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Dreams of War

Mignight madness

I jolted awake from a strangely realistic dream, with my eyes shining gold and my breath heavy.

"You alright Phoebe?" Tane asked, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"Yeah, I'm cool. I'll just go grab myself a glass of water" I mumbled, and got out of bed before he could see my eyes.
He nodded, and fell back asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow.

I walked out of the room, and closed the door softly, making sure not to make any noise.
I was looking around the corridor, trying to figure out which way the kitchen would be, when I felt a pang in my heart and knew I wasn't going to the kitchen any time soon.

I had learned to ignore the pull that brought me to Wolverine, but this time I had needed it. So, I opened my senses, turned and ran in the general direction the tug was leading me.

Soon, I arrived at a door. I caught my breath, and opened the door silently, not bothering to knock.
Logan was there, sitting on the edge of his bed and drinking from a beer-bottle.
Anyone would have said that he's just fine, but I knew it deep inside of me, I felt it, that he was broken inside.

I entered the messy room, closing the door quietly behind me, and tip-toed to where Logan was sitting with his eyes closed.
I frowned, and sat on his lap slowly, resting a hand on the side of his face. He leaned into it and sighed.

"What's wrong Logan?" I asked quietly. He opened his eyes, and stared into my gray ones. I was sad that he was sad.

"Why are you sad?" he asked as softly as he could with his gruff voice.
I smiled slightly, and pecked him on the lips.

"Because you are" came my answer. He frowned, and leaned forward to catch my lips in a kiss again. Only this time, he put a hand to the back of my neck to keep me there.
I moved slightly so that I was straddling him, and let my hands roam his body.
He deepened the kiss, and slid one hand slowly up my shirt, making me moan slightly into the kiss.
I wasn't expecting it when it happened, I thought I could keep control. I couldn't.
The tiger lashed out, and got free.
I could immediately feel the difference, as I pressed myself against Wolverine, a prisoner in my own body.
It's not that I didn't want to do this, it's just that I didn't want it right now.

I fought with myself as both our shirts ended up on the floor, and a growl rose up my throat.
"Wait" I manage to get through, as I grabbed my head and forced the tiger back in its spot.
It hurt. I couldn't deny that much.

"Ow" I breathed, letting go of my head and reaching for my shirt.
Logan let me, but I could feel that he was confused.

"Are you alright?" he settled for asking. I nodded and put my shirt back on, resting my head on his bare chest.

He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head.

"I don't get it, though" he said, tracing circles into my back. I knew what he meant, what made me change my mind.

"The animal in me. It got out, and it wants you bad" I said, closing my eyes.

"Don't you?" he asked, sounding a bit offended. I chuckled.

"Yeah, but I'm more subtle about it. And then there's Tane" he ignored the last part, and scoffed.

"Oh yeah, like gold eyes is subtle."

"It's more subtle than jumping you in public, isn't it?" I asked, raising an eyebrow and looking up to stare at his face.
He nodded thoughtfully and kissed me again.

"Hey, do you know where I can find the kitchen?" I asked, and he rose an eyebrow at me.

"That's right, you haven't been on the tour yet" he said. I nodded, and tried getting up, but his arms were like prison bars, locking me down.

"could you let go, please" I asked. He shook his head, making me pout.

"Please?" I asked, giving him the puppy dog eyes. He pretended to think for a moment.

"For a kiss?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips. I sighed and rolled my eyes over-dramatically, but leaned forward to press my lips on his softly.
As much as I had planned on it being just a peck, my body had other plans.

My hands reached back behind his neck, and I twirled my fingers in his hair as he deepened the kiss.
When I felt the tiger bubbling up again, I broke the kiss, which made his growl slightly.
He had no idea how much that turned me on.

But I couldn't help myself anymore, the tiger had already surfaced.
I snarled back, and trailed kisses across his jaw.
I felt a breath catch in his throat when I reached a certain spot on his collar bone.
I smirked against his skin, and started sucking on that spot, nibbling a bit.
He groaned, and his grip tightened against my hips.
I pushed him back against the bed, and started circling my hips against his, making pleasure course through my veins.

"W-wolverine" I moaned out, knocking my head back when I felt his arousal against me.

A deep rumble began in my chest as I growled at myself for being so ready to give in to him. I could tell he wasn't aware of the fight that was taking place in my mind, but I had to let him know.

"Sto- ah!" I gasped when I found my back on the bed and my shirt was nowhere to be seen.

"W-what are w-we doing?" I stumbled over my words, trying my hardest not to get distracted by the fact that Logan was taking his shirt off too.

"Well, last time I checked, it was called sex" he said, his voice husky and his eyes taking in my body hungrily.

"Yeah, I know that, but..." I trailed off when his rough hands started wondering my chest.

"But what?" he asked distractedly. I really couldn't let this any farther... Shouldn't... Couldn't.

"But... But... I gotta go!" I gasped again as his hands caught hold of my hips, and I wriggled out of his grasp.
I looked around, and found my top, slipping it on quickly. Just then I realized that I hadn't changed into my pajamas to go to bed.

I jogged to the kitchen, and poured myself a glass of water, taking a small sip.
I stared at it for a while, before dumping it down the drain and deciding upon a stronger choice of fluid.
I took a big gulp from the bottle of Captain Morgan's spiced rum and cringed as the burning sensation went down my throat.

I took a deep breath as I felt a strange numbness envelop me, and turning my legs to jelly.
I looked into the nearest mirror, and was pleased to find my eyes being a deep charcoal black.

I took another gulp, and smirked sloppily before returning to my room with my bottle in hand.

I had found a way to hide my eye color.
I'd think out the problems in my plan tomorrow, because right now I really felt like sleeping.

I put the cap back on the bottle, and strolled to my room with a silly grin on my face.

I sneaked back into my room, and hid the bottle under my bed before plopping down on the mattress and soft comforters.

And the last thought that went through my mind before I fell asleep was;

And Logan never did tell me why he was sad in the first place.

(After much needed Z's)

I woke up to the sound of pounding on the door.

"Up! Now!" came a booming voice from the door.
I groaned and turned over in my bed until the tips of my fingers were touching the ground beside my bed.
Then, I sent a jolt of electricity running through the floor-boards until it reached my intruder, electrocuting them.

"OW!!!!!!!!" they shouted, and I just noticed that the voice was rather girly.
Since I was already awake, I got up and got dressed.

The girl I had shocked earlier was still whining about her hair when I was applying some lip-gloss to my lips.

I strolled over to the door, tiredness making my eyes shine emerald green.
A scowl adorned my face as I opened the door and glared at the girl who had woken me up.

She had messy brown hair, with one white streak on each side of her face.

"What?" I asked rather rudely. Lets just say I'm not big on getting woken up.

"Class is starting. And will you tell me why the hell you electrocuted me!?!"
I just shrugged and walked right past her, heading in the general direction of the kitchen.

"What are you doing? You're going to be late!" the girl who woke me up shouted from behind me.

"Look lady, I don't know your name, and I didn't get my class sheet thing. As for what I'm doing, I'm heading to the kitchen to get something to eat. In case you haven't noticed, I just woke up, I'm pissed and I'm starving. Now shoo and leave me alone" I waved her off, and continued on my way.

"My name is Rogue. And the kitchen isn't that way" Rogue said.
I stopped in my tracks, and looked at her for a moment, trying to gauge whether or not she was lying.

"Well then, what are we waiting for? Off to the kitchen!" I said loudly, and pointed in the opposite direction of where I had been heading.

Rogue just rolled her eyes and led the way, me following her like a lost kitten. Which I probably was.
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mmmm... I kept on getting distracted while writing this...