A Load of Random Crap with Green Day

I Want to Kill Someone!

One day Billie was walking around town. He suddenly had a urge to kill someone.

"I suddenly have a urge to kill some, but who?"

He then remembered that he had a list of people he would love to kill that he worked all night on in his pocket.He took it out and looked through it.

"Hm, Micheal Jackson, no. Random people, no. Mike and Tre if their on my nerves, no their not on my nerves. A math teacher, maybe. Britney Spears, Yeah!!" Then he spun around super fast and changed into his Super Man outfit complete with foam muscles, threw his fist in the air and yelled, "Up up and away!"and off he was to Britney's to kill her.

When Billie got there he quickly spun around again and changed back in to his normal, hot, rock star clothes. This will trick Britney in to thinking Billie was there for a visit. Billie got out his trick flower that rapidly shoots out poisonous needles and walked up the path. He rang the door bell the tune of the door bell was hit me baby one more time. Britney then opened the door.

"Billie what a surprise, come in," Billie walked in and screamed like a girl.

"Tre? What the hell are you doing here!?"

"What are you doing here? I'm just selling my girl scout cookies, I want to beat Trudy this year so I can get the fluffy pink poodle and be crowned Miss. Girl Scout of the year."

"Well I'm just here to kill Britney."

"Holy crap, you are!?" screamed Britney.


He pointed out his killer flower at Britney and shot his flower. She fell to the ground dead. Then fireworks were every where, all Billies friends came in and congratulated Billie on a job well done, and Billie was given a reward.

"Wow In never knew that killing Britney Spears would be so rewarding and my urge to kill is gone, yay!!" And they partied and had a good time.