A Load of Random Crap with Green Day

Yet Another Birth Day!

"Guess what we're going to do to do today!!" Billie yelled bounding in to the room.

"What!" Tre yelled just as excited.

"What?" Mike asked, staring awkwardly at his bouncing band mates.

"We're going to Gerard's house and wishing him happy birth day!!" Billie squealed.

"Um, are we invited?" Mike asked crossing his arms.

"Um, yeah," He said, not really sounding convincing.


"OK, fine, no we weren't invited, but everyone loves surprises!" Billie squealed, yet again.

"Do you even know where he lives?"

"Yes," (A/N I don't know if Gerard lives in California, but were going to pretend that he does in this story.)

"How, he's never invited us over there?"

"Um, I've never followed him home from the grocery store, NO of coarse not!" He said in that really, really fast and nervous way.

"I'm in!!" Tre yelled.

"OK, fine, but if he calls the cops on us I'm blaming you!" he said pointing like that evil monkey on Family Guy.

"OK, lets go then!" Tre yelled.

They then hopped in the car, and drove to where Gerard's house is.

Gerard's house

"OK, here's what we do, you put on the masks on that I gave you, here's a crow bar, then we'll burst in through the door, when they start freaking out, take off your mask, say 'happy birth day' give him a quick hug, and then we RUN," Billie said in a hushed tone, for they were in front of his house.

"OK you said that we were going to do this casually!" Mike whispered harshly.

"He lied," Tre smiled.

Mike sighed, "OK lets just get this over with."

Billie and Tre burst through the door, while Mike just leaned on the door frame. All of MCR started screaming, thinking they were being attacked, Billie and Tre yanked off their masked.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GERARD!!" They, well Billie and Tre, yelled, and then ran up and hugged him, squealing like fan girls, and then ran out the door, pulling Mike with them.

As they were running Gerard yelled out the door, "Thank you, even though that was weird!"

But they kept running 'till they got to Billie's house, then Tre realized, "dudes, we left the car at Gerard's!"

"Aw, he's nice he'll probably bring it by," Billie said.

Tre agreed, they sat down and watched TV waiting for Gerard to bring the car.

♠ ♠ ♠
Happy birthday Gerard!!