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Dreams of War

Golden eyes

I broke away from the kiss, breathing heavily, and rested my head on Logan's chest.

"You've got no idea how long I've been waiting for you" he mumbled into my hair.
I looked up slightly at him.

"Oh? Why?" I asked softly, staring into his soft brown eyes.

"I don't know. I just always felt like I was missing something, and now that you're here, I feel... I don't know. I feel complete" he chuckled, and I grimaced at the cheesiness.
But it was true, I felt it too. That strange feeling of fullness, of comfort I had never felt with anyone else and at any other time than right now.

"But Tane can't know" I whispered, running my nose along Logan's jawline. I surprised me exactly how much I was comfortable around him.

"Who the hell is Tane?" Wolverine almost growled. I looked up at him again, and pecked his lips.

"The guy I came here with... My boyfriend" I whispered the last part under my breath, but I knew Logan had heard it since a snarl ripped through his chest, and his arms tightened around my waist.

"I don't want to lose you" he whispered in my hair, and I could feel his jaw clenching.
I held on tighter to him, I could sense the pain radiating off of him.

"I don't want to lose you either, Logan. But Tane's been through so much, I'm the only one he has left" I said, sighing. I couldn't hurt him, I just couldn't.
I had taken him away from everything he knew and loved, only to bring him in a school full of people he didn't know, in a town he knew nothing about.
I had alienated him, I couldn't break his heart too.

"I understand, but what are we going to do?" he asked, pressing his rough lips on my collar.

"I- I say we try to keep this secret for the moment" I bit my lip to try and keep in a moan as he kissed my sweet spot.
The tiger was trying to break free again, but I wouldn't let it this time. I would keep control.

"We- We should- Maybe go- And- Ah, screw that" Logan kept on distracting me from the point I was trying to make, and making me stumble over my words.
I grabbed him by the collar and pressed my lips to his again, enjoying the fresh scent of earth and freedom that clung to him like a second skin.

Just as I was about to deepen the kiss, a voice thundered through my head, making me break the kiss and cry out in surprise.

'Come to my office. And no funny business' went the voice, before leaving and leaving me panting.
Or that might have been the kiss, you never know.
Wolverine sighed.

"Come on, Copycat. You heard the professor, lets go. And what's your real name anyways?" he asked, lifting me out of my car.

"It's Phoebe" I breathed, still profoundly confused by what had just happened.
As though sensing my confusion, Logan explained

"The professor calls us in our minds. He's telepathic" he said in that gruff voice I was quickly falling for. I just nodded, and noticed that his arm was around my waist.

"We have to pretend the moment we get in there, you know that?" I dreaded the words that had just spilled out of my mouth, but Logan seemed to have something else on his mind.

"Yeah, I know. But it's worth it." he said, and let go of me as we crossed the threshold of the X-Mansion.

I took a deep breath, and followed Logan to professor X's office.

All the way there, I stared at Logan, trying to keep the scent of my pheromones down. The kiss from earlier had my mind floating with fantasies and possibilities, which were sure to turn my eyes gold.
I had to close my eyes a couple times, and try to think of something else, but I knew that being around Wolverine was going to make my eyes permanently gold.

"What are you doing?" Logan asked as I paused in the middle of the hallway and closed my eyes.

"Trying to make my eyes the right color" I mumbled, concentrating on happy stuff, but my mind kept on going back to Logan.

"Wait, is that one of your powers?" he asked, cupping one cheek with his hand. I had to clench my jaw not to lean into it.

"Yeah, they reflect my emotions. Here, read this" I handed the recently-updated list of colors that represented my eyes.

"You know, your eyes have been gold since we walked out of that office" he told me, humor lacing his voice.

I opened my eyes to glare at him, but I still felt the need to jump him.

"And that's exactly what I'm concentrating on changing" I huffed, and closed my eyes again, only this time I felt lips on mine.
My eyes snapped open and I saw the up-close face of Wolverine. I kissed back for a moment before I remembered Tane, and place a hand on Logan's neck, sending a small volt of electricity coursing through his veins. It had no effect, except make him bring me closer.
I knew my eyes were a bring sparkling gold, as I charged Logan with more and more electricity until I felt someone coming, which is when I blasted my powers to maximum capacity and sent him flying.
I gasped as a fatigue took hold of my body, and noticed that Warren/Angel was the one passing through.

"Hey Copycat. Did you hear the professor?" he asked, and stopped when he saw the shaken look on my face.

"Hey, are you alright?" he asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I heard Wolverine growl distantly, and just nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little... tired, that's all" I smiled at him, and he smiled back.

"That's good. You should get some rest. Hey, your eyes are green, by the way. They were black earlier, does that mean anything?" he asked, and I nodded but didn't offer any explanation, so he nodded back and kept walking in the corridor as Logan walked back up to me.

"Ow" he mumbled.

"Sorry. Angel caught me by surprise. I thought it was Tane" I said, sending an apologetic smile his way.

"Hey, at leas your eyes aren't gold anymore" he smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

"No thanks to you!" I shoved him playfully and we kept on walking, with me zapping myself every time Logan's body structure crossed my mind.

"Why were you zapping me though?" he asked, his hands in his pockets.

"I don't know." I said frankly, and zapped myself again.

"Well, it's... Fun" he said with a smirk that sent my mind in the gutters, making me shock myself so bad my jean caught on fire.

"Ah! Ow! Hot!" I shouted, trying to extinguish it. Logan was frozen in place, unsure of what to do, when a freezing beam froze the fire on my leg.

"Ah! Cold!" I shouted, when the shock settled and I felt the freezing temperature of the ice.
I melted it slowly with a bit of fire in my hands, making sure not to make my shorts catch fire again.

"Hey, are you ok?" a guy came up to me, staring into my eyes with clear blue ones.

"Thanks" I said, looking at Logan.

"Um, I'm Bobby Drake, or Iceman. You are?" he asked, sticking his hand out for me to shake.

"I'm Copycat. Nice to meet you" I nodded my head, but didn't touch his hand, since I still had electricity rushing through my fingers.

He took his hand back, and walked away from me, leaving me an Logan alone once again.

"Come on, lets go" I said, brushing the tips of my fingers across his arm, causing him to jump a little, and stick his hands in his pockets quickly.

"What was that for?" I asked as I pointed at his pockets.
He blushed, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

Logan's P.O.V (yay!)

I felt the blush creep across my cheeks as she asked me why I had stuck my hands in my pockets so quickly.
It wasn't my fault if that rush of electricity was such a... turn on!
It was just easier to hide that way.
It felt hard not to just push her up against the wall, and kiss her all over when she was zapping me like that. Or when she was simply walking.
Hell, she didn't make it any easier on me! Every time I was near her, a soft scent of pheromones littered the air and made me even more attracted to her!

I've never felt like this for anyone before, this incredible need to jump her, except Jean.
Eve then, it wasn't exactly the same, but it was similar.
With Jean, it felt more like a mental connection, like if my feelings were connected to her in some way, but with Phoebe...
It's different, but it's the same at the same time. It's not just my mind that's reaching out for her, it's my body too.
Like there was some strange connection between us that I couldn't even start to understand.
I couldn't stand the thought of anyone touching her other than me, I couldn't stand her being nice with any other guy than me, but I knew I'd have to suck it up because she wasn't mine.
Well, she was, but she didn't know it yet.
I had to find a way for her to let go of that Tane guy, but until then, I'd have her in secret.

The thoughts that crossed my mind scared me, I wasn't used to thinking like that, I wasn't used to feeling like that.
Maybe I needed to stay away from her?
That mere thought had me wincing internally.
As if sensing my distress, she turned to me.

"Hey, are you ok, Logan?"

Phoebe's P.O.V

I felt something strange inside of me, like a small twinge. It was telling me Logan hurt.
I didn't bother asking myself about it, I just verified.

"Hey, are you ok, Logan?" I asked, turning to him.
He looked at me with a strange look in his eyes, but nodded. I nodded back, and we arrived at Charles Xavier's office.

"Is it just me, or did the walk back from the garage seem to take twice as long a getting there?" I asked no one in particular.

Wolverine smirked at me, and I had to zap myself again to stop myself from making my eyes turn gold... Again.
I sighed at my dirty mind, and the professor chuckled.
I glared at him.

"What are you laughing at?" I half-hissed half-demanded. He just shook his head, and started talking to everyone. Tane came in, and immediately had his arm around my waist.
I felt Logan stiffen up beside me, and my sensitive ears caught the rumble of his chest as he growled silently at Tane.
I wasn't listening to the professor, quite frankly, I was too busy trying to keep myself from jumping Logan with Tane in the room. And better yet, keeping my eyes from going gold.

After the professor stopped blabbering about something I didn't know, Tane showed me the way to our room, where I plopped down on what I assumed was my bed, and fell asleep. It had been a long day.
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hey, I was trying to update Killer Instinct, but I just couldn't get Logan off my mind, so I updated this one instead ;) Enjoy!