A Load of Random Crap with Green Day

The Devil!

One day, Tre was walking down town. He ran upon a ugly little fat girl that had horns.

"Holy crap, what the hell are you!" he screamed at the top of his lungs.

"A little girl, Gosh!" she stated in her preppy accent.

"Holy, then you're the ugliest child ever!"

"Oh, don't make me snap my fingers in a Z-formation," she said snapping her finger in a Z-formation.

"Oh well, don't make me snap MY finger in a Z-formation twice, oh BURN," he said snapping his fingers in a Z-formation twice.

"Oh, that's it!"she screamed as her nails grew long and sharp.

As soon as her nails grew, Tre pointed his sub-atomic radon chicken gun of death at her head.

"I see you are fast, but your gun only works on chickens!"

"Ho ho, young grasshopper, do not underestimate the power the gun."

"I'll do what ever I want cause i'm fat!"

"That has nothin' to do with it but I do think you could go on a diet."

With that she lunged at him, but he dogged with his supper fast speed. He shot his gun and got Molly squre in the jaw, then she blew up in to a million peices.

Tre put his gun away and continued with his day.

But is this the end of Molly?

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PLEASE coment!! It makes me warm and fuzzy inside. I changed the name of the "devil" 'cause I'm not mad at that person any more.