
First victim

”We should call the security guards!” Jason Freese said.
”Yeah, let’s” Mike said back and picked up his cellphone.

Shit! How could I be so stupid? This is a tour bus, they don’t have phones! What to do now?

“Errm… Bill… There is no contact, we can’t call anything. We can call the police though…” Mike said, showing everybody the signal, which was too weak for use.

What a luck! If they call the police I’ll just throw a stone trough the window so they know that I can hear them.

“Yeah, lets just call the police and tell them the situation that we can’t get to our security guards” Billie answered with a smile, he was now calm. Everything would be just fine now.
Then the stone came trough the window with a loud bang.
”HOLY SHIT!” Mike screamed, jumping away from the stone. The stone hit the floor and everybody ran to the window and looked out.
”Someone’s there, like I told you Bill.” Mike said. Jason F walked to the stone and picked up a note.
”There’s a note.” He said. “I can hear everything you say, don’t call the police.” Jason W had read the note over Jason F’s shoulders.
Billie was not calm anymore, not at all, he was scared, really scared.
”We should still call” Tre said.
”NO!” Billie shouted louder than he wanted.
”Calm down Bill, don’t get panic, not you either Mike.” Ron said calmly.
Mike and Billie both breathed really hard and fast. But they had control over themselves.

They took the hint. Now, how do I get them outside? If I walk inside they would only fight me down, I’m too weak. Maybe I can open the door? Then I can jump on the closest one… I only need one drop of human blood and I’m back, strong as a huge bull. Yeah, that’s what to do.

”Somebody’s knocking the door…” Tre said, walking to the door.
”Tre, don’t, what if it is that thing out there?” Billie said with a scared voice.
“Yeah, you’re right…” Tre answered and walked back to his bed again.

Argh… They are too scared, I have to do something…
Ah! They said they wanted security, well, here it comes.

knock, knock…
”Security! We heard some weird noises and decided to check it out.”
”Hey, it was a security guard!” Ron said and everyone went to the door to unlock it and welcome the security guard.
They opened the door…

Nobody’s there.
”Hello? Security guard? Where did you go?” Tre asked. Nobody answered.
”I have a bad feeling… let’s go inside again” Billie said and went back inside, with Mike right behind. Tre took one last look before he closed the door behind himself.
”Hey, I found a signal!” Mike said. He was so far from the window they could get, and there was a small signal, enough to call the security guards.

Fuck! I’m to weak to run, so I didn’t make it. The guy they called Tre closed the door a moment before I was going to jump!
Wait, they are calling the security! This is my last hope, I must stay here in the bushes until the guards comes… then I’ll take one of them first, so I can get some energy.

Two guards came walking, they were tired, but this was their job, so they got to do it. Then a dark shadow came out of nowhere and landed on one of them.

The guys sat on their beds, waiting for the two security guards, when they heard:
”WHAT THE FUCK?! Hey you! Get off Ian!” someone shouted. Everyone ran outside and saw a dark shadow disappear into the night.
The guard, called Ian, was on the ground. He looked dead, really pale and he didn’t move.
Billie and Mike were stunned, they couldn’t move, they were too scared.
The other guard sat on the ground beside Ian, checked his pulse.
”He’s alive” He said shortly and picked up the phone and called an ambulance.

That was good. But now must that Ian guy suffer the same destiny as me… That feels good, I have only one more thing to do now… I want to taste some famous blood too, and now I’m strong again, it will take a week or two before I start to feel like before again. Damn, it’s good to be strong again… but now the sun comes back. I must back to my chest and look forward to tomorrow night. Then it’s party!

-At the hospital-

”Ian is just fine, he has lost a bit blood, but he has got some back, so he’ll keep alive.” The nurse told Tre and Mike. “Now, you all go get some sleep, if you want to be able to sleep this night.” Then she walked away.
Tre and Mike nodded and walked back to the SUV, where Billie were waiting.

”Did you tell them about the strange thing he has got into his body?” one of the doctors asked the nurse who had talked to Mike and Tre. “No, I thought it was better to just don’t tell anything. I have seen that sort of thing with some other people too, all with the same thing happened. He got bit by a big dark thing who has a body looking like a person and a face looking like a human monster…” The nurse looked at the doctor with a nervous look.
”That means that Ian just got his life ruined… Stuart… He’s a vampire.”