Here Comes Your Man

Chp 9

“Reagan, this is ridiculous” Pyper groaned from her unusual position on their living room floor.

“No it’s not. Now shut up, I’m trying to concentrate”

Pyper rolled her eyes but remained quiet, trying to regain her focus. That was working fine until her stomach let out one of the loudest growls of her whole life and she busted out laughing as Reagan slowly peeked one eye open and glared at her.

Pyper threw her hands up in surrender. “What? I’m sorry, but my stomach is not used to getting so much action this early in the morning without being fed. It’s just voicing its opinion”

“Pyper…” Reagan said slowly, as if she were talking to a small child “Yoga is all about focus and concentration. It’s about centering your chi.”

“Yeah, well, the only thing I wanna be centered around is a plate of pancakes”

Reagan opened her mouth to protest but was cut off as a deeper voice filled the room.

“Well, good morning to me” Louie said as he waltzed into the living room, his eyes taking full advantage of the two scantily dressed girls in compromising yoga positions in front of him.

Both girls quickly stood up and Reagan walked over, playfully slapping him on the shoulder.


He just laughed as the front door swung open, revealing an exasperated looking Shaun, with random twigs and leaves sticking out of his voluptuous locks.

Pyper giggled as she walked over to him, gently pulling the debris out of his hair.

Shaun’s demeanor immediately softened as he heard her angelic laugh causes him to briefly forget why he was upset in the first place. He wrapped his lanky arms around her, pulling her close as she rested her head on his chest.

“Good morning, babe” He said whispered in a husky voice, causing Pyper to melt a little in his arms.

“Morning” She sighed contently causing a large smile to spread across Shaun’s face.

“Ugh, get a room” Louie shouted at them and Shaun’s attention turned to his friend.

“You” he said as he pointed to Louie, who just smiled goofily as he drank the girls’ orange juice straight out of the jug. “This guy, for no apparent reason, threw my keys into the bushes! He just grabbed ‘em out of my hands and chucked them!”

“Which would explain the crown of leaves you were sporting” Pyper summed up as Shaun nodded.

“Did you really do that?” Reagan questioned, a look of disgust mixed with bewilderment on her face.

Then and only then did Louie think that it might have been a bad idea.

“I, well, um…” He scrambled to redeem himself as the girl of his dreams judged him from across the counter. “Want to get breakfast?”

Reagan just looked at him, before shrugging. “Sure.”

They both headed to the door as Shaun and Pyper just shook their heads at their friends, hearing the door close behind them.

“Well, what should we do now?” Shaun asked, looking down at the girl in his arms.

“I have an idea…” She said with a twinkle in her eye,

15 minutes later….

‘Well, I gotta admit, this isn’t what I had in mind…” Shaun said as he hopped out of the car.

“Oh yeah?” Pyper questioned as she did the same, walking around to meet him in the front. “What did you have in mind?” She asked teasingly, knowing very well what it was.

Shaun thought of his idea, realizing how not so PG it was, and just blushed.

“Nevermind about that” He said and they both laughed.

They both stopped talking and took in the scene in front of them.

“It’s so beautiful” Shaun admitted, not taking his eyes away from the ocean that stood majestically in front of them, its dark blue waves crashing against the rock hundreds of feet beneath them. They were on top of Haleakalā volcano, one of the highest points on all of Maui.

“It’s my favorite spot on the whole island” Pyper admitted.

“I can see why”

“Yeah, I don’t usually bring people here, so you should feel pretty special” She joked, staring out in front of her.

Shaun looked down at the girl standing beside him, feeling happier then he’d ever remembered feeling in his whole life. Taking her hand in his, he gave it a squeeze.

“Don’t worry, I do”

As cheesy as it was, Pyper couldn’t help but smile.

“So are we...” Shaun trailed off, turning his head to view the ocean as they started down the trail hand-in-hand.

“Are we what?” Pyper pressed, her voice full of excitement. She was pretty sure she knew where he was going with the conversation and could easily have helped him out, but she decided not to. Shaun wasn’t a person who was usually at a loss for words, so she enjoyed watching him squirm a little, ya know, get a taste of his own medicine.

“Are we, ya know, official?”

“I don’t know, you haven’t asked me yet” She shrugged, a smug smile playing on her lips.

“Oh, well, that is my fault, now isn’t?” He said and he stopped in front of her, looking directly in her eyes. “Pyper, would you be my girlfriend?”

Pyper put a hand to her chin as if she was in deep thought.

“Hmm…let’s see…yes”

Infectious smiles spread across both their faces as he wrapped her up in his arms and kissed her like he’d wanted to all morning. In Hawaii. On top of a volcano.

Life couldn’t get much better then this.