Here Comes Your Man

Chp 10

Life is good.

This is the thought that was running through Shaun’s mind as he lay relaxing in bed. It was 10 o’clock in the morning and he had just woken up from a delicious dream of himself flying into an icy half pipe, soaring above the crowd, feeling weightless against the sky, and finally rolling to the bottom of the hill where Pyper was waiting for him with a kiss and a gold medal, wearing nothing but a bikini...

The last part was a little ridiculous but Shaun couldn’t help from smiling at the thought. He couldn’t believe how amazing his life had gotten in the past 3 weeks. Sure, his life had always been pretty blessed, but now it seemed like he finally had a purpose, finally had a muse. And he owed it all to a cute, little Hawaiian surfer girl.

Shaun used to scoff at those cheesy romantic movies (except for ‘The Notebook’. Ryan Gosling was admittedly Shaun’s man crush because, come on, who didn’t cry when Noah confessed his undying love to Allie? If someone said they didn’t, they’re lying) but now Shaun could almost sympathize with those pathetic love-struck leading men.

He now knew what it was like to have a girl consume his every thought, to want her to be happy above all else in life, even if it meant jeopardizing his own happiness to do so. He now knew what it was like to… be in love.

This realization hit him like a brick and Shaun was scared shitless and unprecedentedly happy at the same time! He didn’t know whether to scream it out from the rooftops or hide under the covers and hope it would go away.

Love… He said the word slowly in his mind.

The thing that men had fought wars for, had crossed the 7 sea’s for, the thing they died for! And here Shaun was, in it. The tricky devil! He hadn’t even realized it was upon him until it was undoubtedly too late to go back now, not like he would ever want to…

Shaun’s cell phone started to violently buzz on the night stand, breaking him out of his thoughts. He let out a frustrated sigh and placed the phone to his ear.

“Hello” He answered in a monotone voice as he brushed his unruly hair back from his forehead.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Mr. Shaun White. Finally, the lost boy has been found!”

Shaun rolled his eyes at the familiar sarcastic voice on the other end and silently cursed himself for not checking the caller ID first. He didn’t have time for this. Especially not now, he had so many other important things to do, like telling a certain someone that he was in a certain word with her and hoping she wouldn’t laugh in his face.

“Hey Bud” is what he said instead.

“What, that’s all I get from my star pupil? A shitty ‘Hey Bud’? I thought I meant more to you than that. Has all that Hawaiian sun made you forget about all of us back here in LA?”

Shaun rolled his eyes again as he put his phone on speaker and tossed it down on the comforter beside him. He stared up at the ceiling, inspecting the crown molding, as the voice on the other end continued.

“…I think you already know what this is about and trust me, I hate to say it as much as you hate to hear it, but it’s time for you to come back home. I know it’s been a great three weeks, hell I’ve loved it too, but I wouldn’t be a good coach if I let it go on any longer. We need to get back to training.”

Shaun knew he was right but that didn’t do anything to help the sinking feeling that was currently growing in his stomach. He had finally found a reason for everything and now he had to leave it? What would Pyper say? Would she want to try long-distance or would she just laugh in his face, wave goodbye, and find a new boy (possibly one who was better at surfing)? That would devastate Shaun but if it was what Pyper wanted, he’d take the hit.

“…so I’ve booked a flight for you & Louie for this Sunday, which gives you four days to wrap stuff up there” Bud continued, “anyways, I gotta go. See ya Sunday Shaun”

Shaun hung up without saying goodbye. He knew Bud was just doing what was best for him and hell, he pretty much owed him all he had for being the best coach in the world, but Shaun just wasn;t feeling very grateful at the moment.

He had four days left.

Four days to spend with Pyper and convince her of all their relationship meant to them (not to mention, break the news that he was leaving)

Suddenly four days didn’t feel like enough...
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Hey guys! Sorry for the ridiculously long waits for these chapters! I live in a college dorm & the stupid computer server blocks Mibba! Can you believe that?! It's so ridiculous (but does give me a good reason to go to Starbucks :p) but it just makes the whole process of updating a lot harder... anyways, sorry for this boring chapter. It was necessary but i promise it will get better! I haven't given up on this story & i know where it's going from here, so have no fear! Also, thanks so much for the comments! You guys are the best! <3 Jess