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Dreams of War


I got to my room, and fell backwards on my bed with a small sigh.
I couldn't go on like this, I had to do something. But what?
I was at a loss for words and actions, I had no clue how to control this need that seemed to bubble up in me every time Logan appeared, and in his tight-ass uniform I just couldn't help myself.
But we almost got caught.
Hell, we might have gotten caught right before I made us disappear.

That thought made me sit up quickly with a gasp, as though I had just woken up from a nightmare.
Well, that was close enough.

"Fuck" the curse slipped through my lips faster than I cared to think about and I jumped up, skidding to my closet to look for something.
I threw lots of things all over the place before I finally landed on what I had been looking for in the first place.
I dressed myself all in black, getting ready for my little escape plan I had in mind.
I needed a break from all the drama, a vacation. I needed some sunny destination, where the only thing on my mind would be my next way of relaxation.

I needed to get the hell away from this place, Logan, and all these damn mutants.

So I packed up my bag, and Tane's too while I was at it, and wrote a simple note that I left on the boy's pillow.

Meet me @ the car was all it said, the ink blood red.
Truthfully, it didn't mean anything, it was just the color of the first pen I found.

I grabbed our bags and sneaked off to where Wolverine had showed me where to put my car, only a day or two earlier.
Too much things had happened in the last couple of days for my brain to comprehend, causing it to go on a fritz of some sort.

Wolverine was awesome and all, and being around him... It was possibly the best feeling one could and would feel in their lives.
He was just... I don't know. I wanted him to be my mate desperately, but I also knew that I couldn't just leave Tane alone. Maybe I'd bring him back to his home.

But I knew that first, we needed major alone time. And by major, I mean middle of nowhere, with positively no one around for miles major.

I was listening to Black dog by Led Zeppelin, tapping my hands to the beat of the drums on my steering wheel.
And afterwards, I would go on my trip to revenge. For real this time, I would ignore the pull and do what I should have done in the first place.

"Why are we in the car? And what are our bags doing in the back?" he asked, raising an eyebrow at me but not getting in, which, if you ask me, would be the logical thing to do.
I turned the dial to lower the volume, and faced the mutant who had asked me the stupidest question I'd heard in a while.

"Roadtrip, what else? Seriously Tane, I'm leaving. Get in" I said, giving him a grin.
He frowned, his brows furrowing. But he still didn't get in.

"Why, though? I like it very much here, I even made some friends" he said.
Whoa, I hadn't thought of that. Then again, I suppose I should have.
What did I expect? That he would let me drag him around like a puppy, ripping him from everything he knew at my every whim?

Maybe I didn't have a problem with just ditching everyone, but that didn't mean Tane was the same way.

"Well... I thought we could get some alone time. And maybe visit some family. And perhaps finally go on that blasted revenge trip we had planned in the first place?" I asked, biting my lower lip.
What if he didn't come? Would I just leave him here?
Or would I stay with him?

The question disturbed me to great lengths.

"I suppose we do owe my parents a bit of an explanation. But the revenge trip would take too much time. Besides, we can have alone time whenever we want" he said, obviously not understanding my point.
I groaned, exasperated. Why can't he just go along with my brilliant plan?
Because it would be too easy, I suppose.

"Fine, take your bag out of the car, but I'm ditching this place! I'll come back eventually." I said, reaching in the back to throw his bag out of the car.

"Wait, you mean you're still going?" he asked, catching the bag I had designed as his.

"Yeah. I need space away from this retched place, so I'm taking a trip. Bye, Tane" I said, giving him a small smile before driving off, alone this time.

Away from my problems, away from people who can crack my head open, and away from everything else that might make my eye twitch.

I set off down the roads, not knowing where I was going once again.

Phoebe, you know you shouldn't do that. There is no point in such an escapade. Please return... the professor's voice faded out as I increased my speed and came out of his thought range.
As long as I didn't go to sleep too quickly, I would be perfectly fine.

I drove along unknown roads until I reached a town I once called home. Well, not for long, but still...
I went back to our old apartment, to find an eviction notice taped on the door.
I made a pen appear out of thin air and wrote a small not, saying that we moved and that it was a very sudden thing, and an address where to place all of our stuff.

Then, I went inside and dropped my bag in the middle of the livingroom, heading towards the kitchen.

"Hello?" I called, wondering if there was someone still living here. When I got no answer, I assumed the place was empty.

I cracked my knuckles and went to the phone, dialing up my aunt's number.
I was practically surprised there was still a line.

"Yes?" came Maggie's voice.

"Hey Mags. Can you come back to the apartment for a day? I just want to have a chat with you... And Victor too, of course" I said, grinning to myself. Oh yes, I needed a talk with him in particular.
Especially about a certain subject that might or might not have to do with mating.

"Oh, of course! We should be there tomorrow in the late afternoon, is that alright?" she asked. My lip curled slightly, I had planned to be gone by then. Oh well.

"Oh yeah, no problem" I said, biting my nails slightly, and teleporting back to the livingroom.
Come to think of it, maybe it was better if they came tomorrow evening, since I had to go talk to mr and mrs Helling today anyways.
And tomorrow in the day would be spent doing some research on my laptop, which was still in the car with most of my stuff from the first time I left.

"Awesome, see you then!" aunt Mags said.

"Yeah, see you?" I answered herr before I hung up the phone and looked at my watch.

5:00 pm it read, making a small smile grace my lips. I still had time to go see Tane's parents before I would go to bed.
It had taken me half the time to get back here that it had taken me to go to Xavier's school in the first place, so I hadn't wasted much time.

I put the phone back in its place before I grabbed my car keys from my pocket and headed back down the stairs to my lovely red mustang convertible.

I sped to Tane's old house quickly, parking in front of it in a flash.
I hopped out of the mustang and locked it, jogging my way to the door of the huge house that was once my home away from home.
Well, one of them anyways.
Both the Cooper and the Helling households had been our main hangout spots when Cass was still... Here.
Mine was mostly used for pit-stops and secret meetings where we did weird stuff that parents didn't like.
Aunt Mags was the best for that type of things, mainly because she was mentally still a teenager like us.

I walked up the front steps and knocked on the door loudly, crossing my arms.

It opened soon, and I came face-to-chest with Tane's father.

"Hello Mr. Helling. I came to explain your son and my recent disappearance" I said calmly, looking up at his face.
He nodded and let me in, opening the door wider than needed.

"Tristan? Who is it?" I heard Mrs. Helling calling from the kitchen, probably cooking again.
She was by far the best cook I've ever met.

"It's Phoebe, Crystal!" he shouted back, and I heard a very loud gasp. Soon, Mrs. Helling came bustling through the many halls, attacking me with a bear-hug.

"Oh, dear! Where is Tane?" she asked, once she had let me go. I tried my best to be unemotional, but I felt a small tug at my heart, seeing the woman I considered a mom (one of three) so distraught.

"He, um... Well, lets start with... Uh, how to explain... Hmm... How about we take a seat first?" I asked, gesturing to the living room.
I was positive they both thought the worst of my incapability to make a coherent sentence.

They both nodded and we went to sit down on the couch, with me following behind them.

"Okay, now please explain" Tane's dad said, his voice too calm for the feelings I was detecting.
The stench of fear hung in the air so thick I wasn't sure whether it was coming from her or him, but I had a feeling it was both.

"I'm a mutant. Your son is too, as well as Cassie while she was still... Around" I said, avoiding the subject of my best friend's death.

"Wait, you said is. That means he's alive, right?" Tane's mom asked, desperation lacing her voice.
I nodded, and this time, the father talked.

"If he's not dead, why isn't he here with you? What are you doing here?" he rumbled. I sighed. Here came the hard part.

"Because I felt you needed an explanation. And before you say anything, I have to tell you everything you need to know. The reason we left is because Cassie was killed by another mutant and we set off for revenge. My name is Copycat. I copy other mutant's powers, don't ask how. I have gathered many, and one of them led me to this... School, an institution of sorts.
It's called Xavier's institution for gifted children. And when I decided to leave, he had already settled down. I told him of my plans, and of how it might take a while, say... A couple months maybe. So he was like 'what if I don't want to come?' so I was like 'well darn, that messes my plans up a bit. Oh well, bye!' and so I ditched him" I explained.

Both of them stared at me with wide eyes, their jaws slack.
♠ ♠ ♠
Have you noticed how I changed the background? And how Phoebe and Tane are in it? Yeah, the caracters I put in it should give you a hint as to who is important in the storyline. COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please