The Love Wall

Juliet, Please Help Me

Dear Juliet,

My heart is aching and the pain is beginning to become unbearable. It feels as if I’ve been shot in the chest and the bullet punctured my heart. With every word that I’m writing, I can feel the hole becoming bigger and the pain becoming worse. The hole is starting to burn and the burning sensation is flowing through my entire body. This pain is becoming too much and I can’t handle it anymore which is why I’m coming to you.

You see, I’m in love, complete and utter love. The man that I’m in love with captured my heart when I was seventeen. We were high school sweethearts and were madly in love. After three and a half years of dating, we broke up. The reason why we broke up is a blur to me now and it’s a memory that I’m glad I’ve forgotten for the sole reason being it hurts to know we broke up, knowing the actual reason would kill me even more.

It’s been about four years since we’ve separated and unlike myself, he moved on and fell in love with another woman. He fell so in love with her that he even proposed. She fell so in love with him that her answer was yes. The moment I heard about their engagement, I completely broke down. My heart shattered into a million little pieces knowing that the man I’m in love with is marrying another woman, the wrong woman.

Time went on and I was feeling okay. I was still hurting but not nearly as much as I was when I first heard the news. With each passing day, I was accepting the fact that he was going to marry someone else. Well, that was until I opened my mail a few weeks ago.

Along with all my bills there was an invitation, his wedding invitation. I can remember that day so perfectly. It was the day that this gut-wrenching feeling overwhelmed my body. I stood there as I read the card, “You have been cordially invited to Justin Hamilton and Sarah Johnson’s wedding.”

I closed my eyes as I could feel the tears beginning to swell up. After a few minutes passed and a few tears managed to escape, I opened my eyes and scanned the card to see what day it would be. May 14th. My heart shattered all over again. May 14th was our day, that was our anniversary when we were dating and now he has the audacity to marry a different girl on that exact same day.

As hurt as I was feeling, anger began to overcome my body. I felt so angry at him for agreeing to marry this woman on that day. Then I was angry at myself for believing that he would come back to me and we would get married on that day like we had always discussed when we were younger.

But then I began thinking. What if there was a reason for Justin to invite me to his wedding? We haven’t spoken in nearly three years so why would he invite me, especially after all we’ve been through?

That’s when I began to think that he had a motive. I started to believe that the reason why he sent that invitation was so I could do something, so I could put an end to his marriage before it even began. Then I quickly began shaking off those thoughts and began to believe that he was simply trying to be friendly by inviting me. After all, we had been best friends before we became lovers.

This is where you come in, Juliet. I need your help. I need your advice.

What do I do!? Do I go to his wedding and object to the marriage before confessing that I’m still madly in love with him and we should be the ones getting married? Or do I sit back in the pew and watch the love of my life marry the wrong woman?

Do I call him just days before the wedding to try to talk him out of getting married and convince him to run away with me? Or do I let him enjoy those last few days before he’s a married man without any doubt in his mind about the marriage?

Juliet, please help me decide to do the right thing. I want this pain to come to an end.

Now as I attach this letter to the love wall, I will pray that you answer my letter.

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The banner I used is an actual photo of Casa di Guiliette. I wanted to use a picture of "the love wall" but they were all either too big or too small.

Hope you enjoyed it. Feedback is appreciated.