Status: Newly started.

Not Impressed


“So, Ms. Sommers, we feel you’d be perfect for this role. When the screenplay was presented to us, we immediately thought of you playing Cassie. Are you willing to take this role?” The producer, Kevin Burns, turned his cushy executive chair to look out the windows behind him. His office had an excellent view of the hills.

I glanced toward Jared, who nodded. “Of course, Mr. Burns. There’s an issue, though,” I admitted.

“Oh, the snowboarding thing, right? Not to worry. There’s some sort of competition taking place in Aspen right now, and I’ve arranged a meeting with a pro who’s going to teach you. You’ll fly out today, okay?”

I smiled and nodded vigorously. “Thank you so much, Mr. Burns. I won’t let you down.”

He smiled. “I know you won’t. Now,” he said, pushing a thick stack of paper towards me. “Here’s your script. Along with learning to snowboard, you’ll have to learn these. But for an experienced actress like you, that should be no problem.”

I smiled, taking the script in my hands. The text stood out nicely against the stark, new white of the paper, and it was a welcome sight after a year of no new parts.

“Now, Meredith at the front desk has your ticket and the name of your new trainer. I’ll keep in touch, okay?”

“Thanks again, Mr. Burns.”

“Knock ‘em dead, Chelsea.”

No worries. I was planning on that anyways.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the delay. Scotty will be coming in soon. I just hope you guys understand that there needs to be buildup.
Opinions of Chelsea? Predictions? Suggestions?
I got a formspring! Ask me anything. :)
Please comment, guys!