A Load of Random Crap with Green Day

Its Another Birthday!

Billie hopped through the door of Mike's house. "Hey Mikey-Mike! Guess what!" Mike sighed.


"Well Tre's out in the car."


"We're going on a car trip!"


"Um, you'll see."

"Billie, I will sick a giant chicken on you if you don't tell me where going!"

"You don't have the guts!"

"Just tell me where we're going!"

Billie looked frightened. "Okay, okay, we're going to Ray Toro's house, to wish him happy birth day."

"What is with you and wishing these people happy birthday!"

"Um, IDK, why you freakin' out on me homey G?" Billie said all gangsta style, even adding the weird hand movements.


"I don't really know, but come on it'll great!!

"Fine, but if you act like you did on Gerard's birthday, we're leaving."

Billie pouted, "Fine."


Billie, Tre, and Mike stepped up to the door and rang the door bell. When Ray answered the door, he had terror on his face. Probably because the last time he saw them they were in masks and had crowbars.

"Hello, birthday boy!!" Tre yelled, hugging him tightly, in fact he looks blue. When he finally let go he gave him his present.

Billie and Mike gave him his presents, and walked in. They saw Tre sitting on Mikey's lap whispering in his ear, Mikey look pretty scared.

"Tre, what are you doing?" Gerard asked.

"Oh nothing, just planning what we are going to be doing tonight."

"Okay, anyway, lets open presents!"

After opening Gerard's, Mikey's, Bob's , and Frank's presents, it was time for the weird presents. Mike's was normal. He then opened Tre's he pulled out condoms.

Tre leaned over, "Just in case you want to have some birthday fun."

"Okay I'm going to put these over here," putting them near the fire place.

Billie's was a small box, he reached in and pulled out a pony.

"Hey Billie, isn't that the pony you gave me for my birthday?" Mike asked.

"Um, no why would you say that?" Billie said, although it was the pony he gave Mike.

So then they had cake, partied, and played weird games. It turns out Tre's gift was more useful than Ray thought it would be, and Tre trapped Mikey in his room 'cause they had made 'plans'.

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Sorry if it wasn't really funny, but oh well HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAY!!!!!