Status: Complete contest entry!

There Is Nothing in the World Better Than This

Chapter 2


Gosh, I'd finally be back to see her and I'd be able to hug her and smell her scent. In four days, I'd be able to hold her and hopefully tell her that I love her. I mean these two weeks away from her and, it seems as though, I can't do this anymore. I mean, I need her by me at all times and I need her to be more then just a best friend. I want her as my girlfriend, the one I want to be with forever and ever and I'm just not sure she wants me that way too.

Thinking back on all the great times we've had together, my mind keeps going back to the day where I realized that I was madly in love with her.

"Hey, Sidney." Casey called when she saw me waiting across the street.

Today, I decided to take Casey out, thought it would be a fun time you know just hanging out. Planned to take her shopping and I'd buy her everything she wanted. I know she'd fight me about it, but honestly I didn't care. She deserves it. She's either in school, or working sometimes on weekends and she dedicates her life to helping people. She even took on some tutoring and it was for free. Casey always gave and she never asked for anything. So, I thought today would be the day, to take her out and spend on her and make her feel good. I know she'd protest about a million times, but she'd have to give in to me sometime, because I wasn't about to give up that easily.

"Casey." I yelled.

She ran into my arms, gosh did I love when she'd do that, I caught her bridal style. She fit so perfectly in my arms and I thought she looked just beautiful.

"So Siddy, widdy what are we doing today?" She asked.

Oh, that was cute, she called me Siddy Widdy. What's funny is that I only let her call me all these nick names she comes up with. I mean, I don't even want my mom so call me Sid or Siddy, although she tries all the time. It's only Casey that can call me whatever she wants and I'll never get mad.

"Well Casey, I'm taking you out shopping, I have the day off and I think you deserve a little time to be a girl." I said.

"Oh ok, but I don't get paid for like another two weeks and I don't really have all that much spending money. I mean if you just wanted to catch lunch then sure, but shopping. It'll be disappointing; I won't be able to buy anything nice I see." She said and her face looked all down.

Gosh, I hated seeing her face this way, it was just too beautiful to look sad and down. A face like hers should always just be shinning and glowing with happiness and joy.

"Umm Casey, honestly, you don't get why I'm taking you shopping, do you?" I asked.

"I guess not Sidney." She said.

"Well, I'm taking you because I want to buy you whatever you want clothes, shoes, earrings, lunch you name it." I said.

"Oh no, no Sid, I don't think so." She said.

"Um, yes too bad, now in the car." I said.

"Sidney, please don't do buy me things, you know how I am." She said.

"So, I think you deserve it ok! You're such an amazing person, Casey and I know it's not much, but it's what I can do, for now." I said.

"Sidney, you don't have to so please keep your money." She said.

"Please, Case, come on I've got it, and I want to do this for you, you deserve it ok! Please, I want today to be all about you. Whatever you want you got it." I said.

"Even holding me all day?" I could've sworn I heard her mumble that under her breath, but maybe I was just hearing things.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Nothing." She said and blushed.

Looking at her blushing face, I realized how truly beautiful she really is. No wait, saying just beautiful isn't good enough, she's stunningly gorgeous to say the very, very least.


We finally had arrived and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. What caught me off guard is when she took my hand in hers. That made me blush and I couldn't help myself, I let my thumb rub over her fingers; and I gripped her hand even tighter.

"Sidney, are you sure you actually want to do this for me?" She asked.

"Obviously, otherwise I wouldn't be taking you in there right now." I said.

"Okay." She smiled.

With each store, the more I bought, the more I spent and the happier I was. I was honestly happy that I could buy Casey whatever she wanted, no ifs ands or buts.

“Sidney, this can be the last store okay?” She asked.

“Umm for you sure, but of course you know there has to be some sort of catch right?” I asked.

“Umm what do you mean exactly?” She asked.

“Once you’re done in here, you shall go wait at the food court; and I’ll buy you something somewhere but it has to be a surprise.” I said.

“Oh okay sure!” She said and hugged me.

Gosh, did she ever smell good, mm she smelt really yummy. I was so tempted to kiss her. Did I really think that? Yes, I did. Oh boy, I want to kiss Casey and make her mine.


Casey had just gone in to try on this dress she fell in love with and she said it had to get my approval, before she’d buy it. I think that’s really cute though, I mean why does she do that though? That does somewhat puzzle me. But, I won’t complain.

All of a sudden, Casey walked out and god did she look just wow!

“Sid what do you think?” She said.

“Casey you look amazing.” I said.

“Really Sid?” She said

“Yes, really that dress looks amazing on you.” I said.

“Aw thank you so much Sidney.” She said and kissed my check.

I knew I blushed and, when I looked at her again, I realized that oh, I was in love with Casey. I was in love her and that wasn’t going to change. Seeing her in that dress just made it more proven. I just couldn’t believe that I really did love Casey and more then just a friend.


After thinking back to that very moment, I knew that Casey had to know, I couldn't keep doing this at all. I had to tell Casey, I just had to, keeping this from her was driving me completely and utterly crazy. I mean, I was head over heels in love with Casey and I just couldn't help it anymore. And I really wanted to give her that really awesome bracelet I bought for her on that day.

I couldn't resist my temptation anymore, I had to text her.

Hey Casey,
What's up? I miss you!


Hey Siddo,
I miss you too! Just waiting around being alone, seeing as you're not around here anymore. Anyway, don't waste your time texting me ok.

I hated the fact that she honestly thought that about herself. How could she possibly be a waste of time that was just so not true! Casey was the best thing to spend my time on! Then I thought, maybe she just said that because she doesn't want to text me anymore.

"Sidney! Hurry up!" Letang yelled.

I honestly couldn't stand this anymore, I needed to tell her that I loved her. When I think about it there is no other girl I'd want to be with bedsides Casey. She's perfect, she's everything I want and more and there is no one in this world who can take her place. Casey was just every guy's dream and the fact that I loved her and wanted to be with her...I realized that I can't let her get taken away from me.


My phone started to ring like fucking mad and I knew who it was. Sidney of course, he decided to put that special ring tone. Why? Just so I knew it was him and that if I didn't answer he'd know it was because I didn't want to talk to him. Well, he was crazy because I always want to talk to Sidney. I mean it's Sidney.

Hey Casey,
What's up? I miss you!

After reading the text he sent, I realized that I needed just a little time to think. He missed me?! What? He missed me that just doesn't make sense. He couldn't possibly miss me at all.


So I decided to text him this back:

Hey Siddo,
I miss you too! Just waiting around being alone, seeing as you're not around here anymore. Anyway, don't waste your time texting me okay.

After a little while the texting stopped, Sidney had to pack up and start leaving this just meant that he'd be coming back all that much sooner.Gosh,I just couldn’t stop thinking about Sidney, I just couldn’t stop. I just loved him so, so much and it hurt to know that he didn’t love me back. What I did realize is, that I have to tell him no matter what. Even if he doesn't feel the same way as me, it's ok he needs to know. I've been keeping my true feelings in, for over a year now and it's really unhealthy. Sidney has every right to know how I truly feel for him. Sidney is honestly and truly my everything and no one can take him away from me. No one not the next guy who claims to want me. NO! That won't happen, I can't risk this any longer. I need to tell him!


Today Sidney was going to be arriving and I was going to go meet him at the airport as a surprise. Originally I was going to just going to have him meet me over here at my home. Then after some thought, I decided I'd much rather go meet him there. I wanted to see what his face would be like when he saw me there. What would he do? What would he say? Would he smile, frown, cry? Would he run up to me and hug me? Would he kiss me? Would he tell me he loved me? Hmm, all those thoughts ran through my head on repeat.
All of a sudden my phone rang and I looked down and saw that it was Sidney.

"Hey Casey," He called into the phone.

"Hi Sidney," I said.

"Well how's my little muffin doing?" He asked.

His little muffin? His?! Since when I was his muffin or his anything for that matter?

"You're muffin is doing great but missing you." I said.

"Awe, well my little muffin won't be alone soon because Mr. Sidney is going to be back with her." He said.

I blushed, thank goodness he couldn't see me.

"Oh Sidney, you better be back soon and with me. I have stuff to tell you. " I said.

"Stuff like what eh?" He asked.

"Just stuff," I said.

"Oh come on can you give me a hint?" He asked.

"Nope, you'll just have to wait." I said.

"Casey that's not fair, I'll have to wait so long. First I have to arrive in the stupid Philadelphia terminal and then take the plane to the burgh. Then I have to drive like almost an hour just to see you." He said.

"Well deal with it Mr. NHL superstar, you have to wait." I said.

"Fine but what if I decide I'm too tired and don't show up." He said.

Well I knew I was going to see him whether or not he was too tired, but he didn't know that
so I had to play along.

"Oh well that would suck for you, because I really need to tell you. Oh and if you didn't show, well I might not talk to you for a while." I said with a slight chuckle.

"Yea sure, like you could resist me and all my charm for a while. Casey you could barley last an hour." He said.

"Really what makes you say that?" I asked.

"Hmm, well when I was at your house before I left and oh remember that time when we had a huge fight. The one about that stupid loser of your so called best friend and you swore that you wouldn't talk to me for a month because she was more important to you. Oh right you called me five minutes after I left your house." He said.

Oh, I remember that day so vividly.

Today I was going to let my best friend from high school meet Sidney. She told me how crazy she was about him and how big a fan she was. So I thought why not? Let them meet what harm could it cause. I mean I found it odd that she wanted to meet him, it's not like she really follows hockey.

My phone started ringing and it was Samantha.

"Hi Samantha," I said.

"Hey Casey, so I get to meet Sidney today?" She asked.

"Yep, you do." I said.

"Awesome, at what time do I come?" She asked.

"Around three works," I said.

"Perfect, I'll be there at three." She said.

"Awesome see you then." I said.

"Bye" we both said at the same time.

"Casey?" Sidney called.

"Yea?" I questioned.

"So I'm meeting your friend today?" He asked.

"Yea, she was dying to meet you." I said.

"Oh," He said.

"What's the matter Sidney?" I asked as he walked down the steps.

"It's just I love meeting fans don't get me wrong, I just have a bad feeling about this." He said.

"Ah, but why Sidney she's my friend?" I asked.

"I know that but it's just is she even a fan of hockey?" He asked.

"Meh, not exactly no. She's just a big fan of you and Kris Letang." I said.

"Oh, I see." He said.

"Yea she was dying to meet you, said her life wouldn't be complete until she did." I said.

"Typical," He said.

"Typical what Sid?" I asked.

"Typical puck bunny, she only likes me and Letang doesn't that seem a little fishy?" He asked.

"No she's my friend, I'm a big fan of yours and Letang's too." I said.

"Yes but you also follow hockey, like the team and a few others, you know the sport." He said.

"Talent before looks," I said.

"Exactly," He said.

I just smiled, I knew he was right. Thing is I promised her that she'd meet him and I'm a girl of my word.

"Sidney I'm sorry but I promised her," I said.

"I know I get that, just something tells me that there's going to be something bad that is going to happen." He said.

"Well I sure hope not," I said.

"Yea well if anything does I refuse to meet any of your friends unless they actually follow hockey and are genuine fans." He said.

"Fine that's a deal," I said.

"Good," He said.

The door bell rang and I got up to answer it. It was Samantha obviously.

"Hi Samantha," I said.

"Oh hi, so where is he?" She asked.

Wow, some friend she is.

"Samantha he's upstairs," I said.

"Oh which room?" She asked.

"Samantha he's going to come down, he's getting ready." I said.

"No, no it's alright I'll go see him." She said.

"No, it's fine he'll come down when he's ready." I said.

"Casey I want to go and see him upstairs alright." She said.

"Samantha he's getting ready to come down and see you, wait." I said.

I could feel the jealousy come out of me and I didn't like that too much. I just couldn't help it, she wanted to see my Sidney get changed. I don't think so. I'm the only one who gets to see him change and get ready. It's a rule. Well besides the team of course, I'm the only one that's the way it works. Jeez I'm getting really mad. How do I keep her down here?

"Casey I don't care, I want to go see him get ready." She said with a wink.

I almost lost it at her. How dare she say something like that about Sidney. I mean no, just no! Fuck that!

"Samantha FUCK! He'll come down when HE is ready! GOT it?!" I yelled.

"Jeez Casey, you're so jealous." She said with a roll of the eye.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Look I'm going up and you can't stop me." She spat.

She marched up the stairs and I felt the anger arise in my body. I started marching up after her. When I walked in I wanted to throw up; they were kissing. Samantha and Sidney were kissing. How fucking dare he kiss my best friend. He's mine, he had no right to kiss her!

"Sidney what the fuck?!" I yelled as I walked in.

"Casey, it isn't what it looks like." He said.

"Really? because from the looks of it, it looks like you're kissing my best friend." I said.

"No fucking way, she kissed me Casey not the other way around. " He said.

We exchanged a few heated words and I was enraged.

"You know what Sidney, I'm fed up of this fucking bull with you! It's always the same story, she kissed me! You know what fuck you! Get out and I don't wanna see you or hear from you for the next month!" I yelled.

Sidney hung his head low and walked out of my house.

Literally five minutes later Samantha told me it was her who kissed him and I cut off all ties with her and spoke to Sidney again.


"Yea yea, I remember that." I said.

"Well Casey, I really, really have to go. See you soon." He said.

A whole lot sooner than you think. I thought.

"Yup, I love you Sidney." I said.

"I love you too Casey." He said.


I can't believe what just happened, can you? We just said I love you to eachother. Did she mean it as a friend or did she mean it as more? I know I meant it as more. Did she catch on to the tone of voice I used? I kind hope that she did and didn't all at the same time. I did need to let her know how I felt but at the same time it was a little scary and it worried me a whole lot.

I was now boarding off the plane. I was so happy to be going back home. This meant getting so see Casey again after a long while. Well for us an hour is a long while.
It was finally my turn to get out of the plane, of course I was last. Don't ask me why but this always happened and that somewhat pissed me off. Although for some reason I felt there was an actual reason for this. Right as I got off the plane, I was startled. Guess who stood before me?! It was Casey!

She decided to leap into my arms. I caught her and she had the biggest smile on her face. Seeing her here was the most amazing thing to just about ever happen to me. I didn't think she would be here at all. She never comes to see me after a road trip. I usually go pick her up and we go and eat out. Today I guess was going to be just a little different.

"Casey, you're here!" I yelled.

"Yea Sid, of course I am. I needed to see you." She said.

I smiled. She looked so perfect in my arms, couldn't I make her mine. That's when it hit me, now was my chance to. I leaned in and I kissed her. I kissed her hard and with a ton of passion. To my surprise she kissed back and eagerly too. I just couldn't get over that we were actually kissing.


He kissed me, Sidney fucking kissed me! I mean I couldn't believe this. We were kissing. Sure I wished that this would happen one day; I just didn't think it actually would. This was honestly the most amazing feeling in my entire life, I mean could it get any better thant this?

"Casey, I love you." He said.

"I love you too Sidney." I said while looking up into his eyes.

"Casey, I mean it though I really love you as more than just a friend." He said.

"I do too. I kissed you back didn't I?" I teased.

"Yea you did. I can't believe it took me so long to tell you." He said.

"Really Sidney why did you wait so long to tell me?" I asked.

"Why did you wait so long Casey huh?" He questioned.

"I asked you first." I said.

"I'll explain later on after I drop my stuff at my house." He said.

"I don't think so; you're coming straight to my house."

Sidney and I drove back to my place and I really wanted to tell Sidney everything here, about how I felt and how strong those feelings were. Something told me that today was going to be a very, very interesting one for the both of us. I was excited about what was going to happen as well though. I mean after all these years we're finally professing our love for one another. Jeez could it have taken us any longer?!

"Oh Casey it feels nice to be home." He said.

"You do know we're at my house right?" I questioned.

"Of course I do, but this is home to me Casey." He said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yea really, I mean I love it here. When I'm at my actual home, I feel alone but when I'm here you're here and we're together." He said.

I leaned in and gave him another kiss. Sidney was such an amazing kisser and I loved every moment of it. Our lips were prefect for each other they moved in such a perfect motion. It was clear that Sidney's lips were meant for me. He was so good when he kissed me, he knew me so well.

"Casey, you want to know why I waited so long to tell you?" He asked.

"Yea, I do." I said as I cuddled into his chest.

We sat on the couch and he placed me on top of him in his lap. I felt so at home in his arms, sure we did this beforehand but now, it just felt even more amazing.

"Well I mean there is more than one reason why I didn't tell you." He said.

"Oh okay, well I really want to know.

"Alright, well first off, it was simply the fact that we had been best friends and I didn't want to ruin anything we had. I was worried that you didn't feel the same way I did." He said.
"Oh, well that's one of the reasons I waited so long too. I really didn't want to risk losing you, you know." I said.

"Exactly. And then there were the boyfriends."

"The boyfriends?" I asked.

"Yes the boyfriends. Every single fucking time one of those jerks would break up with you, I always took it as the time I was going to confess to you. Then as I thought about it, I didn't want to because I would've just been the rebound guy and I really didn't want to be that to you Casey. I loved you and still do. There was no way, that I was going to risk being a rebound and then when the next guy came around it was bye, bye for me and I just became the best friend again." He said.

Tears began to pour down my eyes; I didn't realize that he loved me this much and that I had hurt him so badly. I can't believe that I hurt him; the one man I love is the one man I hurt. But he did hurt me too, does he realize that?

"Oh Sidney you were never going to be a rebound. I loved you since I was about fifteen years old. You were my first and only true love. Those guys they meant nothing to me, they were poor replacements because I couldn't have you. So Sidney you were never going to be a stupid rebound. Sidney do you know that you hurt me though too?" I said.

"How did I hurt you Casey?" He asked.

"You had many girlfriends and when you kissed me when you ate over my house that time, and then we never kissed again. That hurt me, I hoped we could date then. I know I'm dumb but Sidney I had a giant crush on you! It blossomed into love but that isn't my point. I didn't tell you because I thought it wasn't going to go anywhere. Sidney you're an NHL superstar, why love a girl like me?" I asked.

More tears were pouring down my eyes.

"Oh Casey, I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I've loved you for a long time too, I want you to know that. I also kind of wanted to date you then but I got to scared to ever try and kiss you again. Jeez I'm such a lame guy." He said.

"No you're not lame, you're my hero." I said.

"Awe Casey and about the NHL superstar thing. I love you because you're you; you've been there through it all. You loved me before I was Mr. Sidney Crosby and I know you're not in it for the money. I know you're in it because you love me." He said.

He leaned in and kissed me it was so steamy this time around that I had strong feeling things would get a little heated today. He stuck his tongue out a little and I slightly bit the tip of it and he pushed past my lips. He was now exploring my mouth like he just found a treasure chest. It felt really good to say the very least. He was a master and giving tongue to me. As much as I was enjoying this I did want a little action in his mouth too. So I decided to push mine passed his lips and it worked. I felt him smirk and I began my journey. His mouth was so smooth and tasty and I loved it! Oh god, I could get used to this stuff.
His mouth was meant to be mine. My tongue glided inside it and it loved the way he tasted. His mouth was sweet and had many places to explore. His mouth was beautiful and from now on I knew it was only going to be mine. Well I would hope so at least.

"Oh Casey, if only I knew what I was missing." He said.

"Yea Sidney you've missed out on years of all this greatness." I said.

"Oh I did, and I kind of regret it. But I guess this means making up for lost time?" He said with a wink.

"Yea it kind of does," I said with a blush.

"Is my baby girl blushing?" He asked.

"Hey just 'cause we made out doesn't make me your baby girl," I said just as a little tease.

"Oh so this doesn't meant that we're a couple now?" He said.

"Hmm, maybe it does and maybe it doesn't I don't know. You've got to prove yourself to me." I said.

"Oh do I?" He questioned.

"Why of course you do Sidney, but of course. You're such a bad boy you know that." I said.

"Hmm, well if I'm your bad boy then that's okay." He said.
"Oh you're more than my bad boy." I said and kissed him.
We were now in my our room and he placed me gently on the bed. He smiled as he did this. I think Sidney had big plans for the two of us. Thing is, I probably wouldn't object to any ideas he had. I mean a little over five years of being in love, I don't think making love would be an issue tonight. In reality I've dreamt of this day forever. Sidney and I in love and making passionate love and it would be only between the two of us.

"Sidney, you remember when you took me shopping that day?" I asked.

"Of course I remember that day, the day I saw you in that dress." He said.

"Yeah, when I asked you for your approval it was because I wanted you to be impressed by me." I said.

"What do you mean Casey?" He asked.

"I wanted you to think I looked beautiful in something that was you know a little more to the sexy side." I said.

"Casey to me you're always sexy, in no matter what you wear. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He said.

"Really Sidney?" I asked.

"Yes of course Casey, you're the most beautiful girl I laid eyes on." He said.

"Awe Sidney you're so sweet!" I said.

"Why thank you so much Casey." He said.

"So does this mean I get to call you my boyfriend?" I asked.

"Yes it does Casey." He said.

I smiled and kissed him again. I pushed him down onto the bed and I was no hovering over his body a little. I wonder if he liked that.

"Oh Casey, what are you doing to me?" He asked.

"Turning you on." I said simply.


"Turning you on." She said simply.

In fact she was and a whole lot too. I was having a lot of trouble controlling myself right now at this very moment. I mean it was nearly impossible to be able to right now, when someone as gorgeous as Casey was around me.

"You are," I said simply.

"Oh baby, we can't have this now can we?" She asked.

Oh was she seducing or what?

"I don't see a problem with it." I said.

"Oh really Sid, I thought we couldn't hang out and that you could only drop by. Remeber all those practices you have." She said.

"True, but I never did say how long I could drop by for. "I said.

"You do make a point there, but Sidney I just don't think I'm ready for that yet." She said.

"That's okay Casey if you're not ready we'll wait." I said.

"You'd honestly wait, You're Sidney Crosby you can get any piece of ass that you want." She said.

That comment kind of broke me up a little. I hated the way she would think sometimes. Did she honestly think that a piece of ass could compare or even compete with the amount of love I have for her?

"Casey of course I would wait for you. You'd be surprised it's hard to find the right piece of ass. Anyway, you're insane. I love you not anyone else." I said.
She blushed and smiled and kissed me and wow I was on a different planet. Casey kissed so hard and rough yet there was so much passion a fluffiness to her kiss. She was an amazing kisser.

"Sidney, I don't know what to do anymore." She said.

"Casey what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well you see, I'm really worried." She said.

"What could you be worried about?" I asked.

"You and I." She said.

"What about you and I?" I asked.

"Well, what if things go bad between us? We will we still be best friends?" She asked.

"Casey I've never told a girl his before because I knew I'd be lying. I tell you this because I mean it with every inch of me. I am one hundred percent sure that nothing will go bad between us. I know that you and I are meant to be together." I said.

"How are you so sure Sidney?" She asked.

"Well because think about it Casey. We've known each other since we were two and we've been so close. Casey you've known me for about eighteen years. That's crazy, you know that I'm the one for you. Seriously Casey you're everything and let me tell you something we've been so close that being a couple can only make us stronger." I said and I kissed her.

She smiled in the kiss and I bit her lip a little. She moaned and parted her lips. I couldn't believe she was letting me explore her mouth again. Oh did I explore that mouth of hers again. How could I not? Her mouth was all mine and no one would ever kiss these lips again. I kept on going until her moans got louder. I ran my hand up her shirt and I stopped because I realized she didn't want to do make love to me just yet and I swore I would wait. Honestly waiting didn't bug me not one bit, I was just in the heat of the moment.

"Sidney why'd you stop?" She asked.

"You said you weren't ready, and I said I would wait didn't I?"

"Oh Sidney you're so sweet. Thanks for respecting me. Although it did feel nice."

She blushed. I loved it when she blushed. Her face went totally red and he smile would go wide. she was just the cutest thing.

"Casey, you wanna go out?" I asked.

"Sure when?" She asked.

"How about in three days?"I said.

So this next week really wasn't a good idea to set a date, because my week was full with practices and Casey knew that.

"Don't you have a practice?" She asked.

"I do, but um you know I could just miss this one." I said.

"No, no. I wouldn't ever ask you to give up a practice for a date with me." She said.

"Hey Casey if I'm with you, well things will be different. I mean it's one practice so what's the big deal. I'm only giving it up because I want to. You're everything to me. You're more important than hockey you always have been." I said.

"How could I be more than hockey?" She asked.

"Well because hockey is great sure and I love the sport and it keeps me grounded. I love to be there for my fans because they make me who I am. I want to impress them and I do all I can for them. I love that part of my life. But Casey you're the one I'm coming home to at night and the one that will be there for me when things go bad for me. When I retire from hockey I'll have you to keep my company and do things and make me enjoy the rest of my life. In the end you're always there even when hockey is not." I said.

I noticed that Casey had tears in her eyes. Jeez I hope they were good tears.

"Oh Sidney that's beautiful, I can't believe that I mean that much to you. Sidney all those times you saved me from those guys I was with, I always wanted to kiss you after to say thanks. I always wanted you to just take me then and there and show me what love really was and felt like. I wanted to just make love to you all through the night and make our souls become one. I always wanted to confess how much I loved you. Every single damn time you saved me, I knew more and more that you were the one." She said.

"Wow Casey, that's something to hear from a girl I love so much. I want to make love to you one day, but only when you're ready. I just want to say that, Casey those times I saved you, I was trying to make myself look good. I figured if I was the hero, you'd see me as more than a friend." I said.

"I've always seen you as more silly. I've seen you as more all the time. You know when we were five and we hugged for the first time?" She asked.

"Yes I do. Why do you mention it?" I asked.

"Well, when we shared our first hug, I told myself that I was going to be with you forever." She said.

I giggled, wow this one really started young.

"Are you for real?"

"Yea Sidney, what do you expect I was five and you were hot." She said.

"Oh Casey,"

She leaned in and kissed me again.



Today Sidney and I were going on a date and I was so excited. It was going to be our first official date. Sidney was taking me out to this really amazing place to eat even though I told him not to because it was expensive. Did he listen to me? No of course he didn't. He told me money wasn't an issue when it came to me. I hated that about him though. That he would spend thousands on me in a day, which he did that one time he had taken me shopping. I swear I think in the end he spent two thousand dollars on me. I felt horrible and tried to make it up to him and give him some money back. He never accepted it.
Anyway back to tonight, well late afternoon, where our date was to take place. I had to get ready now, Sidney was going to be picking me up in twenty minutes. I hope I looked good for him, I really , really do. I had already chosen the outfit that I wanted to wear. I hoped Sidney would like me in it. The dress I chose was a cute and flowly one. The top half was a yellow/orange color and a salmon/light pink sash. Then the bottom was two layers of light pink satin and very, very beautiful flowers. I thought I looked really cute and I didn't look sluty in it or anything. I thought it made me look innocent but slightly to the hot side as well. The shoes are simple but super amazing. They're hot pink with a nice high heel to it and they're also a little more of a shiny material. Then I chose to put on a necklace that I bought that day with Sidney. I knew he liked that necklace because he told me it would look amazing on me. I loved the necklace too. It was a silver thick and chunky chain with a whole bunch of varied charms that dangled from it. They're are pinks, and reds and silvers on the charms and I think it looked very nice along side everything else. I was finally done with the final touches to my look and Sidney was waiting outside.

"Hi Sidney," I said as I got into the car.

"Whoa! Hi Casey you look so..."He paused.


"Casey you look so beautiful and amazing." He said.

"I do?" I asked

"Of course you do, the dress on you is wow." He said.

"Is Mr.Crosby having trouble finding the right words?" I asked

"Oh shush Casey and kiss me." He said.

I leaned in and kissed his lips softly and he kissed my lips back a little harder.

"Well Sidney you're looking pretty damn hot too." I said.

"Oh am I?" He asked.

"Oh yes, yes you are!" I said.

He leaned in to me and gave me a quick peck. Even the peck made my heart go wild. He was just so amazing for me. All the things he's told me in the past three days amazes me to be honest. I never knew that Sidney felt this strongly about me. I mean it was just amazing. I never thought that Sidney and I would actually be going out on a date, never in a million years and look at us. It's crazy how we go from almost not being friends before he leaves on the road trip to being a couple when he gets back.

"So where are you taking me Sidney?" I asked.

"Somewhere special." He said.

"And that might be?" I asked.

"It's a place," He said.

"Wow Sidney, could you be any more obvious." I said and lightly tapped his arm.

"Oh come on Casey you know you love me." He said.

"Yes Sidney you're right I do. I love you lots." I said.

We kissed again and it was so sweet. Did I mention he had very yummy tasting lips?


"Well we're here." He said.

"Wow,” was all I could get out of my mouth.

“What is there something wrong with this place?” He asked.

“No, no not at all Sidney it’s just so beautiful and expensive!” I yelled.

“Do you honestly think money is an issue when it comes to you?” He asked

“Well Sidney is should ya know, I don’t want you wasting all your money on me.” I said.

“I don’t care, because I love you so money is nothing. Oh by the way I have a gift to give you.” He said.

“You do Sidney?” I asked.

“Yes, yes I do. I hope you like it.” He said.

“I’m positive that I’ll love it.” I said.

He took me inside the place and I thought I was going to die. Mr. Sidney over here decides to get us a reserved room. This room had couches, TVs, a beautiful table set up with fancy chairs. Hell there was even a bed in the room! Did Sidney have plans for tonight that I didn’t know about?

“Sidney why such a big room?” I asked.

“Well I wanted to go all out for you, that’s why.” He said.

“Are we actually going to use this stuff?” I asked.

“No but I wanted to impress you.” He said.

“Silly boy, you always impress me.” I said.


“Casey close your eyes.” He said.

I did as he said and I wondered what he was doing. I felt something kind of cold hit my wrists and then something entering my ears. No way, he didn’t do what I think he did? I opened my eyes and he had a mirror facing me.

“Sidney are these real diamonds?” I asked

“Yea obviously you only deserve the best quality stuff babe.” He said.

I smiled and blushed. When I looked down at my wrist I freaked out. There on it was the most beautiful diamond bracelet. I couldn’t believe he bought this for me. And the earring oh my were they gorgeous! I mean they were just so amazing that it brought tears to my eyes.

“Sidney when did you buy these?” I asked.

“That day I took you out shopping, I went to the jeweler and asked what the perfect gift would be to buy my girlfriend.”

“But I wasn’t-"

“Ya I know that, but I hoped you would have been.” He said

I leaned in and kissed his lips, jeez did I love my man’s lips.

“So Casey, can I ask you something?” He asked.

“Sure,” I said.

“I want to know, do you think tonight might be the night?”

“You know something Sidney, honestly I think tonight is the night.” I said.

“Wait you’re not just saying that are you?” He asked.

“No, not at all Sid, I really mean it. I actually want to tonight, I’ve saved myself for you all this time.” I said.

“You have?” He asked.

“Yes, I have and it’s okay that you haven’t it’s still going to mean the world to me.” I said.

“Well even though I haven’t saved myself, it doesn’t matter; because this is the first time it’s really going to mean anything to me.” He said.

“Oh Sidney,” I said and kissed him.

He kissed my back and I knew that tonight really was the night where it was going to happen. I would give myself to Sidney. I didn't want to wait any longer, I knew that tonight was just right. He was the man I wanted to be with forever.


We got back in his car and we were having trouble keeping our hands off each other. Jeez Sidney could be a very wild man; but you know what, I loved it.

"Oh Sidney," I moaned.

"Mm, Casey you're so beautiful." He said.

"Sidney I love you so much and I need you so bad." I said.

"Oh Casey, I'll give you whatever you need from me." He said.

With that our night together began. In a swift motion my dress was just gone and onto the floor, my shoes came next. I slowly removed his shirt and pants. Soon everything was gone and I became shy.

"Casey don't even think about hiding that body because it's so beautiful." He said and he kissed my collar bone.

"But Sidney you've seen so many-"

"Casey don't even think of it, tonight and for the rest of our lives, your body is the only one I'll see this way. You're the only one I'll ever make love to." He said.

I smiled and I set my hands free. He knew that it was really going to happen and I couldn't help myself, I was excited. Before I knew it, everything was happening. I was feeling so many different emotions at once: Pain, love, lust, passion, pleasure, care and determination. It was a lot on the body and on the mind.

"Oh Sidney," I said softly.

Sidney smiled and slowly kissed away my tears that were falling down. I knew he didn't want there to be any pain and he was doing a good job. In the span of minutes the pain was gone and now all it felt like was two souls mending together. It was him and I, two people becoming one through passion and love. That's what this was, nothing less then the mending of souls.

"Sidney you are just fantastic." I said.

"Casey, I can't believe that's what making love feels like. I never thought it could be that good." He said.

"Sidney I love you so much." I said.

"I love you too Casey." He said.
We shared one last kiss before we drifted off to sleep. This wasn't the first time that I fell asleep in Sidney's arms; but it was defiantly the first time I fell asleep in his arms like this.


It's now been three months since Sidney and I went out on our first date. I have to say we're doing so strong as a couple that it's great. I have news to break to Sidney. I know something that he doesn't. We're going to be expecting a child quite soon. I can't wait until I see his reaction.

"Casey babe, I'm home." He said.

"I'm up in our room." I said.

"Awe already getting ready for me?" He said in a fluratious tone.

"Oh babe you know me oh so well." I said.

He came running up the stairs and he had a giant smile on his face.

"Sidney can you come sit, I have something to tell you."I said.

"Sure baby what is it?" He asked.


This was kind of freaking me out a little to be honest, what could she possibly have to tell me?

"Well Sidney it's a form of news." She said.

Okay now she was really worrying me, was it bad news?

"Is it bad?" I asked.

"It all depends how you look at it." She said.

"Well what is it?" I asked.

"Sidney give me your hand." She said.

I gave her my hand and she placed it onto her stomach, no there's no way she could have been. Could it?

"Are you?" I asked dumbfounded.

"Yes Sidney I'm pregnant." she said.

"Oh Casey!" I yelled.

I put her down on the bed and got on top of her and I kissed her so damn hard.

"So you're pregnant, we're going to be parents." I said.

"Yup, are you excited?" She asked.

"Of course I am, it's going to be so incredible to be honest." I said.

"Sidney I honestly can't wait, I'm so happy you're the father." She said.

"Casey, this gives us more reason to be together forever, now doesn't it?" I asked.

"Oh yes, it does." She said.

"I'm still in shock right now." I said.

"So am I baby." She said.

"Casey, you do remember the first time right?" I asked.

"Of course, how could I forget that." She said with a blush.

"Well, I just wanted to let you know that, I can't stop thinking about it." I said.

"Sidney we've made love plenty of other times." She said.
She did have a point, we did make love like almost daily if we could. That wasn't my point though this time around.

"I know we have, but there will always be something special about that day." He said.

"What would that be?" She asked.

"I'll remember that as the day you became mine forever." I said.

"Sidney, I was always yours forever. I knew that one day we'd have to be together and now look at us. In six months we're going to be parents." She said.

I smiled and kissed her again. I knew that right now, we needed to make love and I think Casey wanted that too.


Sidney and I made love again last night and it was amazing. It was still special to me and I'm sure to him too. I just can't believe that I was pregant with his child. This was just crazy and insane. I was happy all at the same time though. Sidney and I having a child together, I mean wow.

"Sidney, you ready to go?" I asked.

"In a minute." He called.

Today Sidney and I were going on a road trip with the team. I was so excited they had a jammed packed schedule but it was going to be awesome. First it was Boston, Washington, Detroit, Chicago and Buffalo. Then it was Philly and then to Montreal and finally back to Pittsburgh. It was going to be pretty hectic but I have to say, even though I was pregnant I really wanted to go. Also Sidney didn't want me to stay home alone while being pregnant and seeing as I was in Pittsburgh my family couldn't really come down to see me. Oh just to let you know when Sidney was drafted by the Penguins I moved with him to Pittsburgh because I didn't want to risk losing him. That's how fucking close we were.
We were now in the car and Sidney was driving of course. Oh how I loved this man next to me. I think he's right about us being together forever. Well he better be, that's for sure. Sidney was pretty much the perfect boyfriend. He and I still kept that Best Friend thing going, which I loved. He was still there for me through every little thing that was going on in my life. Also through this pregnancy he was like the best person to have by your side. He put up with my cravings and my moods and my sickness. He told me that I was still his beautiful Casey and that he loved me no matter what. I knew that he meant that with all his heart. You see I knew Sidney that well.

"So Casey are you excited about this road trip?" He asked.

"Yes silly of course I am." I said.

"Good because I have big plans for this one," He said.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Well you'll see when we get to a certain place." He said.

"Uh-oh" Crap I said that out loud.

"What Casey?" He asked.

"It's nothing Sidney," I said.

"You sure Casey?" He asked.

"Yes Sidney of course I'm sure." I said.

"Okay then," He said with a smile.


"Casey!" Max yelled.

"MAX!" I yelled back and ran up to hug him.

"How's the Casey been, is she still on the market?" He asked jokingly.
Max and I always joked around like that, it was fun. We never meant it though, he was just a fun person to be around.

"Oh I'm so sorry Max, I'm not on the market anymore. Well I mean I'm totally off the market. I'm expecting." I said.

"What?! You are, with who?!" He yelled.

"With Sidney," I said.

"Wait what?!" He questioned.

"I'm pregnant with Sidney's baby." I said.

"Wait you are?! Hey Kris, Brooks, Marc, Staal, Dupis. Get over here." Max yelled.

"What do you want Max?" They all asked in unison.

"Did you know that she was with Sidney and that's she pregnant with him?" He asked.
"Max yea we knew they were together, not the you being pregnant. But yea Max they've been together for three months." Kris Letang said and slapped him across the head.

"What it's been that long and no one told me?" Max asked.

"We all thought you knew." They said.

"So Sidney knocked you up eh?" Dupis asked me.

"Yes he did and I'm proud!" I said.

"Why didn't he tell us?" They asked.

I actually didn't know why he hadn't said anything. Why wouldn't he, they were his teammates. Now I began to wonder did Sidney not want the baby?

"Hey Sid!" Brooks yelled.

"Yea man?" He asked.

"Why didn't you tell us that you got Casey over here, pregnant?" He asked.

"Huh?" He asked.

"You never told us that Casey was pregnant." Max said.

"Max you can't talk you didn't even know they were dating." Jordan said.

"Well I didn't tell you because I wanted Casey to tell you. That's all." He said and he kissed me.

"Awe Sidney, I love you." I said.

"I love you too."

We shared another kiss and walked into the hotel.

It was now the last game before they headed to Philly. So we were now in Buffalo and it was now the third period of the game.

The Pens were down by two, with ten minutes left in the period. I was starting to get really nervous about this one, I really wanted them to win. If they were to win this game they would move up two stops and would be in second place. They had to pull through, they really did.
Today wasn't their day, they were so off. It was dreadful to have to watch this to be honest, I hated it. Evgeni never lost the puck so easily before. Their plays were always intercetped. It was horrid. They had a chance in the second to score in the second and they didn't. I was so pissed off at Max and Kris on that one. I would've been mad at Sidney but he wasn't on the ice at that time. The goal was left open for thirty seconds and they were right there and they didn't even bother shooting! I just couldn't believe what was going on.

"Fuck Shoot it!" I yelled.

Oh that was it, oh this was amazing. Could it be they were starting to pick it up? Max passes to Jordan, Jordan to Kris, Kris to Malkin, Malkin to Sidney! Sidney shoots and he scores! I was dying, I couldn't believe it, he scored! After the goal went in, he quickly skated over to me and told me that he did that for me. Right after that the baby boy inside me started to kick.

Yes I found out the sex and it was going to be a boy. I hadn't told Sidney yet, but I was going to tell the entire team tonight, that's why I really wanted them to win. So they'd be happy about the news I was giving them. I looked down and I realized that I was showing a little bit. I still couldn't believe that I was pregnant with Sidney' child.

There was now three minutes left and they were still down by one. Talk about waking up. This is the team that I know and love. They were making great plays and getting many shots on net. This is the how they should have played the entire game, I just hope that it wasn't too late. Oh, oh here this time Cooke had the puck and he passed over to Sidney, then Sidney passed it to Adams, Adams back to Cooke. Cooke shot it and right top corner and it was now tied 4-4. I couldn't believe it! With now ten seconds left, we were going to take it to overtime.

Now that we had hit OT things were getting intense this was it. Well what do you know, seems like the little boy inside of me knew what was about to happen. One minute into the overtime period and the baby's daddy scores the winning goal.

"Oh Sidney you did an amazing job!" I said.

"Oh thanks Casey, I did it for you." He said.

See told you we kept that best friend thing going!

"Yea our little baby boy, seemed to know you were going to score. He kicked right before." I said.

"Our boy?" He asked.

"Yea Sid, we're having a boy!" I yelled.

He picked me up and kissed my lips lovingly. I honestly couldn't believe that this was happening. I mean it was just so amazing.

"Guys! We're having a boy! We're having a boy!" He yelled at the top of his lungs.

Sidney wore the biggest smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile along.


Those nine months flew by quickly, but they were the most enjoyable nine months of my life. I got to care and feed and help a little baby grow inside me.

Today, May 1st 2010, at 6:25 pm, little Jayden entered the world. After three hours of pushing our baby boy was finally in the world. He was the cutest baby in the world and I couldn't be happier. He had Sidney's hazel eyes and my dark hair. It seemed to be more of my texture then this. He had Sidney's nose. He was just the cutest baby ever. I couldn't believe Sidney and I produced this.

"Can you believe it Sidney?" I asked.

"Yea I can, we just made the cutest child ever." He said.

"Do you want to hold Jayden?" I asked.

"Of course I want to hold him." He said.

I passed Jayden over to him and there was an instant connection. I knew that Sidney was going to make a great father.

"Oh Jayden look at your mommy over there laying down." He said.
I found it adorable that Jayden actually turned his head and looked at me. Jayden actually smiled and he began to drool a little. I found it adorable.

"Oh Sidney, look how we've made it." I said.

"Yea and we have many many years to come."He said.

"Yea we do, we really do. I can't wait until Jayden's older and he can see what great a father he has." I said.

"And what kind of mother he got blessed with. Wait until we tell him the story of how we met." He said.

"Wait you wanna tell him what exactly?" I asked.

"That I fell in love with the first girl I ever met." He said.

"Are you going to tell him to do the same thing?" I asked.

"If the first girl he meets is a girl as amazing as you are, then yes most defiatly!" He said.
I smiled and he kissed me.

"Casey there's something I wanted to ask you." He said.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Well seeing as we've been together for nine months and now we have Jayden, I was thinking why not make this family complete. So Casey will you marry me?"

"Oh Sidney YES! Of course I'll marry you!" I yelled

Jayden smiled and I kissed Sidney as he placed the ring on my finger. This was honestly the best day of my life.