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Dreams of War


I was wondering a forest, looking for something I could not find. I could hear voices coming from around me, but every time I tried to listen in, and figure out what was being said, the words would slip away from me.
I kept walking until I came across a man in a wheel-chair.
"Hello, Phoebe. It's good to meet you." he said, without moving his lips. My inner radar went off.

"Who are you?" I asked, wary of his unknown powers.

"My name is Charles Xavier. We will meet in real life soon enough. I have come here to ask for your help locating a mutant of great importance. Will you help me?" he asked, his voice steady and calm and his lips still unmoving.

"What do I have to do with anything?" I asked. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Find the Wolverine. Tell him to bring you to me. Tell him about the cure" then, Charles Xavier waved and disappeared.

I jolted awake in my bed, unsure of what the hell had just happened.

"You alright, Phoebe?" I heard Spark's voice come from beside me... in my bed?
I looked around and saw that we were actually in Cassandra's room, on a mattress on the ground.

"uh huh... Just a bad dream, don't worry" I mumbled, lying back down on the make-shift bed and cuddling into Tane's chest.

The rest of the night went without any more dreams involving Charles Xavier.
I was dreaming about Phoenix when I felt something prod me in the ribs.
I mumbled something incoherent, and turned around, swatting at the person who had dared wake me up. I didn't want to wake up, I wanted to stay with Phoenix!
But it was too late, I had already woken up.

"Fine, I'm up!" I groaned and sat up, only to come face to face with a guy I didn't know.
My inner-radar went off, so I would have to be careful.

"Who are you?" said the man.

"I could ask you the same thing" I responded, using a rude tone of voice, and I knew it.

"Good girl! Now seriously, are you Cassandra's friend?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Was he for real?

"Who's asking?" I poked his chest, and pursed my lips. I prepared my hands to zap him, when he laughed.

"Her father. Let me remind you that you're in my house!" he chuckled. My eyes went wide. Oh?
Let me explain, General Anthony Cooper left his home to go to war when his daughter was five, and has returned home only twice since then, and even then it was only for a weekend.
Get my drift?

"General Cooper! I'm sorry, my name is Phoebe MacKenna. Nice to meet you" I stuck my hand you, trying not to glare at the father of my friend.

"Nice to meet you too, Phoebe." he shook my hand, and I grabbed my stuff, leaving to get dressed.
When I came out of the bathroom, I headed for the kitchen.

I walked in, and headed for the cupboard where the bowls were. Suddenly, my radar went off, confusing the shit out of me. Was there a mutant hiding in the bowls?
I checked, just in case. No, not there.
Profoundly confused, and being me, I waited for a moment until i realized I could just turn around and see if there was someone behind me.

In fact, what I found was shocking. An old-looking man with a strange helmet on his head, wearing a cape, was staring at me. So, I said the first thing that came to mind.

"What the hell?" I raised an eyebrow at the dude and electrified my fingers, preparing to shock him in my own way.

"Hello, young lady. Do you have any idea where I could find Cassandra Cooper?" he asked.
I gawked at him. Who the hell does he think he is?

"Excuse me? I don't think I know you, and would you tell me why the hell do you want Cassie?" I asked, resuming my rude attitude from earlier.

"My name is Magneto, and i believe you don't need to know why I need to borrow your friend" he said.

"Well, magneto, I would like to help but... Actually, I wouldn't. So, screw you." I scoffed at him, and resumed my breakfast making.

"Well then, you will pay." he said darkly, before I felt my necklace tighten around my neck. God damn silver!
I was chocking, but I quickly remembered I had a new power. I threw an electricity ball at his... manliness, causing him to let go of the grip on my neck and fall to the ground.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you not to mess with people that have more power than you?" I spat at him, and grabbed a nearby knife. I really liked his power.

"You remind me of an old friend," I thought I heard him mumble, but it must have been my imagination. I'd never seen the man in my life.

Just as I was about to make a small cut on his arm, I heard General Cooper clear his throat.
I just flicked a small bolt his way, and continued my actions, drawing a bit of blood, which I wiped with a finger and licked. I made a face at the metallic taste, but felt relieved when I felt the familiar tingly sensation run through my body.

I grinned at him, and rubbed my hands together.
"Lets try it, won't we?" I asked, staring at magneto.

I put both my hands in front of me, and concentrated on the new power inside of me. I reached out with it, and realized I could only grip things made of metal. I shrugged, and went for the mutant's helmet, raising it and throwing it across the room.

"What-What are you?" came the general's voice. I turned to him and grinned.

"Oh, you didn't know your little friend here was a mutant?" I laughed out loud when he shook his head.
"Well, he just got out-ranked by a 17 year old girl who copies powers!" I laughed again, and grabbed my stuff, stepping over Magneto's pained figure and heading outside.

"So what you gonna do, what you gonna say
When we're standing on top and do it our way
You say we got no future
You're living in the past
So listen up, that's my generation

(hey ho, let's go!)
It's going down tonight
(hey ho, let's go!)
We're gonna do it til we die
(hey ho, let's go!)
'Cause I, I, I got no reason to apologize
That's my generation" went my phone. It was generation by Simple Plan. It was Illusion's ringtone.

"'sup?" I asked as I jumped over a puddle, my duffel bag over my shoulder.

"Phoebe? They- They killed my mom! And they captured my dad!" came Cassie's fear-stricken voice. She was sobbing, and I thought I could hear Tane comforting her in the back.

"Cassie... I just saw your dad... He woke me up, in fact..." I said, unsure. What the hell?

"They have a shape-changer too! The guy with the helmet called her Mystique! She- she copied my dad, and then killed mom!" Cassie started sobbing uncontrollably. I can't believe it! They had managed to trick me! God damn it, mystique has my name!

"Relax, Cass. I met the guy with the helmet, copied his power and zapped him in the balls!" I heard her chuckle a it, before she gasped.

"Wait! Does that mean you made out with him?" she sounded disgusted. I almost gagged.

"Ewy, never! I took a drop of his blood, and licked it from my finger. I'd never bring my mouth near that horror in a thousand years!" I made a face.

"Oh, ok. I think you should speak with Spark, he's freaking out..." she said, and I could hear the phone being kidnapped.

"PHOEBE 'RADAR' MACKENNA! HOW DARE YOU..." I held the phone away from my ear, and zoned out while he ranted on an on and I kept walking to my place.

"You done now?" i asked when I noticed he had stopped yelling.

"No. You're a two-faced, cold-hearted cheater. There, now I'm done." he huffed.

"Alright. Chill, Spark, I didn't kiss him. I simply licked a sample of his blood. I'd never get my face anywhere close to that creepy old... creep" I said. He sighed with relief, and started ranting about how sorry he was, but I cut him.

"It's ok, I didn't listen to your first rant anyways. So, where are you?" I asked casually. I could practically hear him gawking over the phone.

"At your place. We figured you'd be heading that way once you woke up" he mumbled.

"I'm almost there, see you later dear. Will i have to make up to you, Tane?" I asked, a smirk on my face.

"Oh yes, my dear Phoebe. You nearly broke my heart." he said, playing along. I could almost hear him grinning from ear to ear.

"Well then, talk to you later" click. I flipped my phone shut.
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Yellow, I'm on a roll today. COMMENT! please