
"Give them all that they can drink, but it will ne

”Good thing Ian is fine.” Billie said after Tre and Mike had told him.
”Yeah…” Mike paused. “Bill? Did you see something familiar with the thing who attacked?”
”Not at the moment, no…” He answered, thinking back, trying to remember.
”I think that what we saw, was that Smith dude…” Mike said while driving the car away from the hospital.
”You thinks so?” Billie looked at Mike with a strange look in his face.
”Who the fuck is Smith?” Tre asked.
”He is a very strange dude we saw at the bar last night, you called him a nazgul.” Billie said, now looking at Tre, since himself sat in the middle.
”ooh, the nazgul dude… I see… What about him?”
”I think we should go back to the bar and ask the barman about when the Smith dude left…” Mike said, ignoring Tre’s stupid question. Billie nodded and they drove to the bar.

When they arrived the bar, it had just opened.
”It’s a new football game going on.” Billie said while they walked inside. The barman smiled when he recognized Tre. He remembered him as the guy who danced with the football fans without being one himself. The giggled and started to do some cleaning of the bar.
Billie walked up to the barman. “Hey, I see you remember us…” He said.
”Yeah, I do. That short one drank for enough money to a birthday present for my daughter!” He said and laughed. “Hi, I’m Tim” He filled up a glass of water for himself while he waited for Billie to answer. “Well, I’m Billie, and that tall guy standing with the door is Mike, and the short dude watching football is Tre. Nice to meet you again.” Billie smiled before he started talking again. “But, do you remember that dark guy who called himself Smith?”
The barman shrugged. “Yeah, he is one of the creepiest guests I ever had here… What about him?” Mike came now up to the barman too. “When did he leave?” He asked. “Umm… oh, yeah, now I remember… right after you. That bastard didn’t give me enough money, but I didn’t have the guts to tell him.” Billie nodded. Then Mike went to pick up Tre with the TV.
They left the bar after saying goodbye to Tim and drove back to the tour bus.
When they got there, they sat down on a couch. “I think I had right about Smith…” Mike started. “Yeah, but who attacks people like that? Ian got fucking bit!” Billie said frustrated.
”Ewww… bit by a man… yuck!” Tre was now a little sick… He didn’t feel so well in his stomach.
”What about calling the hospital? Maybe they got some more information about the wound?” Jason W said while walking inside the little room. “Sorry, but I heard the conversation and decided to join… What did you find out at the bar?”
Billie sighed and told him about Smith leaving right after them. “Creepy” Was the only comment he could find.

Finally… It’s evening. Now I only need to wait one or two hours, then I can go and taste some famous blood. Mum has always told my that famous people taste better, because they often are so happy. I love ruining peoples lives, especially when they are so damn happy about their life! Just one more hour…

After a lot this and that, the guys ended up by calling the hospital for more information. Jason F was the ‘lucky one’ who had to call, so he picked up the phone and called the number.
”LA hospital, how can I help you?” A female voice answered. Jason F put on the speaker, so everyone could hear what they said about Ian. “Hi, I’m a friend of Ian Hill. He got checked in last night by a bit from a person…?” He started. “oh, yeah… You calling for more information?” She asked. “Yeah, I want to know everything you can tell me.” He answered.
”Ok… I’ll read the information I got here for you.” Then she took a sip of something. “yeah, thanks… make it understandable please.”
”I will. Now I start, I only read this once for you, so you better listen. Ian Hill has a wound on the right side of his neck. The wound had no dangerous injuries or anything like that. He has a huge blood loss on the body, but he has got some donations, so he will survive. There is one more thing here… yeah, It’s written here, that Ian’s condition is critical.” The woman stopped and took a deep breath. “wha, what? Critical? Why? Let me talk to the nurse who’s helping him.” Billie had to sit down… he could not believe what he heard, all those things were positive, but he was critical? That didn’t make any sense for him, not at all.
Jason F was now irritated, the nurse who was responsible for Ian, didn’t want to talk to him!

With good reason.