Princess is No Name I Deserve

Chapter 5 - Break Down

"I can't take it anymore!" I confessed, my arms exploding from my sides. Yet again, a mosquito had found us and took pictures of us, harassed us. I couldn't find peace anywhere.

"Princess, you know that's how it always is. You're used to it," my mother soothed. Of course, she would expect I'd be used to it. After all, she was used to it.

I logged onto my instant messenger application from my phone. I saw Veta was online. I messaged her, quickly, without much thought.

IHateMosquitoes: I hate my life.
Padlox: A little melodramatic, are we?
IHateMosquitoes: Seriously. I can't take it here.
IHateMosquitoes: I need to get out.
Padlox: What's so horrible.
IHateMosquitoes: My mom, the only parent in my life is sacrificing me for her career. I have no friends because we have to move all the time.
Padlox: You an army brat or something?
IHateMosquitoes: Or something. I just... Want to move far, far away.
Padlox: New York is far away. lol
IHateMosquitoes: Yeah it is.
Padlox: I'd say you could come live with me, but that'd be a little weird wouldn't it.
IHateMosquitoes: What part of my life is normal?
Padlox: I don't know... Some of it?
IHateMosquitoes: No. Not really.
Padlox: Well... We did just kick one of our room mates out. But you'd have to get a job. Those are kind of hard to come by.

"Who are you texting? I've never seen your thumbs move so fast!" Mom intruded.

I continued texting and said, "I think I need to move."

IHateMosquitoes: I'm nervous, but this is what I want.
IHateMosquitoes: This is the only way I can get some true stability in my life.
IHateMosquitoes: This is the only way I can be free.
IHateMosquitoes: This is how I can actually start living my life.
Padlox: So... Are we really doing this?
IHateMosquitoes: I think we are.

"Okay, Princess. Where do we move to?" Mom didn't understand she was part of the problem. As long as she was close to me, I'd never be free.

Padlox: You aren't messing with me?
IHateMosquitoes: Are you messing with me?
Padlox: You're not going to just say "JK!"?
IHateMosquitoes: You won't leave me at the airport?
Padlox: This is so fucking awesome.

"Not we. I. Where am I moving," I corrected her. "I am moving to New York."
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Sorry for my lack of updates. Work has been eating my soul.