All Fake

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

The rest of the day was a bore. I had another class with Aaron, so that was a bit helpful. But trying to find the rest of my classes on my own well if I was caught on camera well you would be laughing you’re asses off. Lunch wasn’t that bad since I was sitting with Aaron. I kept getting glares from the bitch and her friends. Like I wasn’t that bad, I only gave glares when someone pissed me off. And I didn’t piss her off. And her telling me to stay away from this Joe Character, hell I didn’t even know whom she was talking about. So she had nothing to be pissed off about.

Every time I would mention my old school to Aaron, he would say, “welcome to your new life” Or “it’s the past get over it.” But I couldn’t get over it. I wanted it to go back to what it used to be. Me being in charge and everyone looking up at me. Just wait till she hears when I marry Tom Felton.

So now I’m waiting for Dad to come and pick me up. And Aaron was nice enough to wait with me.

“Is your dad normally this slow?” he asked while sitting on a bench next to the parking lot.

“No, I normally drive myself to school and back” I told him. Thinking back to my when I had my mustang back at home.

“You drive, why didn’t you drive today?” he asked.

“Because I have to wait till my dad buys me a new car, so he's going to be driving me everywhere. Which kind of sucks” I told him while playing with my cell phone, sliding it in and out.

“Oh, well when you do get it, your picking me up in the mornings, since your making me wait here with you” he smiled at me.

“I am not making you, you offered remember” I smiled widely at him. Aaron had this type of energy that made you smile non-stop. Which brings me back too why he's not popular.

“Yea, yea. Is that your dad right there?” He pointed too the car pulling into the parking lot.

“Yea that’s him. Want a ride?”

“If its alright with your dad of course” he told me. He seemed a little nervous. My dad parked the car right in front of us and I opened the back door so Aaron and I can sit together.

“Dad this is Aaron, Aaron this is my dad” I introduced them while climbing in. I looked back at Aaron. “Its all right you can come in” he nodded his head.

“Hello Aaron, I’m Phil, nice to meet you” My dad said from the drivers seat.

“Hi, you sure you can give me ride, I can walk home I don’t live to far”

“It’s alright, I don’t mind” my dad ensured him. He nodded his head and put his seat belt on. And then told my dad the address. It just happened to be on the same road as us.

“So do you guys have any classes together?” my dad asked.

“Yea two” I told him. And then looked over to my right to smile at Aaron, he gave me a light smile back.

“That’s cool, did you make any new friends other then Aaron dear?” my dad asked the one question I hoped he wouldn’t ask. I looked back at Aaron and said.

“Yea tons, told you it wouldn’t be hard.”

“alright sweetie just making sure, since you know it’s a different school and all. By the way your Grandmother decided to visit”

“I thought Grandma died?” when did she decide to come back to life?

“Not my mom, your mothers mom” I did a oh face. I haven’t seen her since my mother passed away 4 years ago. And we didn’t get along to well back then.

“Why?” couldn’t hurt to ask. Not like we had much connection.

“She decide to come stay with us for a bit. She misses you” I laughed to myself. I could tell Aaron was giving me odd looks.

“Be nice is all I ask, arlight?” he told me.

“Hey I’m the angle she’s the devil” it was true. She made me think of those grandmothers you would find in those witch movies. She probably made voodoo dolls.

“Just be nice,” I could tell he was going to leave it at that. We stopped in front of a nice big house that was two stories and had three cars in the front and getting out of one of the cars was the hot guy that I talked to this morning.

“You know him?” I asked Aaron.

“Yea, he's my brother Joe, why you know him?” he asked, he had a sad look in his eyes.

“Well no, I talked to him this morning and he showed me to my first class. But other than that no” I would like to get to know him. He was fine.

“Oh okay, well he's a douche and a player” he told me. He opened the car door and got out.

“I’ll see you tomorrow at school Kira” he smiled at me, I smiled back.

“Yea you too, bye”

“Bye” he closed the door and my dad stared he car again. And we drove off.

“He seems like a nice boy” my dad said.

“He is” I smiled to myself. I already considered him a good friend. We got to my house. And I hoped out of the car and into the nice beautiful big two-story house. I walked into the kitchen to see my Grandmother making tea. Oh well she hasn’t changed a bit. She was wearing a green over sized top with a long black skirt with her grey hair tied in a braid going down her back.

“Well hello, my have you changed” she told me while sitting down at the island.

“Yea, well I’m sixteen now” I told her. It felt weird to be in the same room with her. It wasn’t because last time I saw her was four years ago when my mother passed away because of an accident, but it felt like something was in the air.

“Sixteen the age of becoming closer to a women, and everything magical” she smiled weirdly at me. Was she on drugs or something?

“Yea, uh im going to go to my room now and… uh read, yea read. Bye” I just wanted to get out of the room as fast as I can. I walked out without wanting a answer and I heard her say something to herself like “I can feel the power, its almost time” yea she was on drugs.
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okay here is the fourth chapter :) I'm really happy with the way this story is working out :)
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Tanya Ladouceur <3