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Dreams of War

Danger room

When we got to the kitchen, I decided I would raid the fridge.
I stuck my face in it, and was dismayed to find only beverages in there.

"Damn it! i want food!" I shouted, my face still in the icy coldness of the fridge as I willed food to appear.

"Phoebe? What are you doing here?" I heard Logan ask.
His voice made me jump, which in turn made me bump me head in the fridge.

"Ow" I whined, cradling my head and closing the fridge back up.

"Are you alright?" he asked, rushing over to me.
I vaguely noticed that Rogue was nowhere to be seen.

"No, I'm starving and I can't find any blasted food in the damn fridge!" I whined.
Logan chuckled and wrapped him arms around me, bringing me closer to his chest.
I sighed, but hugged him back.

"As much as I'm enjoying this, it won't help the fact that I'm starving" I mumbled in his shirt.
He kissed my forehead lightly before letting go and nodding towards the door.

"What?" I asked, not understanding.

"Let's go to my room, I have a mini fridge" he explained, causing my eyes to light up.

"Yes! Onwards!" I shouted, bolting to his room, tracing my smell from last night.
And then I remembered something.

"Hey Logan, why were you sad last night?" I asked, slowing down until I was walking side-by-side with him.

"I- um... I don't remember" he said, but I didn't believe him.
I had to get a mind-reading power soon, 'else I'd be positively screwed.

"Uh huh? Are you sure?" I asked, letting him know I didn't believe him subtly.
He sighed and nodded, letting me know he wasn't going to talk.

I frowned and ran the rest of the way to his room, throwing the door open and practically off its hinges.
I let my eyes scan the room, not lingering very long on the messy bed as memories of last night surfaced.
When I found the fridge, I bolted towards it and wrenched it open, sticking my head in to see what I could eat.

There was a lot of meat.
And when I say a lot, I mean tons.

I licked my lips hungrily and reached in for the closest.

"Steak for breakfast?" I heard Logan's incredulous voice from behind me.
I peeked at him from over my shoulder to see that his eyes held much humor.

"Got any better ideas?" I asked, staring down at the steak in my hands.
I suppose it was a bit far-fetched...

"How about a bowl of cereal? It might be healthier..." he trailed off, and I put the steak back, pulling out some milk instead.

"Sounds good to me! Bowls?" I asked, and he looked at me wide-eyed.

"Back in the kitchen?" he said, but it sounded more like a question. And I also noticed he didn't have cereals in his hands either.
I rolled my eyes, and ran back to the kitchen, speeding the whole way there.

"Well, that was a waste of time" I mumbled, causing Logan to chuckle.

"No it wasn't." he said just as the bell rang, signaling the end of first period. My eyes widened, I hadn't realized we had take so much time.

And then I shrugged, and poured myself a bowl of lucky charms and started eating it.

"How can you eat those?" Wolverine asked, pulling up a chair so he could sit beside me.

"I love cheerios" I said simply, but I don't think he understood.

"What?" he asked, proving me right.

"Well, these are like wanna-be cheerios and these are wanna-be marshmallows. Since I like both cheerios and marshmallows, I like lucky charms" I explained, taking another large bite.

"Ah, I see. Are you going to go to second period? Or third, maybe?" he asked, resting his hand on my thigh. I froze.
I knew my eyes had gone from a hungry orange to a brilliant gold in a split second.

"Lovely eyes" he whispered in my ear, trailing his hand up my thigh.
I took deep breaths to calm myself and shut my eyes tightly.

"Logan stop." I gasped when he reached my upper thigh. He stopped.

"But why?" he whined, trailing swift kisses on my shoulders.
My breath was getting heavy, and my mind had troubles concentrating on my blasted bowl of lucky charms.

"Because... Tane!" I shouted, and super-zapped him again, sending him flying into the opposite wall.
He groaned and I hurried to finish all my cereal.

"Sorry, Wolverine"I mumbled, kissing his forehead lightly where he was lying on the kitchen floor, gasping for breath.

"Did I miss something?" Tane came running in just as I was washing my bowl.
I just smiled at him, hiding my previous actions well.

"Logan was tickling me, so I zapped him into oblivion" I explained with a chuckle.

"Well then" he mumbled, walking up to me and kissing me softly.
I kissed back, but it was only an act.
My heart and body ached for Wolverine, I wanted him with all that I had.

I heard Logan growling lowly in the background, letting me know silently that he wanted Tane out of the picture quickly.
I broke the kiss, smiling brightly at Tane.
I had had much time for practicing acting, and hiding things, so I knew it worked when Tane smiled brightly back.

"Well, I suppose I'll be going" Logan's gruff voice registered only too well in my mind and it made my heart break for him.
He was sad again, and I couldn't help my eyes turning a sad grey for him.

"Hey, are you alright?" Tane asked, cupping my face with his hands.

"I- I miss Cassie" I whispered, making my voice break right at the right point to mask my emotions for Logan.

"Oh, Phoebe, I miss her too" he whispered, holding me against his chest as I faked tears and sobs.
This had to stop, I couldn't keep up the act for much longer.
How much lies would I have to weave before Tane caught us? How many fake smiles and kisses before his heart got broken or he saw through my facade?

And then my sobs and tears were real, heart-felt and gut-wrenching.
But he had no idea I wasn't crying for Cass.
I was crying for him, for us, for how his heart was going to break again.


I was falling asleep in Storm's class when I suddenly became frighteningly cold.
I jumped up, and spun around to face Bobby with wide eyes.

"The hell, Iceman!" I shouted, throwing my arms up.

"Miss Phoebe, please sit down" I heard Storm's stern voice call, but I ignored her.

"Sorry Copy Cat, but you were falling asleep!" he raised his hands in surrender.
My eyes narrowed in a glare, and I let my tiger surface, though I kept it under control for the most part.
Tane was in this room also, so I couldn't go making out with Bobby.
Instead, I made a small incision on his palm and lapped up the blood like a cat, shuddering when the tingling rushed through my body.

I had missed the feeling dearly.

"Phoebe, chill! And not literally" Tane warned, making me pout, but plop down in my seat.

"Way to ruin my fun" I mumbled, letting Storm continue her ranting.

Through the rest of the boring day, I had gotten dozens of invitations to get kissed and drink some blood by many guys and even some girls.
And I might have accepted some...
But neither Tane or Logan had to know that, did they?
Nope, didn't think so.

"What is this place, anyways?" I asked Rogue.
She had gotten over my little outburst this morning and was now showing me around and filling me in on the details.

"It's like a simulation room where we practice our powers" she explained, dragging me to the middle of the place.

Then my eyes spotted Wolverine getting ready, wearing a tight black leather outfit.
Lets just say that it put everything in perspective...
My mind went wild, and there were such contents that would rate a movie R.

"Phoebe, your eyes! They're gold!" Rogue gasped, causing Logan to look over at us and smirk.
Damn him and his super eyesight.

I just nodded and shrugged, noticing that Logan was coming over to us.
I had to dig my nails into my leg to keep myself from jumping him right there.

"Hey Phoebe, Rogue" he nodded at her and grinned at me.

"Hey Logan! When are we starting?" Rogue asked him from beside me, making my eyes widen.

"You mean like, he's our teacher?" I asked, my voice incredulous.
Logan mocked offense.

"What, you don't think I'm able to?" he asked, a glimmer in his eyes.
I scoffed and Rogue looked appalled.

"You don't stand a snowball's chance in hell against me" I challenged with a smirk.
Rogue looked about to faint and I was very close to jumping my secret lover.

"Oh yeah? We'll see about that" he said lowly, coming closer until he looked about to kiss me before turning around and shouting commands to get this place starting.

"Oh my god! He almost kissed you, Phoebe!" Rogue looked at me with wide eyes and her jaw practically touching the floor.
I shrugged, and looked around only to notice that our surroundings had changed.
We were now in the middle of the forest, and enemies surrounded us.

I concentrated on one of my new powers and made a bubble of water appear around one's face, making it drown.
Logan passed by and gave me an odd look when I did that, causing me to just shrug.
He shrugged too and kept going while I resolved to making a machine gun appear out of thin air.
It was immediately loaded, and I started blowing brains onto trees, making sure to only shoot the bad guys.

"Hey! No guns!" Logan shouted at me, making me roll me eyes and drop the weapon.
Next, I got to blowing heads off the bodies with the fire I could control.

This was the only fun I had had all day, so when I ran out of heads to blow up, I started blowing trees to smithereens.

"Having fun?" I felt Logan's muscled arms wrap around my waist, pulling me into him.

"Mhm" I mumbled, leaning up to receive a kiss.
I then used one of my newly acquired powers to shield us as I ran a hand through his hair, enjoying the surprisingly soft locks.

"Phoebe" Logan whispered when I broke the kiss, skimming my lips along his jaw line.

"Mhm?" I answered, letting my hands roam his uniform everywhere, looking for the blasted zipper.

"Not here, in the middle of the danger room" he whispered in my ear, and I noticed all around us had returned to the danger room.
I took a step back, and made him appear to everyone again, but decided to keep myself hidden as I walked out of the place and headed to my room.
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yup. Comment people.