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Dreams of War


I sighed dramatically as I plopped down on my bed. Today had been hellish.
I had almost been discovered by the entire store! Unbelievable! God damn mutant powers, they're so unfair.
I've had them since the day of my thirteenth birthday. Maybe I had them before, but I couldn't remember for the life of me.
Now I'll bet you're wondering what the hell my powers are to be so god damn annoying.
I'm special. I know you're probably thinking something along the lines of 'no, really?'.
Well yes. I'm special, but I mean special even for a mutant.
I have two powers: 1. I can sense mutants. Don't ask how. 2. I can copy powers. Steal them, if I want. And once I've got them, I can modify them. How I do it?
It's no where as easy as touching someone, nowhere as boring as seeing the power being used.
I can take the power even if it still lays dormant. I take it from the body itself. A kiss, touching their blood, something along those lines.
Now you must be wondering what had happened in my french class for me to be so dramatic?
It relates to the first power I ever copied.


I've always been a hot-head. Always. In fact, I had a super-hot boyfriend whose temper matched mine. Except he was hot in all ways possibles. In fact, he was a mutant. He can summon fire, but he mainly does it when he's angry. Which happens quite a lot.
Today was my 13 birthday, and Phoenix (the boyfriend, whose real name is actually Aidan) promised me a very special present. I wonder what it will be?

[pause]Notice that at this time, I had no clue of my mutation[/pause]
When the party arrived, I was so nervous. I just hoped Phoenix wouldn't get angry and blow up the house. He was usually never aloud in because of his power, but today was a special day, so I made an exception. I was the only one he ever really did tell about his power.
Time passed and the party was awesome. First of all, Phoenix kept his temper in check and I tried to keep an eye on mine.
"I think it's time for me to give you my present" I heard him whisper in my ear after every one had gone home.
I was so excited when he pulled me up to my room.
He closed the door, and kissed me. It wasn't the first time we kissed, but this one was different. There was more passion, more heat to it.
It took me a bit by surprise when he slipped his tongue in my mouth, but I just went along with it, making out with my awesome boyfriend. A strange tingly sensation ran through my body, and I assumed that it was the nerves.
My dad ended up breaking us up, but I didn't care too much. It was the best day of my life.
Until my little sister came and made me so angry I burnt down the house. Oops. That's when I discovered I had taken Aidan/Phoenix's power. And that's also the night I left everything behind.

{end flash-back}

Since then, I had settled in a small apartment with my aunt that took me in, and I had discovered I could also find mutants if I wanted to.
Since the fire was my only power so far, I had started to develop it. I would make fire balls, and practice making the flames appear without me having to be angry about anything. It was working... Relatively.

I laid down, and played around with a ball of flames. Fire never seemed to bore me, and I was peaceful until a knock came.

"Phoebe? Are you decent?" asked the timid voice of my cousin, Jasmine.
I dropped the ball in shock, and rushed to put out the fire.

"Uh... Just a minute!" I said loudly, killing out the fire, then sitting on the spot of burnt carpet.

"Okay, you can come in, Jazz!" I said, breathing slightly deeply.

"Do you know where the band-aids are? I cut myself..." She mumbled, showing me her hand.
The cut was healing quickly, but I somehow managed to get some on my finger as I checked her wound. I smiled at her, and pointed towards the toilet, telling her to clean it up and that I'd fix it after.
Forgetting the blood on my finger, I yawned covering my mouth with my hand.
I froze the second I felt the familiar tingly sensation. Damn. The first thing I did was check if I had a new power by grabbing a nearby knife. Getting cut was always a good way of provoking my power.
I sliced my finger, only to have it heal immediately. Weird. I tried again and again, but always had the same result.
Eventually, I got tired and tried something a bit bigger. I slit my wrist, only to have it heal instantaneously before my eyes. Healing. Sweet, that'd come in handy.

I was now 17 yrs old and I knew I would move out soon. I needed to get on the move, but that was obviously not happening until I figured out where to go.
In the mean time, I settled for finding new powers that could come in handy.
My aunt, Margaret Coleman, had tried to get me to go to school since I came to her in the first place, so I figured I might be able to calm her nerves.

Now you must be wondering what my name is? It's Phoebe MacKenna. I know, it's not the same as my aunt's, but that's because I have my father's last name as for she's on my mother's side.

"PHOEBE! DINNER'S READY!!"yelled Maggie. Margaret never really liked her name too much, she prefers I call her Maggie.

"COMING!" I yelled back, and rushed to find something to cover the bald spot in the carpet.
I settled for dropping a couple books on it, and rushed to the kitchen.
We were eating chicken fingers today apparently.

"So honey, anything new today?" Maggie asked as I sat down at my usual spot. I deliberated telling her about how her daughter is a mutant and her powers might show up eventually, but decided against it since it would lead to questions about how I know.

"Not really. Except I decided I'll be going to school..." I said, taking a bite of food.
Her eyes lit up, and Jasmine lowered her head to hide her smirk.

"Oh, Phoebe, that's wonderful! I'll bring you there tomorrow!" she exclaimed and we made small talk for the rest of dinner.

{time lapse}

First day of school. Today, I remembered why I didn't want to go to school in the first place.
Damn, I fucked up.
My first class was french, and I got lost twice getting there, resulting in me being late.

"Donc, comme Tane nous le disais-" I cut the teacher by walking in without knocking and smiling at his distraught face. I was bold, and I didn't care.
"I'm new" was all I said, as I waited for the teacher to react.

"Voudriez vous nous le repeter... En francais?" teacher dude said.

"Nope" I said, popping my P for effect.

"Vous pouvez vous asseoir à côté de Tane. Tane, levez la main" said the teacher.
Tane did as he was told, and raised his hand.
As I went to sit in the empty spot beside him, my inner mutant radar went off, causing me to want to get closer to him.
The teacher continued his lecture, and I pulled out a piece of paper.

what's your power?

he answered
Electricity, I control it to an extent. How did you know?
I tried to hold in my smirk. Ah, boys. So clueless.

How do you think? I sent the paper back, and his mouth formed a little 'o'.
It looked rather funny, and caused the girl beside us to shook him a dirty look. Stupid nerd.
The rest of the day went by uneventful, except for that one other mutant I managed to find.
She never saw it coming. She could change her looks to her liking, and no one ever noticed. Clueless humans.

Cassandra, aka Cassie, now hangs out with me and Tane. I can't believe I have two new friends. I can't wait until I get their powers.
The only problem is that I have no idea how.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hi! It's me again! I know, I know, I kinda promised no more new stories, but I watched X-Men:Origins, and my brain went into over-drive and farted up a story and you know the drill. Don't be surprised if you see a Damon Salvatore story pop up randomly on my profile. COMMENTS=UPDATE as usual