Sincerely Yours

Sunday, February 14th

Sunday, February 14th
Ms. Mallory Hawkins
9851 McCready Cir
Anchorage, AK 99507

Dear Mallory,

Hey it’s me Austin, forget me yet? Ha ha, sorry about not replying to your letters – I only got the first one ‘cause of the dumb post office; but I’ll probably get the rest in a few days… Hm, what to say?

I miss you! Oh man do I miss you. (: I bet you’re still as beautiful as ever. So yeah, I have big news! Mom and dad said that they’re gonna send me back to AK after graduation so I can room with you.

Oh, did I forget to mention? I love you, Mallory Hawkins. Isn’t that just great? I know we’ve been friends for longer than forever, but you know – maybe we can be
boyfriend andgirlfriend for even longer?

Well, tell me what you think and I’ll get back to you. So how’ve you been? I’ve been fantastic, besides the fact that I miss you so damn much that I could just cry. I’ve made tons of friends, but you know, no one can ever replace my Malabo. (:

I guess this is goodbye for now, until your next letter comes in. I promise you, Mallory Hawkins, that I will reply to each and every one of your incoming letters to show you how much I care. How’s that sound?

I love you, babe.

Sincerely yours,

Austin Higgins
♠ ♠ ♠
This will be the end of this broken love story, because right after she licked the letter closed on her last night in that horrible place... James slipped her some acid in her coke during dinner because he was jealous that she was leaving. Mallory Hawkins died of overdose on that cold, February night - never to read Austin's letter that returned her love.


©alyssasaavedra. 2010