
I think we just got ourselves some trouble guys…

”Errm… Bill? I think I saw someone in the bushes outside…” Mike said. They was now in the tour bus, only Billie and Mike was awake. Billie came up on the side of Mike and looked trough the window.
”What bush? It’s about hundreds out there, how am I supposed to know which one you means?”
”Number two from the right Bill…” Mike said a poked the window in direction of the bush.
”Maybe it’s Bush, hiding in the bushes?” Billie said, laughing. Mike started to laugh too, but stopped when he saw a dark shadow behind bush number six from the right.
”There it was again!” He said, jumping of surprise and stared at the bush. Gone… it was gone again. “Did you see it Bill?” he asked and looked at him. “yeah, freaky… lets lock the doors and go to bed…” Billie answered and walked trough the room and locked one of the two doors who leaded outside.

They saw me… hah, they locks the doors! Well that is what I call scared! I can wake them up with something scary… but not terrifying, then they will call the police or something, I don’t want back there again… never, ever.
Maybe write something on the window and knock? Yeah, that’s it, I’ll scare them… But first I must cut the phone line… so they must go outside and meet their worst nightmare face to face.

”Bill? You awake?” Tre asked Billie. He didn’t remember a thing from the night. But he knew that he had been drunk. Billie turned around and looked at Tre.
”So, sleeping beauty is awake, huh? Who kissed you? A strange frog?” He answered with a teasing voice. Tre had to play with him, but he wasn’t in the mood right now…
”So you think I’m beautiful, huh? I knew it!” He answered with an evil grin in his face, and Billie started laughing.
”No, really. How’s your head?” He asked when he stopped laughing.
”Fucking hell, it hurts. You sure I didn’t get a coconut in my head tonight?”
”Nope, no nuts in your head dude. But you got a really fun dance with some football fans” He said with a smile.

Mike was also awake, he listened to the conversation, and had to stuff the pillow in his mouth for not laughing. He didn’t like the thought of the dark shadow outside. “But what can it do?” he thought for himself. “The doors are locked and we are six guys, and that is only a shadow, what am I worrying about?” Then he fell asleep.

The phone line is dead. Now I only need something to write with, blood would be nice… But I can’t use my own, then I would die. I must get this done before sunset, if not, I’m dead anyway. I want to go back to my chest… but I need blood, soon.
Ah! A dead bird, that could be useful. But lets taste it first, maybe bird blood isn’t so bad at all?
YUCK! That didn’t taste well, ewww… But I can write on the windows with it…

Billie woke up again. He could hear Mike snoring softly and Tre snoring unnatural loud. He gave up trying to fall asleep again and went over to the window.
Then he got really scared, and ran trough the room and to Tre’s bed.
”Hey, dude, wake up!” He said while shaking Tre’s body.
”What is it Bill?” Mike asked, a bit tired.
“Help me wake up this dude, I think he has tried to trick us again.” Billie said while he kept shaking Tre.
”mmmmm… what? What is it? Stop fucking strangle me!” he said and slightly got awake. Billie dragged him to the window and nodded to the text. Tre read it in silence and looked at Billie, confused.
”Is this one your jokes Tre? Because it isn’t fun at all!” Billie shouted, waking up all of the other guys. Jason came to the window.
”What’s up Billie?” Jason W asked.
”I know I likes to joke with you guys, but right now I’m too tired and my head hurts, so I got to say that this wasn’t me” Tre said and Billie let him go.
”Read” Billie said to Mike and Jason W and went back to his own bed, now he was really scared.
Jason W read it out loud. “Be warned, it stands Be Warned” He said, and slightly realised what he just had read. “It’s written with blood…”
”What is that supposed to mean? What should we be warned about?” Ron said, still sitting on his bed.
”I think we just got ourselves some trouble guys…”