A Load of Random Crap with Green Day

Happy Birthday Party!

Billie, Mike, and Tre were sitting in Billie's basement celebrating his B-Day. Just then there was a nock at the door.

"Tre, Mike, one of you go get the door, for I am king today and you are my minions!" Billie said jumping up on the couch, pointing down to them.

"I will go get the door, for I am your top minion!" Mike declared while running to get the door.

"Then I shall rub your feet, 'cause I am your top minion!" Tre yelled.

Just then they heard a girlish scream, and Mike came rushing down the stairs.

"Tre, get your radon gun, it's the soup chicken, and he's back for revenge!"

"I'm on it!" he said, he stomped up stairs.

A few hours later (2.5 minutes) Tre came down stair bloody and beaten.

"Billie, I was unable to defeat the chicken, you may chop off my head now." he said defeated.

"NO, this ain't the mid-evil times, so I refuse to chop off your head!" Billie said grossed out.


"Yeah, what were you thinking?" Mike asked.

"Well, Billie said king and minions, so I just thought you were going by mid-evil rules."

"No, it's my birthday, and I just didn't want to get the door."

"Oh, well, I wasn't able to kill the chicken."

"I will do it Billie, I've been training this my hole entire life, well, the last few weeks of it," Mike declared and ran up stairs.

When Mike saw the chicken he almost screamed the chicken had grown.

"Well chicken, prepare to meet your DOOM!!!"

With that mike lunged at the chicken, with a chainsaw that mysteriously appeared in his hands.The chicken didn't even have time move Mike was so fast. Within minutes the chicken was cut up and thrown in the garbage.

"Billie, I have defeated the chicken, that just proves I am your top minion!" Mike declared.

"Well, you both are my top minions," Billie said.

"WHAT, why?!" Mike asked.

"Tre gives UNBELIEVABLE foot massages."


Then they opened presents and ate cake, it was a wonderful birthday party.

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Happy Birthday Billie Joe!!