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Dreams of War

A tug

I had no clue where I was driving to, I only stopped when I was too tired to drive, when we were hungry or when nature called.
My mind seemed to be looking for something, I don't know what and I don't know why.
All I knew was that I was driving.

I had no idea what would happen when I found what I seemed to be looking for, only that I had to find it.

"Still no clue where we're going?" Tane asked. I could tell he didn't like being stuck in a car so much. I, on the other hand, loved the feeling.

"Nope. Why? You wanna stop again?" I asked. We had only been on the road for 30 minutes since the last break we took, because Tane was getting queasy.

"No, I'll be fine" he grumbled. I nodded, and put some music on. I had found an mp3 converter for the car, and had plugged my music player in.
Some Shaggy song came on, and I remembered the last time I had listened to one of those.
It was when Tane had gotten sick, just a little over a week ago. Back then, Cassie had still been alive and kicking. Or dancing, actually.
I changed the song, and Tane looked at me weird but didn't ask. He knew I had strange impulses that I tended to follow without question, so he stopped bothering to ask a long time ago.
Since I had made the paper, I had discovered other colors.

Gold=Lust (Usually after I wake up from a dream with the man... Whose name I still don't know)
Black=Zone out / Shielded
Chocolate Brown=Fear (only happened once, and it was for my car)
Yellow=Hopeful / Determined

I had yet to discover the color for love, but I didn't want to rush it. Because I knew that after that discovery would come the gray...
I knew that driving was easier when I zoned out, since it usually let my instincts take control of my body.
Suddenly, I felt my car come to a stop, and I came back to my senses to find myself in front of a school.

"What are we doing here?" Tane asked suspiciously.

"I don't know... This is where the tug was leading me" I said truthfully. I had no clue where this was, or why it was here.

"Come on, Ta-Spark. We'll go ask" I said, getting out of my car and waiting for Tane to follow before I locked it and left it there.

"Let me guess... We're using our nicknames?" he asked. I nodded, and led the way. I just had to follow the tug that was still there, and I knew I would find the source.

After walking in, I found myself walking through the corridors of the school Charles Xavier had shown me. I knew the way to his office by heart now, so I ignored the tug that I somehow knew would lead me to the man in my dreams.

I opened the door, not bothering to knock, and walked straight in with my face in an unreadable mask.

"Ah, I see you could make it, Phoebe." Xavier said, coming to me in his wheel-chair.
I rose an eyebrow at this.

"All I did was follow the tug" I said, my voice hard as steel. My jaw clenched as I smelt the pheromones coming from another mutant in the room. I didn't dare look, but I knew by the tug in my soul that it was the guy from my dreams. Speaking of which, I should probably find out his name...

"My name is Charles Xavier, but you can call me professor X if you wish. I created this school for gifted youngsters, like you. You will be safe here." pr. X told Tane. I crossed my arms around my chest, and leaned on the nearest wall, trying not to look at the other people in the room.
I knew they were all mutants, and a part of me wanted their powers.

"Here are the teachers. This is Jean, Ororo, Scott, Warren and... Logan" he said, pointing at them each in turn.
When he said Logan, he looked at me from the corner of his eyes, and I knew then that he could read my mind.
But I didn't seem to care as my eyes landed on Logan's and I saw the animal hidden behind them. My nostrils flared slightly as they caught the scent again, and I spotted Xavier making a small grimace as he probably caught Logan's train of thoughts.

"I'm Copycat. This is Spark" I said, breaking eye-contact with Logan.
The other teachers seemed to notice my unwillingness to give our real names, and decided to roll with the mutant name thing.

"I'm still Jean" Jean smiled at me and shook both our hands. Next, Ororo stepped up.

"I'm Storm" she shook our hands also.

"I'm Cyclops" Scott said and nodded in our direction. I rose an eyebrow at that.

"Why?" I asked. He grimaced and Logan smirked.

"Because I have laser eyes" he mumbled, and I had to keep in the chuckle that threatened to break through my barriers.

"Seriously? Like superman?" I could sense the glare he was giving me through his red glasses and chuckled silently, which only kept me from bursting out laughing.

"Ok, then... Go on, people" I could tell Tane was having a hard time containing his own laughter, so I decided to let the other teachers introduce themselves.

"I'm Angel" Warren smiled at me, and I smirked back.

"Now that I'd like to see" I said, widening my smirk slightly. I felt Tane nudge me in the ribs, but I didn't react.

"Wolverine" Logan's voice was like in my dreams, gruff and slightly husky.
I had to block my train of thoughts quickly and look away before my eyes turned gold.

"Why are you called Copycat?" Logan asked, forcing me to look at him again.

"I can copy powers." I said simply. He rose an eyebrow at that, which was incredibly sexy- Stop! Bad girl!

"Really? How?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I debated showing him for a moment, but decided against it since Tane was right beside me.

"Kissing. Or blood, whichever" I said, shrugging as though it were no big deal. I wanted his power, though I didn't know what it was.

I had to break up with Tane, and get my thoughts straight. I just didn't want him as much as I used to.
I looked at the professor, and gave him a small glare.

Don't you dare open you damn mouth about that, or else... I thought towards him. He nodded slightly, just enough for my animal senses to catch.
Apparently, Logan noticed too, because he raised an eyebrow at me.
I rolled my eyes, and instead asked a question.

"Where do I put my car?" I asked, crossing my arms. Xavier spoke up.

"I'm sure Logan would love to show you. Meanwhile, I can show Spark where he will sleep. He looks dead on his feet." the professor smiled, and I nodded.
Tane did look tired, and I didn't mind being alone with Wolverine.

As we walked to the front gates, where my car was, I could let my mind roam free as I tried to figure out if Logan tasted as good in real life as he did in my dreams, which of course made my eyes turn gold.
My mind truly hadn't given him justice for his good looks, I'll admit that much.

We got in my car silently, and he pointed the way to the garage.

"Do you feel it too?" he asked thoughtfully as I parked my car in the huge thing they called a garage.

"That depends what you're talking about" I said, wishing my eyes would go back to their natural color.

"The pull. The... Dreams" he mumbled the last part, but I still caught it. I looked at him, and leaned a bit closer to him, just to see how he would react.

"What if I do?" I asked, as he leaned closer to me too.

"Then let the animal free" he whispered, so I did.
I let the tiger rip through all my barriers and take control of my body. I let it grab Wolverine by the collar and pull him towards me roughly, making my lips crash on his.
I let my other hand unbuckle myself, and I also let myself move from my seat to his so that I was straddling him while we were making out.
And the best part? The only tingles I felt, were the fireworks exploding in my mind's eye as his hands gripped my hips and he kissed back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Mmmm... one of my favorite chapters of this story. The others aren't posted yet, they're in my head. But if you Comment, then they might find their way onto Mibba. So, you know what to do.