Status: Oneshot

Unseen Love


"Hello!? Lena!? Back to Earth now please? I need to lock the the car... GET OUT!"

Wow, Im so tired.. I fell sleep in the car. "Im coming. Jesus, your a bit crabby this morning Kirstin.."

I picked up my purse while stepping out of the car.As we walked toward the school my sister was scanning the courtyard. Like she does everyday.

"Who are you looking for? Kalub again?" I said boredly. Me and Kaylub were best friends. He had a

tendancy to date a new girl every week, as long as they were attractive. My sister fell under that catagory I guess. And just like the rest of his victums, my sister wanted, no, CRAVED more. Kalub WAS very attractive, dark brown hair, blue eyes, 6-pack with a nice build, any girl would be crazy not to find him attractive. I cant even say as much, I liked him once, not because of his looks, but because I know what hes like without thinking with his lower half, hes a good guy.

"Yes, when we find him talk about something with me so I can get close. He's be ignoring my texts since last night and I want to find out why." What a loser..

"Did you ever stop to think that maybe he used you? He used all thoughs other girls. Why would you be different?"

"You don't understand, its different between us. Your just.. oh! Oh, there he is!"

And there he was sitting at a picnick table with our other two friends Jake and Shane. Surrounding them was about half of the schools female population. Shane, Jake, and Kalub were the "In" crowed, which intern made me popular. The whole school has been trying to find out why Kalub won't just ditch me and be the three musketeers. To tell you the truth, neither do I. Unfortunately I think that by being female I taught them how to deal with woman. Although Jake and Shane seem into me Kalub dosen't look at me like that at all, fortunatly, if he did, things might get akward.Just then we made it to the table, Kirsten babbling about the latest band.

"Oh, hey Kalub, you didn't answer my texts this morning, what's up?" Kirsten tried to sound all "whatever" failing miserably. She sounded like a lost puppy.

"Oh really? Sorry I was on the phone with Meranda. I asked her to go to the movies with me and the guys." Kalub replied with a laugh, obviously noticing my sisters fail. He hinted for my sister to leave as I took my usual spot beside him and Shane.

"Speaking of the movies.. Lena, wanna come as my date?" Shane asked turning towards me, putting his hand under my chin and turning my face towards him. making me uncomfortable. I looked over at Kalub, he was watching us, he looking a little strange, like he wanted to turn away or hit Shane.

"Calm down Shane, I don't kiss on the first date." I replied simply.

"I didn't know you even had your first kiss, let alone rules for them!" Kirsten snorted. Jake choose then to join the conversation.

"NO WAY! Lena, your a VIRGIN?!" he looked so stunned! Is it that weird I'm saving myself?

"So what? I don't want to be like your guys'es victims." I glared at Jake, but I knew he was just joking. Jake was the first person I went to when I wanted to talk, including about THAT subject.

"So your really a virgin huh? Nice, well I have to go find Meranda, hugs." and he gave me his ritualistic squeeze before walking off to disappear into the masses.

"But seriously Lena, you should come to the movies with us. It wouldn't be right without you." Jake said sincerly. I love this kid.

"Were going to my house afterwards, to chill and drink some beers.. come too?" Shane added pleadingly.

"I'll go to both, but I won't drink, you know I don't drink! Come on, we got history, hopefully Kalub won't be late."


Of course Kalub was late, 10 minutes late to be exact. I got a text just before he walked in.

Kalub: Have you even gone on a date before?

Lena: Not really, no. Why?

Kalub: Meranda cancelled, are you coming? Without you it'll be a sausage fest.

Lena: Of course, wouldn't miss it. Want me to drive you?

Kalub: Yes, my cars at the shop remeber?

Lena: Oh yeah.

I recieved no texts the rest of the class.


At the theater we watched some gore-filled zombie movie. It wasn't bad, except Shane kept trying to put the moves on me. Eventually, Kalub got so mad he pulled me onto his lap, and punched Shane in the back of the head. He then wrapped his arms protectively around me.

"Ow, man, what the FUCK?"

"Dude, remeber what we agreed. Alena's off limits. To EVERYONE." Kalub was pissed... Off limits? What the hell, Men...

"Fine dude, whatever." Shane didn't talk for the rest of the movie.


When we got to Shane's place we went to his basement, he had one of those big couches that connect and re-arrange. When we got there Kalub and Shane started arranging it in into a big square. Jake pulled the table over then walked over to me, pulling something out of his bag as he walked.

"Lena, I know you don't drink, but I got you a four pack of breezers, please try them, to keep the night good. They're tasty and have a low percentage of alcohol. People call them girly drinks, but I like them." I looked at jake, then mygaze shifted to the drinks.

"Well.... I guess I could try them.. are they twist tops?"

"Nawh, but we got an opener. The beers are the same way."Me and Jake walked over to Shane and Kalub on the couch and sat down.

"Ooooh Jake, you got Lena to drink?" Shane sounded too in-different for my liking.

"Theres no party tonight, Zoey's parents stayed home. It's moved to next week, you guys gunna stay tonight?"

Kalub and Jake both agreed. Shane turned to me. "What about you?"

Was he seriously asking me that? Like, one girl with THREE guys, not even bringing alcohal into the equation, the answer was a big old' HELL NO! Whatever they're up to, I don't want to find out..

"I can't, my mom wouldn't let me stay."

"Oh come on! Just don't tell her. Plus, you can't drink and drive."Shit. I looked at my mostly empty breezer, he got me. Well its a good thing I keep a change of clothes in my car.

"Fine you win.. but I'll sleep in my car. I'll be right back I've got a change of clothes in my car."

Without letting them reply I slipped up the stairs and out to my car. When I walked in, they were talking. I could barely hear then, but when I heard my name, it peaked my interest. I crept towards the stairs and listened.

"I swear if you touch her, I'll kill you." Kalub.

"We're seriously not planing ANYTHING!" Shane.

"Yeah." Jake.

"Shut up she's here..." Kalub again.

I walked in and grabbed my drink sitting as close to Kalub as possible. We sat around playing Xbox untill 5 in the morning. We then all layed on the giant couch-bed, left to right was me, Kalub, Shane and Jake. By then we had all had ALOT to drink, Jake had more booze then he said he did, and we were all feeling it.


We all fell asleep fast, the booze making us all sleepy. I had found myself cuddling with Kalub before I went to sleep. At about 6am, I woke up to the feeling of being moved. I was soo tired, what was going on? I heard voices in my dream like state, so I didn't move or talk yet. I tried to listen to what they were saying, but I could only make sense of some of it...

"....shirt........ how can we......want to risk.... Shane really!.... please?.. "

What's going on? Shanes moving me? Why? Is Jake here too? What..?

"Shhh... shes waking up!" Jake whispered scaredly.

"Doesn't matter, Len won't fight us. Will you Len?" Shane.

"Fight what? Whats going on?" I felt a breeze and realized that my shirt was off and my pants were pulled partway down.

"What the FU-!!!" I started yelling. My scream was cut off by Shanes hand. I bit him hard to make him let go.

"Kalub! HELP!" I screamed before another hand covered my mouth. I looked to find the couch empty. I looked up to find Shane being pulled off of me by a very furious Kalub. Within a second Jake was pulling my clothes back on and apologising like crazy, but I was too busy watching Kalub and Shane. Kalub was on top of Shane repetively punching him in the face. Shane tried to fight back, but he was no match for Kalubs furry. It looked personal, after Shane stopped moving Kalub ran around the room grabbing our things. He then ran to me, pulling me out to my car, and pushing me towards the drivers side.


We got in the car and I turned the car on. I looked at Kalub. His lip was bleeding like crazy!

"Kalub! Your bleeding! Here.." I reached into my glove compartment and grabbed my first aid kit. I grabbed some wipes and butterfly temporary stiches, and got to work. When I looked at him next, he was staring into my eyes with a look you only saw every once and a while, one you never figure out what it means. The next thing I knew he was grabbing my face and pulling my mouth towards his. What happened next confused me. Kalub was kissing me... I don't know why, but I kissed him back..

We ended up kissing for a long time. Just when I wrapped my arms around him to deepen the kiss, he pulled away, looking into my eyes.

"Alena..I love you. I've told every guy to stay away, ever guy who has ever shown you any interest in you, because I wanted you to myself.."

"Then.. why didn't you ever tell me!?"

"Because.. I was to immature to. I thought that I could make the feelings go away, if I had a girlfriend. But, none of them could keep my mind off of you. Im sorry, I knew he was up to something, but I didn't think he would try THAT with me around.. I'm so sorry." He looked like he was going to cry...

'It's okay, nothing happened. Let's just.. go to your house, okay? We can stay there tonight."

I smiled at him, and held his hand as we drove to his house.
♠ ♠ ♠
Its not the best story, but what the heck! :)


Katt Katastrophie ~ xo