had a great time, making fun of each other.
“GOOOOAAAAAAL!!!!!!!” The football guys shouted and started dancing around like some sort of kids. Since Tre was a bit drunk now, he joined them with a huge grin in his face.
After some minutes of dancing he football guys dropped Tre on his place and sat down in from of the screen again.

He walks down the street, dark and weak. “I need blood” he thought. He stopped and looked into the bar window which was in front of him now. He saw all the guys in there… “So much blood” he whispered before he went to the door.

”What the hell is wrong with that one?” The barman thinks when a thin and skinny man with a black cape, covering his head. The man sat down in the darkest corner, towards the Green Day guys.

“Geez, that dude doesn’t look well” Billie thought when the dark man came in.
”That can’t be a football fan, right?” Jason White whispered in Mike’s ear.
”nu-uh” he answered and took another sip of his beer, not looking away from the dark man. He was a bit scary, he didn’t take his cape off either.
The barman walked to the dark mans table. “What’s your order mister?”
”You got some whiskey?” The man asked with a so cold voice that the barman and Green Day guys got a bit scared actually.
”I’ll get you some, mr…?” the barman said and looked at the man.
”Smith, please.” He answered, and the barman left the table.
”Think he really is a Smith? I mean, everyone who don’t wants to say their real name says that.” Billie asked Ron.
”He can’t be, if he is a Smith he wouldn’t cover himself up that much. He looks like a bloody Nazgul from Lord of the rings!” Ron whispered.
”Hey, maybe he is?” Tre said with a mysterious voice that made everyone at the table laugh.
”Yeah, then I’m Frodo Baggins” Billie said, still laughing, and they laughed even harder.

They are joking about me. I know it, they don’t believe me about my name. But that’s okay, I lied anyway. They probably would have joking even more of me if I said that my name is Stalker. I can’t show my face… then all would have seen my ugly teeth. HAH, that would scare the happy shit out of them. Bloody happy people[/]

The barman walked to the table with the whiskey. “Do you want anything to eat? We got some lovely chicken sandwich tonight, to honour the football game.”
”I’m not hungry” Stalker answered and took a sip of the whiskey. “But while you are standing here. Who are those guys? They look familiar…” He nodded to the Green Day guys.
”Oh, they are some famous punk rockers, if your not a fan, it’s nothing to care about” Then the barman left back to the bar.

Mike and Billie walked over to the bar. “What did he ask you about? We saw he nodded at us you see” They asked the barman.
”He just asked who you are, because you looked familiar for him”
”Okay” Billie answered and he and Mike walked back to the table again.

So they are famous? They are so happy they can get those fools… I hate that, I hate seeing people being happy when I’m dieing. I need blood, soon. It look like they all have some tasty blood to give away…

”What the fuck? Was that a grin? I think I heard an evil grin in the corner!” The barman thought.
Mike had noticed it too. He got a bit scared, he told Billie, he got a bit scared too.
“This is freaky, I think we should go Bill” Mike said.
”Nooooo, let’s stay!” Tre said and fell down from his chair. Billie used the situation and said:
”Nope Tre, you are way too drunk. Let’s go back to the tour bus and get some sleep” My God, it gonna be good to get away from that freaky Smith dude. He thought while carrying Tre, with help from Mike and Jason White, outside.
”Fucking hell, that Smith dude was scary” Billie said while walking back to the tour bus.
”Who are you talking about?” Tre said before he was lost in his own sleepy world.

They left, I scared them. Heh, I better follow them if I want to be alive tomorrow. I think I have a mission to complete…

”Finally the Smith dude left. Hope I never get to see him again…” The barman thought while cleaning the left guests tables.