Status: As much as I am able to update I will

Never Again

Chapter 13

Michael’s PoV

I walked quickly into my house with Katie following right behind me. I left her in the living room and went to search for my wallet. I found it lying on the bedside table in my bedroom.

I was walking into the living room when I saw something that made my blood run cold. I quickly backtracked into the kitchen connected to the living room so I would be out of sight.

What I had seen was Katie –my lovely angel- looking at my special scrapbook of pictures. I had seen the look of dawning horror appearing across her face, there would be no way that she would not connect the scrapbook pictures to the truth of what I had done.

The only question now was what would I have to do with Katelyn now?

You could try to talk to her my mind said to me.

Yeah right, as if that would work! Katie almost had the same thing happen to her as the girls in those photos, like she would actually stay around long enough to let me try to explain I thought with a sadness starting fill me.

With that option almost certainly impossible then I will have to kill her, or get her out of the way somehow I thought with a sad sigh escaping my lips.

I was thinking of different possibilities when a sudden idea came to me and I smiled with renewed happiness. Yes I thought this plan I can live with!

I quickly walked back to the bedroom where I found my wallet at and I called out "Found it!” I called it loud enough so that Katie would have plenty of time to put the scrapbook back so she would think that I did not know that she had been looking at it.

I walked into the living room just as she was spinning around and asked "Something wrong?”

She looked at me with a panicked expression and stuttered out "N-no, nothing.”

I smiled at her reassuringly trying to calm her down and said in a very calm and normal voice "Well come on then, if we don’t hurry we’ll be late for the movie.”

I ushered her in front of me so that I would be able to make a quick punch to her head to knock her out before she expected anything. We were five feet from the door when I started to swing my fist towards her head, to my great surprise she actually ducked the punch and my whole body was unbalanced do to the failed punch.

Katie did not waste any time in trying to get to the door, but she stopped cold when she noticed the keypad lock on the door.

I had put that lock in a year or two ago when I had started bringing my victims to my house to deal with them. I was very grateful for the help the lock was giving me now; it would have looked very conspicuous if the neighbors saw me chasing Katie down the street.

I took her distraction time to quickly press her up against the door. She kept struggling under my weight, so I pressed her harder into the door and said firmly "Katie, stop it.”

I felt her body go completely still under mine except for a fine tremor of fear going throughout her whole body. I felt bad for scaring her, but I did not really have much of a choice right now.

I heard her whisper something very quietly but I could still make out what it was that she was saying. She was asking me why but I could not answer her now; I had other important details to sort out before I could have any conversations with Katie. So all I did at that point was lean in so my mouth was right by her ear and I whispered "Later.”

Right after that I quickly brought my hand back and hit the back of her head hard enough to knock her out. She went limp in my arms almost instantly. I picked her up bridal style and walked down to the basement where I had a room that I would bring my victims to and kill them.

I put her in the room on a small twin bed –making sure to get her cell phone from her and anything else she could use to escape, no need to make the same mistakes that other idiot did when he kidnapped her before- and then I walked out closing the two inch thick steel door of the room behind me.

There would be no way for her to escape from the room when she awoke in three or four hours. With that cheerful thought on my mind I grabbed my wallet and keys and got into my car. Now I had to go deal with bigger problems.
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Okay so I know it has been a really long time since I have updated on this story or any of my stories for that matter. I am soooooooooooooo sorry for that, but I just haven't been in a writing mood for a long, long time and again I apologize.

I am going to try to update more often on all of my stories, because I feel really guilty for leaving all my fans just hanging like that especially with the place I left you at, that was very mean of me and again I say I am sorry and will try not to do that anymore.

Also I need your opinion on something guys, I have two possible endings for this story the first one will make the story end probably in the next couple of chapters while the second one will draw the story out and possibly make it possible for me to make a sequel to the story. So, tell me what you think I should do I would really love that.