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Dreams of War

Log cabin

I looked around myself, aware of my surroundings.
We had left this morning, me in my car and Maggie, Jasmine and Victor in Victor's jeep.
We had driven all day to get here, stopping occasionally for restroom stops, food and water.

I had decided that it was better if I left the comfort of my old apartment in order to escape a searching mate.
Since Tane knew my itinerary, I had been forced to revise it and create a new route for myself.
I suppose my revenge would have to wait a while.

The place was a log cabin. A huge, intricate one, given, but a log cabin none-the-less.

"It's beautiful" I said, turning towards my aunt and her new family.
A thought crossed my mind briefly as I looked at Victor's arm around Maggie's waist.

"I know, isn't it? Victor built it himself with a couple friends of his!" she gushed, ushering us all in. I smiled slightly, strolling inside. The fist place I came to was a beautiful living room.

"This place is incredible! Where did you get all these things?" I asked, looking around in awe.
It was wonderfully furnished, looking like it had come right out of a Victorian movie.

"You could say it's a... Family heirloom..." Victor said, sending a wink my way.

"Well I love it" I responded, plopping down on one of the surprisingly comfy couches.
I didn't like the pattern too much, but the actual design was amazing.

"Do you want me to show you your room?" an nine year old Jazz came to ask me. She was always very mature for her young age.I smiled at her, and shook my head, knowing I had to have a small conversation with my aunt before I agreed to anything.

"No thanks, hun. I need to talk with your mom for a moment" I said, before tugging on Maggie's sleeve to get her attention. She was making out with Victor.

"Yes, Phoebe?" she asked, giving me a sweet smile, but I could read the small disappointment underneath it.

"Could I talk to you for a moment?" I asked her, practically dragging her out of sight and into a hall.

"Phoebe, you know I love you and all, but you're such a cock-blocker right now" she said, sounding slightly flustered.
I couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped my lips before I could properly respond.

"I know and I'm sorry, but I needed to ask you a private question. How long did you expect me to stay?" I asked. Her jaw dropped and she gave me her equivalent of a glare.

"A week maximum, since I know you so well. But you can stay as long as you like" she said, her features melting to confusion when my eye twitched.

"I- uhm... I'm not sure I can actually stay that long, but don't worry, I'll come back and visit!" I said, giving her a tight hug.

"Oh, ok. How long then?" she asked, hugging me back.
I pursed my lips. I didn't have much time before Tane figured out I left with my aunt and started looking.

"Over-night I think. Maybe I'll stay tomorrow night too, but I'm not sure. I'm quite short on time, Mags" I explained. She looked a little lost for a moment.

"Okay, but promise you'll come and visit! And call, too! What did I want to ask you again? Oh, right, do you want to be my baby's god-mother? Logan could be it's god-father, since he's Victor's brother" she said, practically bouncing with excitement.
It amazed me how quickly this woman could change her mood.

I grinned at her, bouncing around with her, trying to keep up with difficulty.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I want to! And I'll have to tell Logan the next time I see him, but that might take a moment" I said, wrapping my arms around my aunt in another hug.

Only this time, this was a happy hug. And then I realized that I never did tell Logan about my family, my past or anything. He doesn't even know what I want revenge for, I believe.
But then again, maybe Tane told him.

And thinking back again, I'm not even sure Tane knows the complexity of my family.
I don't think I ever told him my parents are still alive, or how I have a sister, or how I used to have a boyfriend named Phoenix that could conjure up fire and control it, or how I blew up my house on my 13Th birthday.
I don't think anyone knows, actually.

Well, except for Mags, of course. Aunt Margaret knows everything.
Oh wait, no, she doesn't know I'm a mutant. Shit.

"Oh, and, Maggie? I'm a mutant too" I randomly added, feeling the need to tell her.

"I know. I was just waiting for you to gather your guts and tell me" she said, letting go.
I looked at her with confusion clearly written across my features.

"Okay then. I'm going to bed" I said, and went upstairs, following the scents to a room that wasn't littered with Victor's, Maggie's and Jasmine's scents. They were still slightly there, of course, but they were definitively old and faded.

The room was stunning, much like the rest of the house, but I was too tired to give much of a shit so I dropped all my stuff on the ground and plopped down on the bed.
I was almost surprised that no dust rose up from the blanket.

I let sleep over-come me quickly and without much of a fight. The day had been long and filled with much emotion... Well, towards the end of it anyways.


Wolverine had spent the night trying to convince me to come home, seeing as he hadn't found me where Tane had said I would be.
Of course, I didn't tell him that all he had to do was follow the tug, seeing as I wasn't sure I wanted him to find me.
Spending every sleeping moment with him was enough for me for the moment.

Of course, I knew it wouldn't always be enough, but I'd make the best of it while I could.

I walked down the stairs to the living room, then redirected my tired self towards the kitchen.
I followed the delicious smell of bacon all the way to where Victor was scarfing down pieces like he hadn't eaten in a month and a half.

"Hey! Leave me some!" I shouted, giving him what I had meant as a light shove.
He toppled off his chair and hit the ground with a loud thump.

"Ow, no fair!" he complained, pulling himself back onto the chair only for my to push him off again with an evil grin on my face.

"Victor, I know very well it doesn't hurt" I said, a small chuckle erupting from my throat as he huffed.

"Come on, guys! Stop arguing" Maggie complained, slapping both me and Victor behind the head as she passed by.

Me and him both groaned simultaneously and I scarfed down the rest of the bacon before Victor could get to it.


Time passed quickly, and all too soon, it was time for me to leave.

"Come back soon!" Maggie said tearfully, pulling me into another bone-crushing hug.

"I will, don't worry" I said, giving her a small smile.

"Bye guys!!" I called out as I jumped into my car and drove off, blatantly ignoring the tug in my heart that seemed to pull harder the further away I got.
I had decided I would finally track down the bastard that killed Cassandra, and make him pay for it dearly.
Preferably with his life.

I stopped in a nearby coffee shop and started talking with people, seeing if anybody had noticed anything.

When my efforts failed, I returned to my car and changed cities, continuing on my search for my best friend's killer.

Night fell quickly, and I found myself in a random motel bed, having no idea of how I got there.
A tired ache was running through my entire being and pounding through my skull with the force of a sledge-hammer.

I quickly fell into a much-needed sleep.

"Phoebe, I'm begging you, please come back" Logan was on his knees before me, both his hands gripping mine.
Tears were prickling my eyes at seeing such a strong man in such a pitiful state.

"It hurts Phoebe, it hurts so bad" he practically whimpered. He looked positively miserable, but I couldn't deny the painful thuds my heart was giving as it tried to pound through my chest and join Logan, wherever he was.

"I'm so sorry, but I can't! I- I have- I need to get my revenge, Logan! Can't you understand?" I asked, placing a hand on his cheek.
He gulped and nodded a bit.

"I guess..." he said, lowering his head to let it rest on my shoulder.
He wrapped his arms around my waist and breathed in deeply, probably engraving the scent to his memory.
I ran my fingers through his hair softly, dropping a kiss or two every now and then.

"Logan, do you think we should get to know each other while we're apart?" I asked, lifting his chin up so that he would look me in the eye.

"Okay" he said simply, smiling lightly at me.
And so I started telling him everything. Everything about my personality, my past, what I like, what I
don't like... Everything.

And then he told me everything that he remembered, which, quite admittedly, started with waking up on a random island in the middle of nowhere, where everything was destroyed and he was told that he was the one who had done it.

"did you know you had a brother?" I asked, smiling lightly.
His eyes widened.

"What?" he asked, his jaw dropping.

"Yeah, his name is Victor Creed. Here's a picture" I said, making a memory of him appear out of thin air.

Next thing I knew, I was jolted awake.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's been forever, I know, bare with me. I'm on, still as Butterflysmile, with only one fiction about Pirates of the Caribbean. Check it out if you will.