A Load of Random Crap with Green Day

Evil Chicken Noodle Soup!

Mike was home sick in bed. He had the worst sickness you can possibly think of, a cold. "I feel like Crap! Maybe I should call someone before I die, my sickness is VERY serious!" Mike, as quick as a flash, picked up the phone and called the one, the only, Billie!

"Hello, who may I ask is calling?" Billie asked in a sing-song voice.

"It's me, Mike."

"Holy crap, you sound like your dying!"

"I am Billie, I-I have the cold!" Mike answered in a sobbing tone.

"I'll be down as soon as I can with the remedy of all sicknesses, chicken noodle soup!" and Billie hung up."

Two minutes later Billie was there with some green goopy soup that looked like crap.

"Billie what the hell is that!?" he yelled pointing at the bowl in Billies hands.

"It's chicken noodle soup of course!" he said triumphanly.

Billie then put the bowl on Mikes lap. "Dig in!"

But the soup started bubbling and growling.

"Billie What did you put in this!?"

"Um, water, chicken blood, a chicken leg, green food coloring, and then I kind of sneezed in it, and noodles. The way my mom always made it."

"Yeah, well I don't think it came alive!" he screamed when a giant chicken thing popped out of the bowl.

The chicken started attacking Mike and Billie with its awesome kung fu moves. Billie and Mike were running around screaming for an hour when Tre came in with his awesome chicken-killing devices.

"I sensed there was an evil chicken afoot," Tre declared, weilding his sub-atomic radon chicken gun of death. He lunged for the chicken, yelling a battle cry.

The chicken squawked and dodged his attack, giving Tre a "bring it on" look.

Tre thought on his feet, and spun, firing a single blast from the radon gun. He sneezed, though, and the blast careened to the right, catching Mike square in the face. Mike let rip an enormous sneeze, that blew the windows right open, and the force of the gust forced the soup-chicken backwards, out the window, and it let out a final screech before plunging out of sight.

Billie, Tre, and Mike stood silently for a moment, unable to believe what had just happened.

Mike sniffed experimentally, breaking the silence. He grinned, and sniffed again. "Hey!" he exclaimed happily, sniffing for a third time. "Hey, I can breathe out of my nose! I'm not sick anymore!"

Tre and Billie cheered for their friend, but-

"Ah-choo!" sneezed Billie.

"Oh, no!" Mike and Tre said at once.

The End