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Dreams of War

Like bloody hell

Feeling I had given all the explanations needed, I stood up from my seat.

"Thanks for having me, but I must go" I said simply, turning around and walking out of the house.
I blatantly ignored the many memories that tried to surface, turning my mind to Wolverine instead.

I felt something squeezing my chest suddenly, and I gripped the spot with a closed fist.

I gasped a lungful of air, not understanding the feeling. It was quite unfamiliar.
I knew the pain was for mental than physical, but it felt damn real to me.
I tried clearing my throat, but to no avail.

I decided to ignore that, too, and was on my way back to my apartment in no time.
I locked the car and flashed inside, being much too lazy to go up the stairs and through the door like a normal person.

I laid back on the couch, and closed my eyes, letting my mind wander back to Logan.
The pain came back, but this time I didn't even think about thinking about it, I just concentrated on Logan.

I used one of my new powers to zoom in on him where he was in real life.

"I can't stand it! It feels like something is holding my heart in a death-grip!" I felt his growl deep in my rib-cage. I knew what he was feeling, it was what I had felt earlier. What I was still feeling.

"It's normal, Logan. She's your mate, it was bound to hurt when she left." I heard the professor's voice coming through, and I somehow knew he knew that I could hear him.

"What the hell does that mean!?" Logan raged, and I could see his faint outline pacing in front of the professor's outline.

"It means that she's probably hurting too. Calm, Logan, you don't know where she is" Xavier said, and I felt like frowning.
How did he know? Oh, right, psychic.

"No, but I do." Tane strolled into my line of view, and I rose an eyebrow.
What the fuck was he doing?

"What the hell are you saying?" Logan asked, and I smiled a bit. It seemed me and him were still on the same wave-length.

"I know about your secret relationship with Phoebe, Wolverine. All those times she woke up with golden eyes, I knew she wasn't dreaming about me, because it wasn't my name she was saying in her sleep" Tane frowned and paused a moment, he looked hurt.
I felt like slapping myself. I hadn't thought of that.

"I figured it out at the training session, I saw you two right before she put the shield up. It hurt, I admit, but... I think I felt it all along. She's not that good an actress" he took and deep, shuddering breath and shut his eyes tight.
I frowned. I could feel that he was in pain. That was exactly what I was trying to avoid.
I bit my lower lip.

"I know how you feel about her, Wolverine. I can see it in your eyes when you look at her. So I'm willing to tell you where she is and where she's going"
My eyes widened.

He wouldn't.

"Where?" Logan asked, and he suddenly sounded desperate. I felt my heart squeezing in my chest again, but this time it was more painful than last time.

"She went to speak with my parents, explain things. Probably going to have a chat with her aunt too while she's there. And then she's looking for revenge" he explained, spilling my plan.
Damn, now I had to change where I was going. This wasn't going to be pretty.
I briefly wondered if they would hear me, was I to start talking.

"Tane, why did you have to go and do that? I'm sorry, I really am, but that isn't a reason for telling everything to everyone!" shouted in his direction.
Both Tane and Logan started spinning around wildly in their spots, making Xavier smile.

I had a feeling that he had known I was there, listening in, all along.

"Phoebe? Please come back. I'm begging you!" Wolverine shouted in my general direction, pain lacing his words tightly.

"I'm sorry" I whispered, before breaking the connection.

I woke up with a pained gasp, tears prickling the corners of my eyes. I knew my eyes would be a deep shade of gray.
I couldn't keep up like this for too long.

"Are you alright, Phoebe?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"Mags! Hey, I didn't hear you coming in" I said, turning around in my seat.

"Yeah, you seemed kinda out of it" she said, taking a seat beside me.
I wrapped my arms tightly around her in a hug, burying my face in her shoulder.

"I missed you" I mumbled, my voice muffled by the red fabric of her shirt.
I just noticed the small bump of her belly pressing against mine, reminding me not to hug her too hard.

"Whoa there, I wasn't gone that long. What's up?" she asked, rubbing my back soothingly.
So I spilled.

I told her everything that had happened, most of my thoughts about everything (leaving out the details, of course) and everything about what I hoped would happen.

"It seems to my that you're in love" she said, giving me a bright smile.
That took me off guard, and I let my jaw drop.

"You're shitting me, right?" I asked, my eyes wide as I stared at my aunt. She couldn't be serious... Could she?

"Watch your tongue, young lady. I'm still your legal guardian" she said, using an authoritative tone of voice.
I scoffed.

"No, I believe that that would still be my mother" I said, sending my aunt a small smirk. She rolled her eyes and waved me off like a teenager would.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. You know what I mean. But seriously, think about it. Would it be that bad to be in love with Logan?" she asked me, looking deep into my eyes.
I refused to think about it.

I shook my head to give her peace of mind, but I wouldn't actually let the thought enter my mind quite yet. I'd think about it later.

"What about you? How is it going with Victor?" I asked, grinning at her.
She grinned back and I could swear she was bouncing in her seat.

"He is awesome. He treats me like a queen, and he loves Jasmine like his own. He told me that he has a brother, but he says his brother doesn't remember him. It's the weirdest thing, really. We have a big house in Canada, it's beautiful! You should come back with us!" she exclaimed, clutching onto my shoulders tightly.

I smiled at her and nodded, though I wasn't quite sure it was the best idea I had ever had.
Well, technically it wasn't my idea, I suppose I could comfort myself with that knowledge.

And then something that Maggie had said hit me.

"Wait, Victor's here too?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
She nodded feverishly, making the entire couch shake.

"Yes, and Jasmine too! They're in my old room, do you want to talk to him?" she asked, and I nodded, pulling my lazy ass off the couch.

"Yeah, you make yourself at home, I'll be right back" I said, before turning around and making my way to aunt Margaret's old room.
I peeked inside without knocking, and saw Victor asleep on the bed with a tiny Jasmine curled up against his side.

I tiptoed to him and poked him lightly in the shoulder.

"Victor" I whispered in a sing-song voice.
He grumbled something about a certain Jimmy and shifted, but otherwise did not awake.

"Victor, wake up" I repeated, shaking him a little.

"Not tonight Maggie, I'm tired" he mumbled, not opening his eyes.
I glared at him a little and frowned. I'd have to do this the hard way.

I let my claws grow and scratched his jaw, leaving behind a long scratch that immediately started fading.

"Whoa, not Maggie not Maggie!" he shouted, jumping up to a sitting position.
I smirked at him, before placing a finger in front of my lips and shushing him.
I then pointed to Jasmine, since he looked about to object.

He nodded and got up quietly, covering little Jasmine with a blanket, and then following me out the door.

"Hey Victor. I wanted to ask you something about your mutant power" I asked, and he leaned back on the wall, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Sure, shoot" he mumbled.

"You're part animal, correct? Yeah, so I met this other mutant that has powers similar to yours, only his claws come out from between his knuckles-" Victor cut me off by gripping my shoulders a little too tightly.

"Wait, what's his name?" he asked, sounding desperate.

"Logan. His mutant name is Wolverine" I said, a small frown gracing my lips. What the hell?

Victor's eyes widened dramatically.

"And his claws are coated by an unbreakable metal called adamantium, right?" he asked.
I nodded a little hesitantly, more confused than ever.

"How do you know?" I asked, going straight to the point.
Victor now looked very sad. A little depressed, I'd even say.

"He's my brother. James Logan Howlett" he said, his voice sounding almost nostalgic.

My jaw nearly touched the ground.

"You're kidding, right?" I asked, disbelieving. Victor's eyes narrowed in a glare and a mighty snarl ripped through his chest.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" he asked. I knew it was a rhetorical question, but I still felt the need to shake my head.

"So what were you saying again? About Jimmy?" he asked. It troubled me a bit that he called Logan Jimmy, but I ignored it.
I was getting progressively better at ignoring things.

"I have this weird... Attraction towards him, and this psychic dude I know was like 'you guys are mates, deal' well, not like that, but that's what it meant" I explained, and I felt Victor's grip on my shoulders tightening painfully.

"Continue" he said. Since I slightly feared this man, I obeyed.

"I was already gone by then, I used a freaky power of mine to listen in. Can it be true?" I asked, absent-mindedly gripping my heart.

"How much does it hurt?" he asked, letting my shoulders go and staring at where my fist was, gripping on to my shirt.

"Like bloody hell" I grumbled, finding that the pain in my chest doubled.
He gave a dry chuckle.

"Yeah, the psychic guy you're talking about was right. It seems you're my brother's mate" he said, a small smile tugging at his lips.

I was rather confused until he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug.

"Welcome to the family!" He said, spinning me around.
A small exhilarated scream escaped my mouth, my arms wrapping themselves around his neck.

"Whoa, keep my face away from there!" he said, putting me down. I hadn't realized quite where his face had ended up in the spinning.

"Wow. You're like... My uncle and my brother at the same time now, and yes I am aware of what it sounds like" I said, looking at him with wonder.

I now had a brother. Even if he wasn't my brother by blood, I was his brother's mate and therefor that makes me his sister.
I quickly realized something I hadn't thought of up until now.

"Wait, that means that aunt Mags is now like my sister!" I said loudly, a grin on my face.

"What?" Victor asked, but I was already bouncing around the apartment, shouting about how I was now like my aunt's sister, and how messed up my family turned out to be.

Eventually, after much shouting and screaming and explaining, I made it to my bed and fell asleep. I almost hoped I wouldn't dream, simply because I didn't want to face a devastated Logan, but my body decided otherwise.
As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out cold.

"Phoebe! What took you so long? Please come back" Wolverine wrapped his strong arms around me and I felt the constant stabbing at my heart ease by a lot.
I buried my face in his neck, inhaling the warm, musky scent that I knew so well.

"I won't be gone for too long, don't worry. But I won't be back too soon either. I have stuff to do and people to see and mutants to kill. I'm sorry, I really miss you too, but I just can't- deal with this. I just can't take all the mutants anymore.
I have an overload of senses attacking my mind, always telling me
watch out, be careful and stuff, because of the multitude of mutants. I just can't take it, and besides, I want revenge on this bastard for killing my Cassie." I said.
He stared into my eyes for a moment, no doubt judging whether or not I was lying.
When he seemed satisfied, he nodded and pulled me into a greedy kiss.
I kissed back roughly, running a hand through his unkept hair.

I ran my tongue across his bottom lip and he allowed me access, letting his own tongue explore the inside of my mouth.
His hands slipped under my shirt and slid up my sides, leaving a trail of tingling sensations where they passed.
Soon, it was off, fluttering to the ground carelessly. We had other things to worry about.
Like his shirt, for example.

I tugged it off of him, moving my lips to his jaw, and then trailing butterfly kisses down to the top of his jeans, at which point I ripped off the offending material quickly.
A growl made his entire body quiver and my back was on the ground before I even had a chance to process anything.Logan Wolverine's lips were now attached hungrily to my collar bone, making a moan erupt from my throat.
Another low growl ripped through my mate's body, putting a certain hardness in more evidence right against my hip. It did nothing but turn me on more, making my mind take the back-seat to the animal in me.
I started growling back, pulling my own pants off and gripping Wolverine by the hair, dragging his face to mine in a powerful kiss. His hands reached behind my back, aiming for the clips on my bra-

And then I was rudely shaken awake.

"Phoebe, wake up! Are you alright?" I found Maggie's face mere inches from mine, way too close.
An involuntary snarl ripped through me and I pushed her off as gently as I could.
Right then, I realized my chest was heaving, my PJs were torn and ripped everywhere, what seemed to be claw marks all over. Truthfully, the blankets that had fallen around me really weren't much better off.

"I'm sorry, Aunt Mags" I said, calming down a bit. The pain was back, seeming to have doubled in my chest, slowly digging out a hole.

"It's alright. I had to wake you up, you were tearing everything to shreds, including yourself! And you were making these weird noises, they sounded like a mix between a moan and a growl" she said, placing a hand on my shoulder.
I almost recoiled at how it burned my skin, as though it were a red-hot iron.

I took a look behind her and saw Victor standing at the door, chuckling to himself.

"What're you laughing at, furball?" I called to him, trying to hold back the tiger.
He looked at me with much humor in his eyes, and I had a feeling that he knew what had just transpired in my head.

"Oh nothing. We just had to wake you up before you started screaming" he said, and Mags nodded at him.
Only when she turned back around, Victor started making these inappropriate gestures, involving pelvic thrusting and an imaginary whip, and silently screamed.
I shot him a death-glare, before returning my attention to Maggie and ignoring my step-brother.
She was ranting about how I would love the new house.

I nodded and actually listened to half of the things she was saying, but for the most part my thoughts were on my dream of Logan.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm slowly teaching myself to type without looking at the keyboard. It's kind of hard, but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I was previously grounded for beating my brother up, so I couldn't go on the computer much, I was just re-allowed on today, though I admit I went on at school a bit. Yes, just a bit because that I decided that I would get myself an actual social life for grade 10.
Well, it's working! Comment, guys, you know I love it when you do.