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Dreams of War

roadtrip to revenge

While I was in midair, I felt something ram into my side, knocking the wind out of me.
I thrashed and bit and kicked and clawed at the person with all my might, trying to get away to get rid of Pyro.
When they finally let go, I jumped up, snarling, staring wildly around me for the bastard that dared kill my best friend.
Not finding him, I settled for seriously hurting the dude who distracted me.
I spun around quickly, and came face to face with a teary-eyed Tane.
Immediately, my posture softened and I became human-looking again.

I rushed over to him, and held him in my arms as his salty tears soaked through my shirt.

I pretty much dragged my sobbing friend to my shiny car, snarling at anyone who dared make a comment on Tane's fragile state.In the short distance there, I swore my revenge on the bastards that brought death to Cassandra Cooper and her family.
I knew I stood alone against them, Spark didn't have it in him to kill someone and I knew it.
Me, on the other hand, well that's a different story with a different ending.

I felt like crying as I drove to my place in my shiny red mustang, but I knew I had to be strong. I knew I had to keep my head straight to be able to get my revenge.
I'd have plenty of time for mourning after Pyro, Magneto and Mystique were found dead in a ditch.

I was so concentrated on my plan for revenge that I didn't realize Tane had asked me a question.

"What was that?" I asked.

"Where are we going?" his voice was scratchy with all the crying and sobbing he had done lately.

"Oh, uh... My place. And then yours so that you can pack" I said, concentrating on the road again.

"Why do I have to pack?" he asked, rubbing his eyes.
Then it dawned on me that he might not have the same plan in mind that I did.

"Well, I plan on leaving, Tane. I want revenge, and I would like it if you came with me. For your safety" I said. It wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't the whole truth either. I just don't think worrying about him all the time would be good for my plan of getting revenge.

"Oh. Ok. Where are we going?" he asked, but I'm not sure he fully comprehended the implications of leaving.

"Somewhere. Anywhere, but here. We're off on a hunt" came my vague answer. He simply nodded, and rested his head on the window, staring at the houses blurring past us.

I got to my apartment, and me and Tane walked in, Tane heading for the couch and me heading for my room. I put on some music, Ride the Lightening by Metallica came on. They weren't my favorite band, but I needed the metal/rock to keep my thoughts straight.

I took out my big duffel bag, opening it up and searching through my drawers for clothing I could bring with me on the road trip. I knew I couldn't pack everything, so I packed until my bag was three-quarters full. Then, I went to the bathroom and grabbed all my essentials, placing those in my bag also.
The last remaining space I used for a couple memories, my laptop and my portable sound system. It all barely fit, and I had to sit on my bag to close it, but I managed and once that was done, I brought the bag down to my car.

After I manage to stuff it in the backseat (lets say there is one), I went back up to the apartment to pack some food, and stuff like that. I put a huge wad of cash in that bag, and also decided to bring some kitchen knives, just in case. I wrapped them up tightly in cardboard and cloth, taping the whole thing in duct tape afterwards.
Speaking of Duct Tape... I thought, dropping the tape in with the other stuff.

When I was done packing everything I would need, including blankets and pillows in their own bag, I wiped my hands on my jeans and looked at the clock.

3:50 flashed in bright green on the microwave.

"Time to go to Tane's house" I mumbled to myself, heading to the living room where my mourning friend was still sleeping soundly on the couch.

"Tane, wake up. Time to go" I said softly, shaking him.

"mmm... But I don't wanna" he mumbled back, turning over. I rolled my eyes, and went behind the couch, shaking him from that side.
He turned back over, only this time, he fell off the edge of the couch, causing giggles to erupt in my throat.

"Wha- I'm up I'm up! Geez!" he said, wiping himself down.

"Come on, lets go" I said, tugging on his sleeve slightly to make him follow me.
The grief came back in his eyes, and he lowered his head again as he remembered why we were leaving.
We headed to my car silently, the only sound hanging in the air our shoes crunching softly on the gravel.

The drive to Tane's house was quiet still, and we both knew we'd have to slap on a smile for his parents who were oblivious to the situation going on.

As we walked up the three small steps to the big house Tane lived in, we took a deep breath and stretched a smile over our lips, putting up a front for mr and mrs Helling.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Tane called in a faked version of his usual cheery voice.

"Honey, we're in the kitchen!" came his mother's sweet voice. His smile faltered, and I kissed him softly on the cheek to remind him to be happy.

"Coming!" I called out, tugging a bit on Tane's hand as we headed to the kitchen.

There was a plate of warm, freshly made Mocha muffins on the table, up for grabs.
I grabbed one and took a bite out of it, closing my eyes to enjoy the delicious taste of chocolate and coffee mixed in this wonderful muffin.

My eyes snapped open when my deliciousness was snatched from my hands, and I found Tane's mother staring at me wide-eyed when a snarl ripped through my chest.
My own eyes widened, and I slapped a hand over my mouth.

I could tell Tane had gone upstairs to pack while I was engrossed in my muffin, and that his parents were both speechless and frightened. I ran my tongue over my teeth and was relieved to find that my canines were still their normal size.

"Did- did you just snarl?" stuttered out a frightened Mr. Helling. I nodded, and started lying through my teeth to make a cover story.

"Yeah, I've been studying felines too much. I want to be more like them, so I have to learn their ways, you know?" they didn't seem too convinced, but they didn't dare ask questions.

"I'll go... see Tane" I mumbled, heading towards Tane's room. But not without grabbing another muffin. Mocha was my favorite type.

I took the stairs two at the time, and walked into Spark's room without knocking.
He was staring at a picture, sitting in the middle of his mess of a room, tears streaking silently down his face.

"Tane, are you OK?" I asked, sitting beside him and rubbing his back comfortingly.
He just sniffled a bit before he nodded, wiping his tears off.

"Yeah, I just... Yeah" he stuck the picture in his pocket, and went back to packing.

"Do you need help?" I asked softly. He shook his head, so I laid down on his bed and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

I was with the animal-like mutant again. The one Charles Xavier showed me. I could still feel the pull towards him, and I still wanted to know why.

"Hey, how are you?" he asked, cupping the side of my face and smiling. It made me want to kiss him. But why?

"Better than ever, I'm coming to see you" I heard myself say, though I hadn't moved my lips.

"Come quick, I need you" he said softly, leaning down to press his lips on mine.

I found myself kissing back, only I realized I wasn't dreaming anymore. My eyes snapped open to find Tane's face.
Tane was the one kissing me, not the other man.
I found myself strangely disappointed.

"Good, you're awake" Tane said, after breaking away from the kiss.
I nodded and smiled at him, pulling him down to lay down beside me.

"So, are you done packing?" I asked. He nodded. I nodded back.

"How are we going to get the bags down though?" he asked.

"You go distract your parents and tell them you're spending the weekend at my place. If they ask for my aunt, she never left and she's going to be there" I said, grabbing his bag and hoisting it up on my shoulder. He nodded again.

"Ok, let's go" he said, taking the lead and heading to the kitchen while I headed outside.

"I'll be in the car!" I shouted from the doorway, leaving before he had the time to answer.

I waited patiently in the front seat, drumming a mindless beat on the wheel.
After a couple of minutes, I saw Tane come out of the house and jog towards my car.
He hopped in, and slammed the door shut.

"Drive drive drive!" he shouted, and I sped off just in time to see his mother left in the dust behind my hot new wheels.
Instead of heading for my house, I headed for the highway, following signs.

"Still no clue as to where we're going?" he asked.

"Nope, none whatsoever" I answered and that was it for talk until we hit the next town.

"Tane, why was your mother chasing us?" I asked.

"I didn't think you had seen that... She found out about Cassie and us ditching..." he said, resting his head on the window and closing his head.

I figure he didn't want to talk about it, so I just kept on driving, turning whenever I felt a tug in the back of my mind.
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lovely, isn't it? I lost inspiration for a moment there, but I am back! Woot! COMMENT!!!!! please